

Sunday — November 27th, 2011

Hi Xyliacs!spacer

Sorry I missed last week…but…. you know.  Well, some of you do.

I know that there are people out there that don’t get why I even update this site at all if I’m not putting up comic pages, but it’s really just for that handful of you who really seem to care what’s going on, and not just: ‘Where is my comic!  I want my comic now!  My free comic, that I somehow feel entitled to!!’ Oops.  Did I type that out loud?

Seriously though, there was another one of those comments posted on my last blog, and the thing that I found a bit frustrating is when people say, “I don’t read the blog, but why is there no comic here?”  And sometimes not in such friendly ways. (Those comments I don’t approve because I don’t have to if I don’t want to.  Nyeaah.)

In summation, to anyone out there who is going to ask this question again, here’s the deal- I’m a mom first and foremost- and as a single parent, I have to do that primarily on my own with no real support.  Granted, my kids are getting pretty self sufficient, but I still spend a great deal of time with and for them.  I run a household alone (if you don’t know what that means see taking care of home,  paying bills, taking care of cars etc…etc..).  I have my own freelance business which has become quite busy,  and work a second job.  My parents are older and I try to spend time with them as much as possible.  I also work out regularly (ideally 5 times a week) to ward off fat but primarily to keep my BP down and keep my health and sanity.  Additionally, I deal with occasional  bouts of depression that makes everything I mentioned above go slower at best – or completely shut down at worst.  Somewhere in all this, I do try to spend some time socializing with friends and dating too.  Cause, well…uh  I think I kind of deserve that.

Now. If you are coming here and asking “WHERE IS MY COMIC FIX?  WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH THIS WOMAN?”   please read through the above and locate out of that the EXTRA 16 hours that I will need to get just one page of the Xylia webcomic up on the site. I’ve looked for those hours, and I have been having trouble finding them.

THAT’S why Xylia has not been updating.

Sorry for that rant, Xyliacs, but I wanted to post a blog that I could refer these people to in the future to read so they can get their questions answered without me having to work for it, since THEY aren’t willing to work for figuring it out.

So, where was I?  Oh yes.  I hope all of you here stateside had a very nice Thanksgiving holiday.  If you’re like me (and I really hope you aren’t spacer holidays are a real challenging time.  I forget that this is so sometimes, and then they sneak up and do a leg sweep and knock me on my butt.  Which is what happened this year.  The first half of my Thanksgiving day was an unpleasant one, but the last half was nice. Until I ate way too much and felt like the Goodyear blimp. But anyway.  I know some of you are dealing with difficult times this year, and I hope that you were able to find some support and love.

Enough on that, how about Xylia?  Well, my busy time has ramped up even further.  So much so that I am not getting to the gym or seeing friends as much as I would like.  As much as I WANT to work on Xylia, the back burner is where it stays for now until the holiday orders are done.  It’s a matter of me finding a schedule for it, but I just haven’t figured that out.  I am really anxious to tell the story- I think you will like it- I do. *frustrated…*

I’m sorry to keep everyone waiting so long, sometimes I wonder if I should just shut the site down so that people won’t wonder any more, and then bring it back when I finally can, but I hate to do that too.   What are your thoughts, Xyliacs?

Thank you again for visiting the site, and again I apologize for the way things are, but most of it is out of my hands right now.

————–Response to November 14, 2011————–

Miamistax:  spacer your comments about the sketches made me smile- I think you need to go back and read chapter 1 of Xylia. spacer   Thank you for your kind words on the ‘chicken scratchy’ sketches of mine… and Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. spacer

Meridian:  “can I ask what’s happened to this comic? I haven’t been here for more than a year, because it just wasn’t getting anywhere.”  My response to your inquiry is above. Since you ‘rarely read the blog’ it’s something you wouldn’t know, so I’m helping you out.  (Course if you don’t read the blog… you won’t see this, so why did I bother? hmm….)

Nathaniel: Sounds like you are getting a good work out!   I actually do several different types of exercise when I have the time, which I don’t right now. Alternating 4 mile jogs at 6.5 mph with sprinting interval days (going up to 10 mph. ) My knees can’t handle that all the time though, so sometimes I do elliptical training.  When I’m not so flipping busy, my weight training is an hour long class 3x a week (ideally) with high reps.  And I also try to get in a 15 minute pilates core workout- as often as possible. If I had LOTS of time, I would do yoga a couple times a week too.   But right now it’s all about my art jobs though, and it’s very hard to get the exercise in.  “…which will also make a healthier heart than running”.   Running is more for my mind than anything, but I’m not too worried about heart health right now: my resting heart rate is 42 (I’m shooting for 35) , my bp is 118/65. I had a complete heart work up a couple years ago (before I was in this kind of shape) and was told I had the heart of a 20 year old. Not shabby for 46.

Francisco: I hope your new job is going well!  And yes, that was Ambrosia in the pic. spacer

Skewered Viewpoint: I do hope Thanksgiving was all right for you this year.  I thought about you quite a bit. And yeah, the schedule is going pretty nuts. spacer

Canterrain:  thank you for your response to Meridian before I had time to blog.  And thank you also for the nice words about the sketch of Charlie- you are pretty much spot on catching the gist of the image.

