
spacer I had been avoiding to write something here on my About page because frankly speaking there is nothing much to tell about myself nor my website. All I can say is that I am the most lousy blogger on the whole internet. Surely because I’m not a good writer (and I never pretend to be). My English sucks and aside from that, I don’t know how to express myself better. So why in heaven I am blogging? The story is simple, as I started learning webdesign late 2002, I had to setup a website. My very first site was only a set of webpages. Later, as I gained more confidence, I decided to find a publishing tool I could study and use as “mannequin”. It’s the term I fondly use for my dummy website, it suits though since it is my so called model where I can “fit”, “display” and or “demonstrate” my experimental work. I have tried Greymatter, Movabletype, b2evolution, Mambo, PluggedOut and last but not least…b2/cafelog. I like b2/cafelog a lot because the script was easy to understand for a newbie like me. Months later, b2 developer Michel Valdrighi decided to stop but Matthew Charles Mullenweg has planned of forking the software to continue to bring it to “life”. And so how Wordress begun.

In the early stage of my blogging era, my blog only contains Lorem Ipsum text and other yadda-yaddas and blah blahs. Until some kababayan (town mate) found me and encouraged me to keep or make my site real. I was hesitant though but then I tried…til I met lots of real good friends. This is how Kauderwelsch (former Aromatic Blend) begun. Now at present, my blog plays a very important role. It serves as bridge between me, my family and friends around the globe.

My name is Beng and Kauderwelsch is my personal blog. I have three charming kids, two naughty cats, and a husband that I adore. I’m old but still ambitious, stubborn and well determined by nature. I am obsessive about things that interest me and that I care about.

I am an entrepreneur at heart and my Webdesign And Webhosting business is doing very well. To me, being an entrepreneur means freedom. Freedom from the daily grind of the eight to four routine, freedom to do what I want, and the freedom to spend as much time with my family as possible. Becoming rich would be awesome, but that is not what being an entrepreneur means to me. A better life and the freedom to do what I want is what drives me.