About nom! nom! nom! blog:

nom! nom! nom! blog got it’s start years ago as Squirrel’s Vegan Kitchen, a vegan food blog writ­ten by yours truly.  It was time to move on and trans­form into this new incar­na­tion a cou­ple of years ago, hence nom! nom! nom! blog.com was born.

This blog is home not only to recipes and infor­ma­tion on vegan cook­ing and bak­ing, but is also expand­ing it’s shores to include gluten-free foods and bak­ing with things other than tra­di­tional sweet­en­ers.  When it comes to bak­ing, my focus is typ­i­cally on mak­ing things taste deli­cious and authen­tic regard­less of restric­tions, so my bak­ing recipes aren’t always the health­i­est (though they are the tasti­est).  I believe that no lifestyle or food intol­er­ance should keep peo­ple from hav­ing famil­iar treats nor should it keep them from shar­ing their treats with those around them.  My end goal is to make things deli­cious, from scratch, and so authen­tic that no one can tell it’s “dif­fer­ent”.  How­ever, mixed in there are plenty of healthy baked goods and reg­u­lar foods to tie you over until the next spe­cial occa­sion when you bust out all of the fat and sugar.

In addi­tion to the blogs, I am the author of three cook­books: The Damn Tasty! Vegan Bak­ing Guide (2007, self-published, no longer in print), The 100 Best Vegan Bak­ing Recipes (2009, Ulysses Press) and Have Your Cake and Vegan Too (2011, Ulysses Press).


About Kris Holechek:


Hi, I’m Kris Holechek and I am a vegan bak­ing fool cur­rently resid­ing in St. Paul, MN.   When I’m not bak­ing, I’m prac­tic­ing yoga, writ­ing or spend­ing time with my fantab­u­lous fam­ily. In addi­tion to those activ­i­ties, I am a music enthu­si­ast, I play gui­tar and sing and I also like to fine-tune my Martha Stew­art instincts via crafty projects that I rarely fin­ish. I also enjoy read­ing books about pretty much every­thing. I’m a sucker for non-fiction. I like peanut but­ter and choco­late, fluffy kitty tum­mies and British tele­vion. I don’t like get­ting upcharged for soy milk at cof­fee shops or the Oxford comma.

I have been liv­ing cruelty-free for about 7 years, was veg­e­tar­ian off-and-on for about a decade before that and solidly veg­e­tar­ian for the year pre­ced­ing becom­ing vegan. I became veg­e­tar­ian due to my stud­ies of the eight limbs of yoga. After learn­ing more about ani­mal agri­cul­ture, I made a cold-turkey overnight con­ver­sion to veg­an­ism almost exactly one year after becom­ing a true veg­e­tar­ian. This is the book I read which led to that sig­nif­i­cant decision.

I have been bak­ing since the first moment I was allowed into the kitchen. My great-grandmother and my aunt were my foodie role mod­els grow­ing up and I learned count­less lessons from them in the kitchen, both in rela­tion­ship to the prepa­ra­tion of food and about food as com­mu­nion. Our fam­ily life revolved around some­one put­ter­ing around in the kitchen while every­one else sat around, chat­ting, laugh­ing and sam­pling the cook’s inventions.

I believe in the impor­tance of food to both fam­ily and cul­ture, which is why cre­at­ing mind-blowing vegan cui­sine, specif­i­cally bak­ing, has been so impor­tant to me. When we sit down with oth­ers and share food, a bond is formed. And if that food is lack­lus­ter, well, that’s just down­right sad. Amaz­ing vegan food is not only pos­si­ble, it’s easy! Deli­cious food trans­forms skep­tics from think­ing, “Vegan cook­ies? Yuck, what’s in those? That’s gross.” to “Heck, these are great! What else you got?”

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0 Responses to about

  1. spacer Lyn Rose says:
    February 15, 2009 at 8:16 am

    Hi there! I just wanted to say that I love your blog. I have read your pre­vi­ous blog too and the food looks great. Keep up the good work vegan friend!


  2. spacer Gary Loewenthal says:
    April 7, 2009 at 10:11 pm

    I couldn’t find an “email me” link, so leav­ing a com­ment here. I love your blog and the new cook­book looks great. The rest is pro-forma (but heart­felt) because I’m email­ing to 500 places.

    Hi, this is Gary Loewen­thal from Com­pas­sion for Ani­mals, a fairly new DC-based grass­roots ani­mal advo­cacy group (www.compassion4animals.org — under con­struc­tion). I wanted to invite you to par­tic­i­pate in a rather large project we’re putting together: the World­wide Vegan Bake Sale, June 20 thru June 28 (www.veganbakesale.org).

    The idea is sim­ple: Groups across the globe hold vegan bake sales dur­ing that period. Par­tic­i­pat­ing groups can do what­ever they want with the pro­ceeds. Com­pas­sion for Ani­mals is coor­di­nat­ing global pub­lic­ity for the event, and will lever­age the event and our quasi-good media con­nec­tions to get pos­i­tive main­stream press about the event and about the health, envi­ron­men­tal, eth­i­cal, and spir­i­tual ben­e­fits of a plant-based diet.

    There’s much more infor­ma­tion at www.veganbakesale.org. The sign-up form is at www.veganbakesale.org/veganbakesale/vbs-signup.html. For ques­tions, or to sign up if you hate forms, please con­tact info@veganbakesale.org. We’re also on Facebook.

    We hope that this is a fun way to raise funds and also be part of some­thing big­ger which could help the earth, ani­mals, and humans.

    For the ani­mals and a com­pas­sion­ate world,

  3. spacer veganlisa says:
    December 14, 2009 at 2:39 pm

    Hi Kris,

    I really hope you are doing well. I wanted to let you know that our pod­cast inter­view was posted on veg.ca on Sat­ur­day. Here is the link: veg.ca/content/view/874/1/

    I also posted my review of your book to my blog this morn­ing. Here is the link:

    Thank you so much for tak­ing the time to do the pod­cast. I really enjoyed chat­ting with you and I hope that book is a huge suc­cess. I look for­ward to hear­ing more about your future endeavours.

    Happy Hol­i­days!
    I hope your days are filled with the smell of orange, cran­berry bread, joy and laughter!

    I tried to email you directly but the note kept bounc­ing back, so I thought this was the next best option.

  4. spacer Rachel Fazio says:
    January 12, 2010 at 3:20 pm

    Hi Kris — I just bought your Best 100 Vegan Bak­ing Recipes book and had a ques­tion about one of the cookie recipes. In the cook­book your Pump­kin Choco­late Chip recipe ingre­di­ents list does not include a mea­sure­ment for milk, how­ever the instruc­tions indi­cate that milk should be mixed in with the pump­kin. Could you please tell me whether milk should be a part of the recipe or not, and if so, how much.



" @theveganlisa Ooh, great ideas! Thanks! " — nomnomnomblog
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