
Native Mothering provides current information about breastfeeding and related issues through evidence based research and the practical experience of families. We address the relationships of the mother, child and family as related to healthy infant/child rearing practices.

Our goal is to offer a resource where mothers can find answers to frequently asked breastfeeding questions, read about issues that affect Native women, and find solutions that fit their families. By empowering mothers with up-to-date research and information, the whole family system is strengthened. Breastfeeding is more than just a way to feed a baby, it reflects on of the roots of the mother/child relationship; it nourishes, protects, comforts, teaches and guides children. Fertility, birth and breastfeeding are part of the life circle, and we respect that they are tied together intimately. What affects the mother, affects the whole family.

Breastfeeding is not just a parenting issue, it is also a public health issue. Adult obesity, diabetes, and related health complications are prevalent in Native communities. Breastfeeding is a significant, safe and effective way to reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes for both mothers and babies (please see our diabetes category for references).

Native Mothering is a clearinghouse for resources and information for the whole community: mothers, family members & health care providers. We welcome photos, links, article submissions, and posts from individuals or groups who share similar goals.  Please contact us for more information.

About the Authors


Serena Meyer, IBCLC is a full time student and is working toward a degree in nursing. In her spare time she works as a volunteer for a non-profit breastfeeding organization, leads breastfeeding support groups, researches breastfeeding topics for health care professionals, and works tirelessly with mothers.


spacer Jolie Black Bear, IBCLC has been involved in supporting breastfeeding women in her community for 10 years and is a staunch advocate for breastfeeding and mother/infant support. She is currently authoring a series of health education lectures for prenatal education classes that are offered to low income mothers, and spends her free time organizing and sharing current breastfeeding research with her peers.  She hopes to support Native women and communities in starting their own breastfeeding peer counseling programs.



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