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  • Migration to Symfony2 continued
  • POC: Flexible PHP Output Caching
  • Risk-based testing
  • Painless (well, less painful) migration to Symfony2
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  • Imre Toth on POC: Flexible PHP Output Caching
  • Rogier Mulders on POC: Flexible PHP Output Caching
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Migration to Symfony2 continued

February 7, 2012 | Author Maurits van der Schee (Software Developer)

On December 21, 2011 Stefan Koopmanschap wrote an excellent article on this blog titled “Painless (well, less painful) migration to Symfony2.” In his article he explained the advantages of doing a gradual migration. The technical solution that he proposed to make this possible was to “…wrap your old application into your Symfony2 application.” He even provided us the tool (The IngewikkeldWrapperBundle code) to do so.

We were very much inspired by his passionate elucidation and we were fully convinced of the urge to start migrating to Symfony2 as soon as possible. However, he also provided us with a “A word of caution” about 2 things: performance and authentication/authorization. This might get some people worried, but not us: it challenged us to find a solution for those two open issues.

1. Performance

As Stefan Koopmanschap explains, in his solution you “…use two frameworks for all your legacy pages” and “…two frameworks add more overhead than one.” Since our Symfony1 application (the LeaseWeb Self Service Center) is not the fastest you’ve ever seen, some customers are even complaining about it’s speed, this got us a little worried. Losing performance was not really an option, so we had to find a solution.

Symfony 1 & 2 both use a Front Controller architecture (one file handling all requests) we were just looking for seperating traffic between the two front controllers. Stefan proposed to do so using Symfony 2 routing and make it use a fall-back route to handle your legacy URLs. We hereby propose to do it using a .htaccess rewrite. This has virtually no overhead, because every Symfony request gets rewritten by mod_rewrite anyway.

2. Authentication/authorization

He also wrote: “Another issue is sessions.” Further clarifying the problem by stating: “If your application works with authentication and authorization, you’ll now have to work with two different systems that have a different approach to authentication and authorization”. Since our application requires both authentication and authorization we had to come up with a solution here. We decided to move the authentication (login page) to Symfony2 and make Symfony1 “trust” this authentication done by “Symfony2”.

To realize this solution we had to enable Symfony1 to “see” and “understand” the Symfony2 session. First we made sure that both applications use the same name by setting the Symfony2 “framework_session_name” setting in “app/config/config.yml” to “symfony”. Then we reverse engineered the Symfony2 session storage and found that it serializes some PHP object into it. To be able to unserialize those objects we had to register an autoload function in Symfony1 using “spl_autoload_register”

Finally, instructions

To solve the performance problem we installed Symfony2 in the “sf2” directory inside the Symfony1 project (next to “apps”) and we started by changing the lines in our “web/.htaccess” file from:

# redirect to front controller
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]

And added these lines above it:

# redirect to new symfony2 front controller
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
# but only if URL matches one from this list:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/users/login
# end of list
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ sf2/web/$1 [QSA,L]

To support the Symfony2 authentication and authorization in Symfony1 we created a “Symfony2AuthenticationFilter” class. This filter can be loaded by putting it under “lib/filter” folder in your Symfony1 project and add the following lines in “apps/ssc/config/filters.yml”:

class: Symfony2AuthenticationFilter
For configuration of the filter we added a few new application settings to “/apps/ssc/config/app.yml”:

app_symfony2_path: 'sf2/vendor/symfony/src'
app_symfony2_attribute: '_security_secured_area'

This path setting shows that Symfony2 is located in the “sf2” sub-directory of the Symfony1 project. The attribute reflects the name of the Symfony2 firewall. The code of the Symfony2AuthenticationFilter is this:

function symfony2_autoload ($pClassName)
  $sf2Path = sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir').'/'.sfConfig::get('app_symfony2_path');
  $file = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ,$pClassName ) . ".php";
  include($sf2Path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file);

use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role\Role;

class Symfony2AuthenticationFilter extends sfFilter
  public function execute($filterChain)
  	$symfony2Attribute = sfConfig::get('app_symfony2_attribute');
  	if (isset($_SESSION['_symfony2']['attributes'][$symfony2Attribute]))
    	$sessionData = unserialize($_SESSION['_symfony2']['attributes'][$symfony2Attribute]);
      $sf2UserName = $sessionData->getUser()->getUserName();
      $sf1UserName = $this->getContext()->getUser()->getAttribute('userName');
      if (!$this->getContext()->getUser()->isAuthenticated() || $sf1UserNumber!=$sf2UserNumber)
      	$customer = Doctrine::getTable("Customer")->findOneByCustomerNumber($sf2UserNumber);
        if ($customer)
          $this->getContext()->getUser()->setAttribute('userName', $sf2UserNumber);
    elseif ($this->getContext()->getUser()->isAuthenticated())
    	$path = $this->getContext()->getRequest()->getPathInfo();

    // Execute next filter in the chain


Tags: performance, php, security, symfony, symfony2 | 1 Comment »

POC: Flexible PHP Output Caching

January 30, 2012 | Author Imre Toth (Software Developer)

I started my pet-project almost a year ago, developed it in my free time and it is time to write an article about it. I also released this project under Apache 2.0 license.(

Last year at the Symfony conference in Paris I have heard a really good quote:

“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things” — Phil Karlton. I agree with it and it gave me a boost to keep evolving the concept.

