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Essentials of Statistics: Exercises

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After reading the theory book about Statistics it is time to test your knowledge to make sure that you are well prepared for your exam.

This exercise book follows the same structure as the theory book about Statistics. Answer questions about for example probability theory, random variables, expected value and the law of large numbers. All the exercises are followed by their solutions.


This collection of Problems with Solutions is a companion to my book Statistics. All references here are to this compendium.


1. Preface

2. Problems for Chapter 2: Basic concepts of probability thoery

3. Problems for Chapter 3: Random variables

4. Problems for Chapter 4: Expected value and variance

5. Problems for Chapter 5: The Law of Large Numbers

6. Problems for Chapter 6: Descriptive statistics

7. Problems for Chapter 7: Statistical hypothesis testing

8. Problems for Chapter 8: The binomial distribution

9. Problems for Chapter 9: The Poisson distribution

10. Problems for Chapter 10: The geometrical distribution

11. Problems for Chapter 11: The hypergeometrical distribution

12. Problems for Chapter 12: The multinomial distribution

13. Problems for Chapter 13: The negative binomial distribution

14. Problems for Chapter 14: The exponential distribution

15. Problems for Chapter 15: The normal distribution

16. Problems for Chapter 16: Distributions connected to the normal distribution

17. Problems for Chapter 17: Tests in the normal distribution

18. Problems for Chapter 18: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

19. Problems for Chapter 19: The chi-square test

20. Problems for Chapter 20: Contingency tables

21. Problems for Chapter 21: Distribution free tests

22. Solutions

  • David Brink
  • ISBN: 978-87-7681-409-0
  • 2 edition
  • 58 pages
  • Published: 01 January 2010
  • Price: Free is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.