
Founders Brewing: The Story from Founders Brewing Co. on Vimeo.

Here’s a run down of the brewing process:


The malted barley is mixed with hot water as it pours into the mash tun, creating a watery oatmeal-like consistency. After all the barley has entered the mash tun it is allowed to rest. At specific temperatures the starch within the barley converts to soluble sugars, creating a sweet liquid called “wort.” The liquid is then transferred into the brew kettle.


The sugary wort is then brought to a boil and the addition of hops takes place. We use multiple hop varieties. Some hops are more adept to bittering while others are used for flavoring and aroma. The initial hop strike is our bittering hop. Later we have a flavor strike addition.


We then transfer the liquid to the whirlpool tank where we add our final hop addition that gives our beers their remarkable fresh hop aroma. We then send the wort through a heat exchanger cooling the liquid from just under boiling to around 68 degrees in about 3 seconds. It takes nearly 45 minutes to transfer an entire batch.


Yeast is added in-line, while it is being transferred into one of our vertical fermentors. After approximately 12 hours the hungry yeast cells are looking for nutrients and begin eating the sugars from the malted barley. This is fermentation. The two bi-products of this process are carbon dioxide and alcohol. We keep the alcohol in and vent the C02 out.


At the end of the process the beer is bottled and then sent out for distribution.

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