Addressed Audience

This article is for software developers and people who can tweak code. It is also for people who had or will have performance issues. This software will help you to solve these issues with minimal effort.

I don’t want you to get bored, so I will lead you to the examples, if you want to know more technical details you can find it after the following topic.


Unfortunately I cannot cover all the features framework provides in detail here but I can give you a brief introduction to their usage through a few examples. Let’s take the first functional tests in the framework as the first example. Please be aware though that this is a quickly evolving project and the examples seen/given here might not work with these parameters in the near future as the parameters are also subject to change. So please always refer to the documentation and examples shipped with the framework.

The functional tests do not cover all the implemented features but can be used to prove that the main functionality (caching) is working on the webserver. The tests can be found in the root of the project at the “/functionaltests” folder. The following example code does not contain inline comments because I am going to explain the code in detail.

Let’s have a look at cache_filecache.php

use POC\Poc;
use POC\cache\cacheimplementation\FileCache;


$poc  = new Poc(array(Poc::PARAM_CACHE => new FileCache(), Poc::PARAM_DEBUG => true));



The first thing you notice looking at the code snippet above is the way parameters are given to the constructor of the Poc class. Because many parameters can be changed in the classes shipped with the project, I decided to build a more flexible way of handling parameters than the one used in PHP. The user has to pass an array to these objects where the index of the array is the name of the parameter and the value of course is the value of the parameter. If a parameter is not defined in the array the framework will use the builtin default value for that parameter. As the default cache engine is FileCache we could have omitted the PARAM_CACHE parameter in the previous example and define the $poc variable like this:

$poc  = new Poc(array(Poc::PARAM_DEBUG => true));

This is a really easy scenario where your application is mocked by the “/lib/text_generator.php” file. This is at the moment a Lorem Ipsum generator. We cache its contents – simply by creating the Poc object – as we can see in the example. We store the generated caches for 5 seconds – it is the default value – and we also want to see some performance information at the end of the cached text so we turned on debugging. We achieve this by adding the last parameter with a “true” value. The Hasher class is an important part of the concept. Let me describe it in the following example.

In this example we used the FileCache engine for caching, but by changing only a few characters we can use  “MemcachedCache”, “RediskaCache”, “MongoCache”, etc. So, it is really easy to implement new caching engines to the project.

More complex Example

Let’s get a closer look at an everyday example. That’s why I took the Symfony Jobeet tutorial for describing the usage more closely. I have copied my framework to the lib/vendors folder and also created the poc.php file in the config folder. This file needs to be included at the very beginning of the application. For now we put it at the first line of the file:  config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php

Let me reveal to you the contents of the file poc.php.

use POC\cache\filtering\Hasher;
use POC\cache\filtering\Filter;
use POC\Poc;
use POC\cache\cacheimplementation\FileCache;

$hasher = new Hasher();

$conditions = new Filter();

$cache = new FileCache(array(FileCache::PARAM_TTL=>300,

$poc  = new Poc(array(Poc::PARAM_CACHE=>$cache, Poc::PARAM_DEBUG=>true));

As you can see, the basics of this case are really similar to the previous example. But here we utilize some other features as well.

By calling the addDistinguishVariable function we will make our cache unique. Those variables get stored into an array that you add to it as a parameter, then at one point the array will be serialized and a hashkey will be generated from it. This hash will identify your cache. You have to find the variables that can identify the state of your application and add those to this function, it is that simple! As I examined the Jobeet application the $_GET, and the Request URI values define the state of the application on the level we want to use the cache. This means that authenticated pages are not cached in this case.

now we have reached the next piece of code that calls the addBlacklistCondition function. This stores logical values regarding the current state of your application. If any of those are true the page will not be involved in the caching process. Here we have defined if there is a POST action or if the URL contains any of the “backend”,” job”, “affiliate” words the caching is not applied.

Easy, right? There is no need for more explanation; it just works out of box. Maybe I have not covered all possible blacklist states in this example, but you know the basic software.


The Engine is really small; it does not contain more than 2400 lines of code (excluding unittests and vendors), and it does not do any “black magic”. The total overhead should be less than one millisecond. If there is a cache hit, it is likely to get the output to your machine within a few milliseconds. If you measure the process before the moment the output is pushed to the client, you can see that the cache engine in most cases gets you the page under 1 millisecond. (Note that the actual performance might depend on the cache engine you employ and the environment you run the software on.)The performance is really promising, way much faster as I thought it will be when I started the project, but for now what I can say is that in a next article you will see proper benchmarks as well, so stay tuned!

Constraints and concepts

I wanted to use the latest programming methods so I decided to support only PHP 5.3 and above. Some of the several concepts and methodologies the project uses are the following:

  • namespaces
  • Continuous integration (Jenkins)
  • Dependency injection

Of course it had to be fast so I didn’t want to rely on external frameworks but used the built in PHP functionality where it was possible.


