A New Little Peanut

If you didn’t catch it on my facebook page, we are excitedly expecting a new little peanut!  This little precious one is due on June 4, 2012.  We are very excited to soon welcome baby #3 into our growing family.  We would appreciate your prayers as we make decisions on a care provider, for our [...]

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Treat Yourself: Real Food Desserts {Ebook Review and Giveaway}

I love dessert.  And, just because I desire to be on a much healthier diet than the average American it doesn’t mean that I desire to give up sweet treats completely.  Sweets, like any other food should be eaten in moderation, but there is nothing wrong with a little nutritious sweet indulgence once in a [...]

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A Little Shoebox Can Be a Big Gift {Guest Post}

By Jonathan Webb Have you ever stopped to think about what your life would be like if you didn’t have access to ‘stuff’ at all times?  What if you had to walk a mile for clean water, without shoes, on roads that are not paved?  What if you couldn’t run to the grocery store at [...]

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Living for Joy Challenge

Joy. What is joy really?  Do you have it?  Are you joyful?  Do you experience joy on a daily basis?  This post is part of a challenge from the ModernAlternativeMama.com to encourage me and you to step out and live the joyful life that we are called to as believers in Christ.

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Herb Safety

If I can help it, I am going to keep my family out of the doctor’s office.  For us, going to see the doc is a last resort tactic.  I much rather have the vast knowledge of feeding my family healthy nutritious foods, and have the education to supplement them with immune boosters before I [...]

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Guest Post: Christmas Crafts – Part 2 {Ornaments for Preschoolers}

spacer December 25th, 2011 spacer admin

By Athalia Critcher

Previously, I shared how our Christmas preparations began in July. When we were making jam, I initially planned to also make mini loaves when the holidays arrived. The jam would be marvelous spread on tea biscuits or sour dough or even hearty whole grain bread, but with so many food sensitivities and different dietary needs, I decided not to bake.  Instead, we went another homemade route and picked up wooden, die-cut ornaments, then pulled out our paint tray and set to work. I say “we,” but the ornaments were all hand-painted by our wee preschooler.

As I try to keep pace with my little blue-eyed girl, I myself learn something new everyday. A few months back, I adopted a preschool-based schedule to set pace of our days. On the days when we are home together, I conduct “Mommy School.” Her imagination and physical dexterity has rendered her capable of creating complex games and plot-driven, imaginary play, but my gal stills needs her mommy to set the pace and help her transition from structured activity to free play to snack time and back again. Our structured activities revolve around either an art or craft project or learning a new skill or concept, such as counting and measuring, telling time, or exploring the seasons through a scavenger hunt.

Without a doubt, our favorite craft this fall was making Christmas ornaments for holiday gifts. Using simple watercolor paints and an oversized brush, my gal mixed and blended colors for one-of-a-kind creations. While she painted, we used the time to talk about friends and family, holiday traditions, and the shapes that the different wooden, laser cut ornaments represent.  I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and so perhaps I see them through a mother’s eyes, but the water color splashes from her brush created lovely and unique works of art. I am so proud of her, and I cannot wait to share these sweet tokens of friendship.


How to:

Prepare a work station at a comfortable height for little artists. Cover surface with newspaper to protect surfaces from stray paint. Consider using a jelly roll pan, cookie sheet, or plastic cutting board to create a waterproof barrier. Set out paints and drip a little water into each color to moisten. (Hint: I permanently remove the brown and black paints from the tray, since I dislike how they blend over the other colors.) Hand the brush over to the young artist, step back and cheer them on. This is a great craft to encourage artistic freedom and expression.

Ornament Supplies:

Non-toxic, watercolor paints 

1 inch bristle brush (the larger size is easier for small hands; found at a hardware or specialty paint stores)

Craft-ready, laser cut, wooden ornaments (ours came from Michael’s)

Newspaper (or other material to protect table surface)

Small cup of water (to rinse brush and wet paints)

Athalia Critcher is a southern girl who married a mountain man and now calls the Blue Ridge Mountains home. She holds down the fort and writes about her misadventures in their small mountain community at LittleCreekLife.com

