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What people are saying about AdvancedCEU...

Finally a fun seminar that gives participants tools which can be applied into practice on Monday.

– B. Sutton

This course was the most fun and informative experience of my professional career.

– P. Nguin

This course was humbling.  I’m a better PT now, and my patients will get better results.

– J. Hawley

This was a great course, with aspects regarding research, rehab specifics and a more in-depth approach to the total rehab process.

– B. Stewart

You will definitely walk away a better clinician and provide better care for your patients after taking this course.

– M. Eorio

Advance CEU protocol DVD’s are an absolute must for any outpatient or sports physical therapy practice.  All Protocols are evidence based and are accepted without question when presented to referring physicians.

– K. Pozzi - Fairfax, VA is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.