With this framework you can customize the caching settings to a great extent. Let me list some of these options:

  • Output caching based on user defined criteria
  • Cache invalidation by TTL
  • Blacklisting / cache invalidation by application state
  • Blacklisting by output content
  • For caching it utilizes many interfaces, such as:
  • Memcached
  • Redis
  • MongoDb
  • Its own filesystem based engine.
  • APC (experimental, performs and works well on a webserver, but unfortunately the CLI interface does not behave like it should and it cannot be unit tested properly so I don’t include it in the master branch)
  • For cache tagging it utilizes MySQL but more database engines will be added
  • Cache Invalidation by tags
  • Minimal overhead on the performance
  • Easy to turn on/off
  • Controls the headers
  • Planned features

    As the framework is still in an early state, many new features will be implemented in the future. These include the following:

    • Edge side includes
    • Cache templating with Twig
    • statistics stored in database
    • And many more

    If you have any questions and or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment!

    Tags: apc, cache, memcached, mongodb, performance, php, proxy, redis, reverse-proxy | 8 Comments »

    Risk-based testing

    January 10, 2012 | Author Rob van Steenbergen (Test Engineer)

    Within LeaseWeb there is a lot of testing done on the software the customers use. Because it is impossible to test everything, we use a risk based strategy to focus on the most important parts.

    Professionals in the IT know it: You can’t test everything. Even a simple web page with one edit box can be tested and looked at from many perspectives. Capitals, normal characters, strange characters, numbers, negative numbers, leave it empty, big arrays of texts, using other fonts, …. Just think about it and you will have a big checklist when you’re through.

    What should happen then, if you push the [Submit] button? Is the data from the edit box placed in a database or a text file? How does the database look? Should the data be saved secure or is a text file enough? If it is saved in a text file, how to deal with strange characters. Or is that of no importance to the customer? Is it maybe more important that a textbox pops up with the text in it? Or should it be send to another device via mail or another communication protocol. And if it is sent to another device, what about security of the communication channel. Encryption? Is that important? Should we get feedback if something is sent?

    If you don’t know what’s important for the user, on what part of the software should you focus? Security of saving or sending data, or should you focus on functionality and usability of the software?

    Mostly we would only have a limited time for testing. So we will have to have a approach to focus testing on our software.


    Change of failure and damage

    To get focus on only the parts that probably have a big risk in failing or causing a lot of damage when it gets in production. This means talking to the right persons to discuss the risks and the priority of those risks.

    No damage or low damage when something goes wrong? Little or no testing. Things could go wrong, but only once a year? But has big consequences and thus big damage. Lots of testing there!


    So doing a risk analysis is getting focus on the parts that matter for the people that will use the software or otherwise are involved in this software (the stakeholders).

    Risks have a chance of failure and height of damage

    The technical people (developers, designers, testers) often can estimate the chance of failure. The damage for the business is better estimated by the business people (sales, support, and management etc).

    Classification of risks

    • Risk = Failure Probability X Damage / R = F X D
      • Risk: The chance that the product will fail in relation to the expected damage
      • Failure probability: The chance that a system or component will fail within specified circumstances or within a specific time period
      • Damage: Prejudice, loss, damage, injury, money lost

    Format of risks

    About the format: I would expect a risk to have a cause and something happening because of that.


    -       Because the user doesn’t know how to select the right product, he will order something he doesn’t want

    -       If more than 1000 users will try to order something, the website will be too slow to use.

    Examples of aspects of failure

    • Frequency of use
    • Complicated or unknown product
    • New tooling
    • Development of product is taken over from others
    • Time pressure
    • Functions in subsystems are complex
    • Functions that have been changed a lot

    Examples of damage

    • Loss of image of company or organization
    • Costs of correction actions, also extra documentation
    • Employees cannot do their work
    • Clients can’t be supported
    • The business processes are less efficient (or not efficient)
    • There is arising a negative image of the ICT organization


    With this approach the most risky parts of the software are identified and a developer, functional designer and the tester can use this as a checklist for doing the quality part of the job.

    In a next blog some tips for doing product risks sessions yourself if you like this idea.

    Tags: QA, risk based testing, test | No Comments »

    Painless (well, less painful) migration to Symfony2

    December 21, 2011 | Author Stefan Koopmanschap

    Over the past months I’ve talked to several companies that run a symfony 1 codebase, sometimes as old as symfony 1.0, which is big, very big. Often these applications or websites are at the heart of their business. Yet, Symfony2 is stable now, and symfony 1 support is going to stop at some point. Regularly, they ask me for advice on migrating their legacy codebase to a brand new Symfony2 project. Often enough, I have to inform them that migration from a symfony 1 to a Symfony2 codebase is a lot of effort and a huge investment in time (and therefore money). Many companies then wonder whether they should do it at all. The thing is, there is no need to do it all at once.

    Gradual migration

    It is much easier to do a gradual migration. Start with one part of your application, and bit by bit migrate your logic and application. The traditional way of doing such migrations is to create a new project and have parallel development on the old and the new version of the application. The problem with this, though, is that when you make a change to your old application, you have to make the same change in the new codebase, esse is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.