HGH Benefits

There have been all kinds of studies and research performed on the benefits of HGH – Human Growth Hormone over the last 30 years. Scientists have concluded from their 30 years of research and analysts that the main reason individual’s age is due to the decrease in the amount of the human growth hormone that is produced.

As stated by Dr. Ronald Klatz, M.D., “Aging appears to be due in large part to the drastic decline of growth hormone in the body after adulthood.”

Research has shown that at age 21 the percentage of HGH in the blood stream is around 10 milligrams per deciliter of blood, however, this decreases considerably to around 2 milligrams at age 61. The human growth hormone is responsible for the growth of not only height, but also muscle, organs, bones, and cells. After the age of 30, the amount of HGH produced by our bodies begins to decrease which by the age of 80 has decreased to such a small amount that the body does not have enough HGH to build anything but a fingernail. This is more than likely the main reason senior citizens break bones and are injured more often than younger individuals.

Clinical Studies have proven the benefits of human growth hormone over the last 30 years to include such factors as losing fat, building muscle mass, removes wrinkles, and increases the functioning of the immune system among many others.

A basic rundown of the benefits are listed below

Vitality – Energy

Dr. Thierry Hertoghe stated, “you can see right to the heart of a problem. I am a leader in many institutions. I find new solutions, new creativity. Growth hormone gives an imperial calmness. You act without fear.”

The effects HGH not only works to provide more energy but also works with our brains to aid in increasing concentration as well as working as an anti-depressant, which produces a sense of well being.

Fat – Cellulite

The growth hormone increases the metabolism that was seen while individuals were in their teen years, thus the reason the noticeable changes in fat deposits. Along with ridding the body of fat HGH, increases muscle mass.


L. Cass Terry, M.D. explained from studies conducted at St. Thomas Hospital in London, “there is a tremendous increase in muscles and you won’t believe how hard they are.”

The various clinical studies have shown that during the time when HGH is being secreted by the pituitary gland that the effects of muscle building and exercise are at an increased level which aids in strengthening endurance, the strength of muscles, and energy all at the same time.

Younger looking skin, nails, and hair

Patients receiving HGH have seen noticeable improvement in their skin, nails, and hair and as a matter of fact actually look between 10 and 20 years. Around 38% of individuals during these studies reported hair growth, which was their natural color, which grew quickly.


HGH is a protein, therefore it works with other proteins which are produced in the brain that store memories, thus improving memory as well as aiding in other functions such as learning, and hand/eye coordination.


HGH raises the B-endorphin levels, which works like an anti-depressant thus reduces stress while promoting focus and concentration.

Sexual Desire

Dr. John Baron expressed his thoughts on HGH as, “I’m surprised myself. I’d say my libido and sexual function is as good as it was when I was 25.”

Studies have shown that HGH restores sexuality and potency in men whereas women report an increase in libido, heightened pleasure as well as the ability to have multiple orgasms. Women also have noted symptoms associated with menstrual and postmenopausal have decreased and vaginal dryness is a thing of the past.


Some patients noted they were more rested while others slept less but with more energy than before.

Immune System

HGH increases the production of interleukin 2 and T-cells, promotes the production of white blood cells that fight infection and antibodies, and improves the creation of red blood cells.

Other HGH Benefits are seen through the study conducted at Life Extension Institute in Palm Springs by Dr. Chein with 202 patients that were injected with HGH in a controlled study. The percentage of improvement in each area is listed below.

  • Strength, Exercise & Body Fat, Muscle Strength 88%
  • Energy, Emotions & Memory, Energy Level 84%
  • Back Flexibility 83%
  • Exercise Tolerance 81%
  • Muscle Size 81%
  • Attitude Toward Life 78%
  • Sexual Function, Sexual Potency/Frequency 75%
  • Resistance to Common Illness 73%
  • Body Fat Loss 72%
  • Healing Capacity 71%
  • Skin & Hair Care, Skin Texture 71%
  • Skin Elasticity 71%
  • Skin Thickness 68%
  • Emotional Stability 67%
  • Duration of Penile Erection 62%
  • Memory 62%
  • Healing of Other Injuries 61%
  • Wrinkle Disappearance 61%
  • Hot Flashes 58%
  • Frequency of Nighttime Urination 57%
  • Menstrual Cycle Regulation 39%
  • New Hair Growth 38%

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