

Behind the Signs: Avia Venefica



I'm Avia, crafter of The content I've written here is original and prompted from my unique perspective on symbolic meanings.

Folks ask what I'm all about, and all I can say in response is: "I breathe. Beyond that, my motivations are questionable." I guess I'm a grab-bag of life-experiences which provides a kind of "no limits" perception about most things. That's why I love diving into deeper symbolism - it's a realm without restriction or end.

As a kid, if I didn't have my nose stuck in a book, I was outside - poking sticks at stuff, peeking under slimy rocks, gleeful at discovering some dark treasure (the creepier and crawlier the better).

Today, I'm still exploring, but instead of rocks, I'm flipping over every-day-ness to find magic and inspiration hiding beneath common reality.

My writings here and on my blog are a result of all that poking around.

I also handle all the website development/optimization/design/coding (it appeals to my need for order). But, obviously, I'm not too neurotic about details. Please forgive the "early pages" (type-o's, grammar) until I get around to re-editing them.

As time permits, I work on editing/improving and all my other sites. I trust those of you who've been visiting since the early years will enjoy the improvements. But mostly, I'm jumping into new stuff, always meditating and scheming with my spiritual posse to create new content for this and the other sites.

I'm compulsive about putting things in philosophical perspective. As a result, I invest a great deal of time devoted to the study of symbolism and other forms of subtle communication.


You could say I have the best of both worlds. The web construction/optimizing and coding slakes my inner techie-geek-control-freak, whereas the graphic design and writing caters to an insatiable need to come from a place of magic and creativity.

That magic is sustained by the fact that the Universe is saturated with symbolism. Focusing, interpreting and writing about symbolic meanings keeps me looking at the world with fresh perspective and renewed awe.

Symbolism is a universal language with which we are all familiar. Our ancestors believed the use of symbols could empower us, enlighten us, and aid us in our journey through life. This concept is as true today as when it occurred to our ancestors.

As a symbol-monger, the study of Tarot was a natural evolution in personal development. I hold several certifications, and have been utilizing the cards since Jimmy Carter was eating peanuts in the White House.

More importantly, I was introduced to the Tarot system by a master who maintained love as the backbone of her craft (namaste, Ruth). My other website, is the offspring of my education in this genre of symbolic interpretation.

Most overwhelmingly, WYS receives requests for more information on Native American and Celtic symbolism with number symbolism running a close third in the popular line-up.

I do listen to requests. In fact, I launched a whole new section on zodiac signs after a few readers expressed an interest to see it on my site.

If you have comments, or just want to say "hello!" use my contact form here. I'm usually up-to-my-eyeballs in some kind of creative skullduggery - so I cannot promise to return your email. However, I do read every email.

I update and add new content regularly - you can keep track of site additions via the RSS feed. Or, you can follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook - I consistently post my material on these networks.

If you like what you see here, and wish to make a donation, you may do so here.

In the meantime, I'll keep working to provide you quality (non-hokey) symbolic information in a simple, attractive format.

I hope this body of work gives you good vibes as it does for me in creating it.

Thanks for visiting!

Bright beams,

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