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Periodic Comet Numbers

The assignment of periodic comet numbers is the responsibility of the Minor Planet Center.

Additions to this list will appear in the Minor Planet Circulars.

This list was last updated on 2012 Feb. 8.

The current list of numbers is as follows:

Number   Name                           Number   Name

   1P    Halley                          129P    Shoemaker-Levy
   2P    Encke                           130P    McNaught-Hughes
   3D    Biela                           131P    Mueller
   4P    Faye                            132P    Helin-Roman-Alu
   5D    Brorsen                         133P    Elst-Pizarro
   6P    d'Arrest                        134P    Kowal-Vavrova
   7P    Pons-Winnecke                   135P    Shoemaker-Levy
   8P    Tuttle                          136P    Mueller
   9P    Tempel                          137P    Shoemaker-Levy
  10P    Tempel                          138P    Shoemaker-Levy
  11P    Tempel-Swift-LINEAR             139P    Vaisala-Oterma
  12P    Pons-Brooks                     140P    Bowell-Skiff
  13P    Olbers                          141P    Machholz
  14P    Wolf                            142P    Ge-Wang
  15P    Finlay                          143P    Kowal-Mrkos
  16P    Brooks                          144P    Kushida
  17P    Holmes                          145P    Shoemaker-Levy
  18D    Perrine-Mrkos                   146P    Shoemaker-LINEAR
  19P    Borrelly                        147P    Kushida-Muramatsu
  20D    Westphal                        148P    Anderson-LINEAR
  21P    Giacobini-Zinner                149P    Mueller
  22P    Kopff                           150P    LONEOS
  23P    Brorsen-Metcalf                 151P    Helin
  24P    Schaumasse                      152P    Helin-Lawrence
  25D    Neujmin                         153P    Ikeya-Zhang
  26P    Grigg-Skjellerup                154P    Brewington
  27P    Crommelin                       155P    Shoemaker
  28P    Neujmin                         156P    Russell-LINEAR
  29P    Schwassmann-Wachmann            157P    Tritton
  30P    Reinmuth                        158P    Kowal-LINEAR
  31P    Schwassmann-Wachmann            159P    LONEOS
  32P    Comas Sola                      160P    LINEAR
  33P    Daniel                          161P    Hartley-IRAS
  34D    Gale                            162P    Siding Spring
  35P    Herschel-Rigollet               163P    NEAT
  36P    Whipple                         164P    Christensen
  37P    Forbes                          165P    LINEAR
  38P    Stephan-Oterma                  166P    NEAT
  39P    Oterma                          167P    CINEOS
  40P    Vaisala                         168P    Hergenrother
  41P    Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak         169P    NEAT
  42P    Neujmin                         170P    Christensen
  43P    Wolf-Harrington                 171P    Spahr
  44P    Reinmuth                        172P    Yeung
  45P    Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova         173P    Mueller
  46P    Wirtanen                        174P    Echeclus
  47P    Ashbrook-Jackson                175P    Hergenrother
  48P    Johnson                         176P    LINEAR
  49P    Arend-Rigaux                    177P    Barnard
  50P    Arend                           178P    Hug-Bell
  51P    Harrington                      179P    Jedicke
  52P    Harrington-Abell                180P    NEAT
  53P    Van Biesbroeck                  181P    Shoemaker-Levy
  54P    de Vico-Swift-NEAT              182P    LONEOS
  55P    Tempel-Tuttle                   183P    Korlevic-Juric
  56P    Slaughter-Burnham               184P    Lovas
  57P    du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte        185P    Petriew
  58P    Jackson-Neujmin                 186P    Garradd
  59P    Kearns-Kwee                     187P    LINEAR
  60P    Tsuchinshan                     188P    LINEAR-Mueller
  61P    Shajn-Schaldach                 189P    NEAT
  62P    Tsuchinshan                     190P    Mueller
  63P    Wild                            191P    McNaught
  64P    Swift-Gehrels                   192P    Shoemaker-Levy
  65P    Gunn                            193P    LINEAR-NEAT
  66P    du Toit                         194P    LINEAR
  67P    Churyumov-Gerasimenko           195P    Hill
  68P    Klemola                         196P    Tichy
  69P    Taylor                          197P    LINEAR
  70P    Kojima                          198P    ODAS
  71P    Clark                           199P    Shoemaker
  72D    Denning-Fujikawa                200P    Larsen
  73P    Schwassmann-Wachmann            201P    LONEOS
  74P    Smirnova-Chernykh               202P    Scotti
  75D    Kohoutek                        203P    Korlevic
  76P    West-Kohoutek-Ikemura           204P    LINEAR-NEAT
  77P    Longmore                        205P    Giacobini
  78P    Gehrels                         206P    Barnard-Boattini
  79P    du Toit-Hartley                 207P    NEAT
  80P    Peters-Hartley                  208P    McMillan
  81P    Wild                            209P    LINEAR
  82P    Gehrels                         210P    Christensen
  83D    Russell                         211P    Hill
  84P    Giclas                          212P    NEAT
  85P    Boethin                         213P    Van Ness
  86P    Wild                            214P    LINEAR
  87P    Bus                             215P    NEAT
  88P    Howell                          216P    LINEAR
  89P    Russell                         217P    LINEAR
  90P    Gehrels                         218P    LINEAR
  91P    Russell                         219P    LINEAR
  92P    Sanguin                         220P    McNaught
  93P    Lovas                           221P    LINEAR
  94P    Russell                         222P    LINEAR
  95P    Chiron                          223P    Skiff
  96P    Machholz                        224P    LINEAR-NEAT
  97P    Metcalf-Brewington              225P    LINEAR
  98P    Takamizawa                      226P    Pigott-LINEAR-Kowalski
  99P    Kowal                           227P    Catalina-LINEAR
 100P    Hartley                         228P    LINEAR
 101P    Chernykh                        229P    Gibbs
 102P    Shoemaker                       230P    LINEAR
 103P    Hartley                         231P    LINEAR-NEAT
 104P    Kowal                           232P    Hill
 105P    Singer Brewster                 233P    La Sagra
 106P    Schuster                        234P    LINEAR
 107P    Wilson-Harrington               235P    LINEAR
 108P    Ciffreo                         236P    LINEAR
 109P    Swift-Tuttle                    237P    LINEAR
 110P    Hartley                         238P    Read
 111P    Helin-Roman-Crockett            239P    LINEAR
 112P    Urata-Niijima                   240P    NEAT
 113P    Spitaler                        241P    LINEAR
 114P    Wiseman-Skiff                   242P    Spahr
 115P    Maury                           243P    NEAT
 116P    Wild                            244P    Scotti
 117P    Helin-Roman-Alu                 245P    WISE
 118P    Shoemaker-Levy                  246P    NEAT
 119P    Parker-Hartley                  247P    LINEAR
 120P    Mueller                         248P    Gibbs
 121P    Shoemaker-Holt                  249P    LINEAR
 122P    de Vico                         250P    Larson
 123P    West-Hartley                    251P    LINEAR
 124P    Mrkos                           252P    LINEAR
 125P    Spacewatch                      253P    PANSTARRS
 126P    IRAS                            254P    McNaught
 127P    Holt-Olmstead                   255P    Levy
 128P    Shoemaker-Holt                  256P    LINEAR
See this list in name order.

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