Guest Post: Christmas Crafts – Part 1

spacer December 22nd, 2011 spacer admin

by Athalia Critcher

Christmas began in July this year. No, really, it did. I was motivated by that certain day in mid-November on which I check my Christmas list and realize that I would very much like to have a small gift for my husband’s team at the office and have not yet planned what that might be. Each year, on this day, I go through a domino of emotions: first there is excitement and joy, because his team is a group of wonderful people who cares for one another, and for whom we have, not only a deep gratitude, but also strong affection and high regard. I am also excited because, honestly, I always get excited about giving gifts. The emotion that follows the joy and excitement is panic, because I realize that there are so few days left in the season, and I have no idea how or where to even begin planning a gift that would convey our heart for this group of thirty folks and their families. At this point, just about anything would add stress to the already time-strapped holidays and an already maxed-out holiday budget. The last domino falls, and I feel disappointed and sad.

That is why Christmas started this year in July, in the peak of berry season. For weeks on end, our house smelled of sticky, sweet strawberries and blackberries, as I brewed jar after jar of jam. The lovely deep red jars cooling on the countertop, and the anticipation of sharing it filled our home with a festive mood. Each time I bought a large flat of very ripe berries, my thoughts were with my husband’s team at work, and my prayers followed their projects and the challenges.

It was my first time making jam, and it easier than I imagined.


Using Alice Currah’s recipe from Savory Sweet Life for Easy Strawberry Balsamic Jam, I adjusted the ratios to taste and added a waterbath canning step to permanently seal the jars.    Canning jars are usually stocked in groceries and garden stores by mid-summmer. There are usually coupons to be had, both in the papers as well as those nifty “Save Now” coupons glued to the dozen jars themselves. Four or six ounce jars are nice sizes for putting up jam. Perhaps any balsamic would have done justice to this recipe, but we are hooked on an Espresso Balsamic from The Art of Oil, a fabulous vinegar and oil supplier here in our little town.  Since I was cooking in bulk, I purchased both the strawberries and the sugar in bulk. I ordered me a 25 lb bag of raw sugar through my local grocery, and I bought the berries in large two pound flats. Were I wise, I would have also bought a candy thermometer to properly gauge our high-altitude gelling temperature. Instead, I discovered that meat thermometers do not measure above 200 F and settled on each batch having its own unique personality and consistency. Some of the jars will be lovely drizzled over a scoop of vanilla ice cream; other jars will spread nicely on toast.


What a joy to celebrate Christmas all year long!

spacer Athalia Critcher is a southern girl who married a mountain man and now calls the Blue Ridge Mountains home. She holds down the fort and writes about her misadventures in their small mountain community at LittleCreekLife.com.

Guest Post: Creating Christmas from Scratch

spacer December 17th, 2011 spacer admin

By Amanda Cotrell


When we were first married, I was so excited to celebrate our first Christmas together.  Christmas was extra special because that was the night he proposed and I wanted to build upon that special memory.  We were both raised in homes where Christmas was kept as a day for celebrating our Savior and expenses were kept low.  Dad always chopped down one of the pine trees on the property and Grandmother and Grandma made beautiful handmade Christmas ornaments.  With all of these things in mind, we embarked on our “Christmas Creation Journey.”

Our first Christmas tree was about two feet tall and held very few ornaments.  We lived in a small apartment in California and would be going back to the East Coast for Christmas so we didn’t want to decorate too lavishly.  Once we moved back to North Carolina, we continued to use the tiny Christmas tree because we were moving to our new home just before New Year’s and we would be spending Christmas in New Jersey.  On the day after Christmas, we found a brand new artificial pre-lit tree for $35 at Goodwill!  We picked up a few ornaments and plastic containers at a big discount from Target, as well.   We had many white twinkle lights leftover from our wedding a few years back (which I purchased the day after Christmas – six months before the wedding) and my husband likes to hang them on the fencepost.  So, when you’re just starting out and you’re not one of those lucky people who have a Christmas wedding shower, it’s important to look for frugal finds so that you don’t break the bank with just decorating your home for this special season.

Another way we save money is to draw names on my side of the family and set a limit of $30.  On my husband’s side of the family, I purchase gifts for the nieces and nephews shortly after Christmas and save them for the next year, which costs me about $50 total for all eight of the children.