Joe: Yeah, sorry this is late!  Bosslady had to be the boss of a lot of non Xylia stuff.. adnt heat will only continue…

Ayshara: Glad that your sister is doing well.  Sorry I misread your other post.

Julie: I hope you had a great Thanksgiving as well!  I am hoping that we can work together on some more of your characters in the future! ^_^

Jamming: but you ARE great as fans. spacer

Thanks all, I hope to post more regularly soon, but I can’t make promises in December.  Is what it is.  spacer

Hugs, B



Why The Last Airbender didn’t suck THAT bad.

July 20th, 2010

Let me preface this little article with a disclaimer.  I have watched all of Avatar: The Last Airbender from beginning to end.  And I liked the cartoon series very much.  It was an enjoyable past time that contained a perfect blend of character growth, humor, action, and compelling story lines.

When I first heard they were making this beloved cartoon series into a live action series I was understandably skeptical.  If history taught me anything, a 50/50 chance of being good was only possible if the director was a good one.  So when I heard that the director was M. Knight Shyamalan I was just deeply confused.  My first thought was, “The twist ending horror guy?”  I’d seen most his movies.  The Sixth Sense, Signs, The Village, Lady in the Water.  He’s very hit or miss.

I then read the reviews.  Which called it terrible.  In fact Joe Morgenstern of the Wall Street Journal had this to say:

“M. Night Shyamalan’s big-screen live-action version of the popular Nickelodeon animated TV series constitutes a form of Chinese water torture in which tin-ear line-readings take the place of drips.”

Harsh words, but sadly not the harshest review I have seen.  I had initially decided to not go see the movie.  But fate conspired that I would get to see the movie after all, and in 3D.

My largest complaint is actually about the 3D.  It was clearly and obviously added in at the last moment as a way to make extra money on tickets.  Generally only the special effects themselves are rendered into 3D, leaving them feel like cheap tricks.  Unfortunately time and time again 3D is being used as just that.  A cheap trick to throw in that increases the cost of a ticket by five dollars for little effect.  3D can be done well, and when it is it is amazing to watch.  This isn’t a case of that though.

But what of the movie itself?

The child actors were just that.  Child actors who have lots of room to grow.  Not always delivering lines as well as seasoned actors, but never making me wonder how they got the job.

The story was unfortunately not as good as the cartoon series.  I don’t think this came from a lack of writing talent.  I think this came from trying to shove an entire season of a show into one movie.  Think of it this way.  At twenty episodes at approximately twenty two minutes long, the first season ran about seven hours and thirty minutes. (Not counting commercial time)  This movie attempted to cover the same story arc in one hour and forty minutes.  See the problem?  There were definitely things that could be cut out easily.  Whole episodes did nothing to further the plot or reveal any new details.  But some of the choices of what to cut out didn’t always make sense.

Why is Roku not being featured?  Why is Aang talking with a dragon when dragons never talked in the cartoon?  Why are the firebenders unable to bend without a separate source of fire when they could in the cartoon?  Why are all the names being said differently?  Why do the Earthbenders in jail (was that a jail? Someone watching with me didn’t even realize it was at first, and I barely did) just sit there and not use the earth all over to fight back and break out?

These left for confusing times both for people who have never seen the series and for those who have.  They detracted from the movie, but didn’t ruin it.  Some of the changes would only be visible to someone who has seen the series, such as the firebenders not being able to bend without fire already nearby.

The story still made it through though.  The action scenes were mostly enjoyable. (Minor complaint, if Aang is going to take that many stances and moves to get up a gust of wind, then sooner or later an enemy is going to stop waiting and just kill him.  See also: forming Voltron/Megazord)

Overall I have to say that The Last Airbender was not a great movie.  It was decent to not very good.  I wouldn’t put it on par with the worst movie I have ever seen (Vanilla Sky, I’m looking at you).  I would actually put it on par with the first Harry Potter movie.  A movie that had a lot of good story to live up to, a lot of story that had to be cut out often leading to decisions on why this was cut, this was added, and this was kept.  And like Harry Potter, probably a movie that with time, sequels, and aging of actors, will probably have potential to grow to the level of good.

It’s a renter. Maybe a Red Box renter.  But it’s not awful.  And my theory is so many people say so solely because it’s just become the cool thing to hate right now.


Tags: avatar, last airbender, movie, nickelodeon, paramount pictures | 14 Comments ^


The Site has Moved!

July 6th, 2010

…but not the URL, don’t worry. I’ve just moved the site off of Keenspot to Xyliatales’ new home, so please pardon our dust! If there are any links not working, please notify KEZ at, or comment here. The site may take up to 72 hours to work for some people, so patience please! I did not nab Barb’s latest post, and I apologize for that. I’ll see if I can.




March 21st, 2010


———————-Today’s page————————-
Very rough and sketchy thumbnail image for today.
Thank you again to all of you for your support and comments showing that you are enjoying the story!

