

MozDex is a search engine seeded from the directory. MozDex uses open source search technologies to create an open and fair index.

Our goal is to be able to provide a powerful and open search service to the community.

Please remember that this current system is in BETA - This is NOT the final index and there WILL be missing pages and documents - However anything added to this index such as url's submitted or anything already included will be carried over to the production index once it is available.

Search Philosophy

Some people may say that providing the insight into the results will offer cheaters a better way to get higher ranks, but our view is it allows us to openly discover and communicate new methods and algorithms that give a better view and representation that is less fallible to cheaters.

Why Open Source

Proprietary systems have already been done. We are here to utilize open technologies and open source to build an index that doesn't use proprietary software, processes or algorithms. Freedom of information and how that information gets to you is what mozdex is about. Mozdex is built around the Nutch Search technology. Thanks to the developers and companies listed in Nutch Credits for making this software and project possible.


Anyone interested in contributing to this project or reading the finer details of what we're trying to accomplish here can find further information on our mozDex blog. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.