One of my favorite things is my mother-in-law’s gift.  She donates to Samaritan’s Purse by purchasing a “gift” for a hurting or needy child through the annual Christmas Catalog.  Last year she donated toward rescuing a child out of slavery.  This is something dear to my heart and I was so grateful for this gift.

All of these savings allow us to be able to give to someone in need, which happens all throughout the year.  So, as Christmas changes and our family grows, we want to be sure to keep the focus off of the “stuff” and on our Savior, who calls us to share his love with others and provide for those in need


Amanda is a native of Boone and enjoys saving money in order to help her family and others enrich their lives so that they, in turn, can share with others.  

Quiet Time Boxes

spacer November 18th, 2011 spacer admin


Naps for my three-year old have ended and since then I have been having quiet a bit of trouble in getting my groove back as far as routine.  I honestly haven’t gotten anything done in weeks. And, If I can help it I really hate to stick my little man in front of the TV for entertainment. Plus, who doesn’t need a little quiet time now and again?  Stop by Pennies and Blessings and check out my new help for mothering, these fabulous quiet time boxes.  My little man is loving them and they are keeping him extra busy.  Now, instead of a bed time battle he can’t wait to have quiet time!



Treat Croup Naturally

spacer November 17th, 2011 spacer admin

Does your child have croup?  Croup is all over the place in the High Country. We’ve just conquered it without any steroid shots!  Whoot!  Come check out my post at the HighCountryMomSquad and see how you can make your little one feel comfortable during croup.

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Eversave: $25 worth of Brand-name vitamins from Vitacost.com for $12

spacer November 10th, 2011 spacer admin

spacer Right now, Eversave has one of my favorite offers!  You can get a $25 voucher to Vitacost.com for only $12!  We just love Vitacost for all our personal care needs.  I typically purchase all our soap, shampoo, Cod Liver Oil, Probiotics, children’s vitamins, and some times organic groceries from Vitacost.com.  I love it that they have fabulous prices and that you can get free shipping on an order over $49 or more.  And, if your order is less than $49 the shipping is still a flat rate $5!  This 52% savings a fabulous deal!  Offer expires November 19th at 11:59pm.

A New Little Peanut

spacer November 9th, 2011 spacer admin

If you didn’t catch it on my facebook page, we are excitedly expecting a new little peanut!  This little precious one is due on June 4, 2012.  We are very excited to soon welcome baby #3 into our growing family.  We would appreciate your prayers as we make decisions on a care provider, for our little one to grow healthy and strong, for strength for mommy to be able to keep up with all my peanuts, for God to provide for us a homey place to live in the coming months, and strength to get my births finished for my DONA certification before this little one arrives. Read more »

Heaven Is For Real For Kids {A Tommy Nelson Giveaway}

spacer November 6th, 2011 spacer admin

spacer spacer   We were recently sent Heaven is for Real for Kids: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Backspacer  from Tommy Nelson.  And, all I can say is wow what a book!  This book is a shortened version of the New York Times best seller Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back.  Another book that I just finished reading and would highly recommend.

From the very first time that we opened the book Heaven is for Real for Kids: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Backspacer  and read it aloud to my 3 year old son he was mesmerized by all the lovely photos and the story of little Colton who got sick, took a turn for the worse, was carried to heaven by Jesus and lived to tell about it.  I think he asked us to read it to him two more times after we opened it when it arrived in the mail and finished that initial reading.

I think we all have a little bit of curiosity about what heav Read more »

Mighty Leaf Tea Review and Giveaway {A $75 Value}

spacer November 4th, 2011 spacer admin

Oh my goodness.  I think I am a tea addict.  If I have the choice between tea and coffee I will typically choose tea (unless it is a pumpkin spice latte).  I really do love everything about most teas.  I love the smell of tea, the taste of tea, and just the fact that there are countless teas to choose from.  I love hot tea in the chilly months and I really enjoy keeping iced tea in my fridge during warm months.  I typically don’t take anything in my teas, especially when they are tasty fruit teas that already have a touch of a sweet taste. Read more »

Green Your Halloween With These Tips

spacer October 31st, 2011 spacer admin


It’s not difficult to have a greener Halloween!

Stop by the High Country Mom Squad and check out my tips to green your Halloween!

     Have a Safe, Happy, and Healthy Halloween!

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