Please vote- spacer

————————Odds and Ends————————-
Xyliatales On Air will be broadcasting on Sundays, along with the occasional last minute broadcast! (Just had a fun one last Thursday night!). I’m going to try for a regular time- like 7PM CST. I know some of you will find that an inconvenient time in other parts of the world- hopefully it will work for some of you! XYLIATALES ON AIR TALK SHOW SITE

Remember, you can follow my announcements on Twitter

Or consider friending me on Facebook- just make sure to let me know that you are a Xyliac when you send the request.

——————–XYLIA GOODY BAG——————
Please consider donating for the Xylia cause! I plan on adding new things in the coming weeks- first I will be creating a series of hi resolution downloadable character cards, with profile images and bio information! In the meantime, browse our existing wallpapers and other things. As always if you don’t receive your download, please email me directly at bji2001(at)






March 15th, 2010

Hello, Xyliacs!
Please vote- spacer


Wasn’t sure what I was going to blog about today, when I noticed in my inbox that Webcomic Overlook had tagged some of the pages on Xylia- meaning that it been reviewed. I started to read the review and I could tell it was not going to be good. At all. Actually, it’s a blood bath panning of the story. Scrolling down to the end, I noticed it got two of five stars, and the last sentence was enough to keep me from reading the review.

Were I made of tougher stuff, like Bobby Crosby perhaps, I could maybe handle it. But since my ability to see worth in the project hangs by a tenuous thread at times anyway, it seemed wise to avoid it. The bits I read seemed less constructive and more just an assault of the blandness and predictability of the story, and those are things I can’t really change- at least not without completely overhauling the entire story.

To read the review, please go here:

Webcomic Overlook review

I know many folks just wave their hand upon receiving such reviews and will tell you they dismiss them as ‘one guy’s opinion’ – but I also know these same people retreat to their studios, gnashing their teeth and pummeling the sides of their head. (Much like I’m doing..right now) The difference with me is that I am honest about it. life blasted apart by a liar has forged me to be this way. I’m cut down by this. Not sure what to do. Really feeling like a literary wast of time. That’s the reality. That’s my honesty.

To this reviewer, Xyliatales is a bit of fluff with over-romantic, simplified characters, and a ‘bland hero’ who put him in a diabetic coma. Most of what I read of the review were things I have always worried were true about the story, but had never been said by anyone else. But for me, the biggest problem is the reviewer finds Xyliatales sappy. And he is right- in our cynical, dark, electronic high speed world, is there really a place for old fashioned silly romance? Maybe not, but I wish there was. Call me a dork if you like, but it is what it is.

————————Odds and Ends————————-
Xyliatales On Air will be broadcasting on Sundays, along with the occasional last minute broadcast! (Just had a fun one last Thursday night!). I’m going to try for a regular time- like 7PM CST. I know some of you will find that an inconvenient time in other parts of the world- hopefully it will work for some of you! XYLIATALES ON AIR TALK SHOW SITE

Remember, you can follow my announcements on Twitter

Or consider friending me on Facebook- just make sure to let me know that you are a Xyliac when you send the request.

——————–XYLIA GOODY BAG——————
Please consider donating for the Xylia cause! I plan on adding new things in the coming weeks- first I will be creating a series of hi resolution downloadable character cards, with profile images and bio information! In the meantime, browse our existing wallpapers and other things. As always if you don’t receive your download, please email me directly at bji2001(at)

See all y’all on Wednesday! Y’all come back now, y’ hear?





March 1st, 2010


Hello, Xyliacs! At this writing, I am visiting the lovely state of Texas! I tried valiantly to complete the next page prior to leaving, but my freelance schedule (as it often does) got very busy with tight deadlines the week before I left. I am very sorry for disappointing you- I know you are looking forward to the reason for April’s response. I promise next week we are back to normal.

———————-Sneak peek————————-
Well Big Sis is not too happy with the malarky April is up to it seems….
Please vote- I hope to get something new up before I leave. Today’s pic is one I posted a year or more ago- of the mysterious White Twins, Damara and Dalia…

———————–XYLIATALES NEWS!!————————
Production is still continuing on the Xyliatales book Volume I. In case you missed it- here is me with a color proof of the cover. The good news is that it looks great- the bad news is that I have to go through and change the levels on every page and pull back on the saturation. But that’s okay- I would rather do that then have the whole book be dark.


I’m hoping to be able to log in and add some trip stuff in this space from the road…. We shall see!

————————Odds and Ends————————-

——————–XYLIA GOODY BAG——————
Please consider donating for the Xylia cause! I plan on adding new things in the coming weeks- first I will be creating a series of hi resolution downloadable character cards, with profile images and bio information! In the meantime, browse our existing wallpapers and other things. As always if you don’t receive your download, please email me directly at bji2001(at)


Most of the other incentives are still available for $2.00 – $10.00 amounts, including the nude faeiries (if you are 18+)! Get em while they’re hot (always)! ^_^


As we head towards three years of Xyliatales, I want to thank all of you for coming along for the ride, and I hope you continue to stay with us in the coming year!





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