Projects & Concepts


Here you’ll find some projects I’m currently working on, old projects that taught me new skills, and some ideas I wish I had the time and/or money to pull off.

Current Projects

Karl and Zed – An upcoming puppet webseries with adult humor. What Southpark did for animation, we plan to do for puppetry. Look out for a Kickstarter soon.

InstructWeb – After receiving so many email requests from strangers asking how they can get started in the web design/development field, I decided to whip up a MVP on a Sunday afternoon to collect some emails and gauge interest for a “design school”. Essentially the school will be screen capture videos of me designing and developing sites from beginning to end, narrating and explaining every step.

This Blog – I decided to 301 from to my new domain and give this site a major overhaul. Because I couldn’t finish my grand plan before the Trans-America Trail trip, I decided to launch the simplified version you see now. Fellow designers, excuse my typography treatment hiccups and rough edges. Be ready for a polished, ajaxified experience coming soon.

Old Projects – Experimental “8-bit” landing page I made for a friend’s CMS that never quite launched. Fun little Duck Hunt style animation with jQuery and cufon (back when cufon was cool!).

CycleBrowser – Motorcycle specifications database and classifieds written in php with Codeigniter. An ancient site I made years ago when I thought Google Adsense was my ticket to freedom. Even though it only makes a few dollars per month from adsense, I learned a lot about content scraping, SEO, UX testing, MySQL optimization and more.

MotorcycleMapper – A place to find and share new motorcycle roads. I never really promoted it, but I taught myself the Google Maps API to create a custom mapping tool, and also created a GPX and KML import/export tool. or – A reverse apartment search that brings the perfect apartment listings to your inbox. Even though it was never built, I’ve listed this here because it was the first project where I did thorough market research before wasting even a minute on code. Turns out, it wasn’t worth my time!

…and many more failed ideas I’m either too proud or too embarrassed to show spacer

Projects I Wish I had Time and/or Money For

iPad or iPhone Nutrition Scale – Utilizing either a bluetooth or cabled connection, the user would weigh the food, select the food from a list in the app, and then complete nutrition information would be displayed and logged.

Auto text on rejected phone call – Probably easiest to deploy on Android devices, this feature would allow you to automatically text message someone when you reject their call.  A programmable list of canned responses would be selectable upon rejection of the call.

Gmail Unsubscribe Button – A simple unsubscribe button that would sit next to the Archive/Spam/Delete buttons in gmail. Could be achieved by simply searching every email for a link near the end containing variations of the word “unsubscribe”.

Super Bowl Film Festival – Just what the title says, a film festival based on 30 second shorts/commercials that would air during the Super Bowl. Could be monetized by allowing brands to bid on product placement as a requirement for each clip. Essentially crowd sourcing commercials to creative filmmakers. Top 10 decided in weeks prior by public online voting, ultimate winner decide by celebrity panel. Winner gets a pile of cash.

Golf “Video” Game – So there is a ton of old golf video footage from the 70s through current, collecting dust, somewhere…right? Enough, hopefully, to have a video clip from just about every situation on every hole, for a particular course. The video game would then use real video clips instead of polygons to generate the gameplay. Due to the nature of golf not requiring intensive processing and logic, I think this could work.

Finger Exercises for iPad – Imagine a Richard Simmons type character guiding you through a series of “finger exercises” to keep your tapping and swiping muscles in pristine shape. A novelty app that would profit from comedic value.

“Smart Download” Browser Extension – I like keeping my files organized, but I hate navigating through my file system every time I download something. I would love an extension that replaces the download file dialog box with a simple list of “Categories” that would automatically place my file in the proper directory depending on which category I select.

Announcing the New!

The Country Plugin – My first add-on for ExpressionEngine is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.