
I'll Never Tire Of You

I turned 32 on Wednesday and it was charmingly low-key. I worked from home to mark the occasion—well, it was coincidence, really; my new company has a fairly benevolent policy towards Work From Home Wednesdays, and I figured, given the choice, that it would be more fun to wear my slippers on the day of my birth than not wear my slippers—and man, I do not know how I did that for six months. It was lovely and quiet and I was highly productive, of course, but I was also dying to talk to someone by about hour three. As much of an antisocial homebody as I proclaim myself to be, I also have to admit that I really do like me some idle office gossip about why the big conference room has been booked for three days solid, you know? I like the camaraderie of having co-workers, and the hustle and bustle of being somewhere other than my living room. Plus, my new company has a cafeteria with amazing food, and on the day I worked from home, I made the mistake of looking at the menu. Red velvet pancakes, people. I missed the red velvet pancakes on my birthday.

It feels peculiar to be 32, because I don't think I've ever imagined myself being this old. It's not old old, I know—not the existentialist freak out of OH MY GOD I'M THIRTY AND NOW I'LL NEVER BE A TWENTYSOMETHING NOVELIST (PS: MY EGGS ARE WITHERING), nor the slightly more subdued ehhhhh, thirty-one is just a little extra thirty, and that turned out fine—but it feels pretty surreal all the same. Thirty-two? Don't people who are thirty-two have, like, toddlers and stock portfolios and a wholesome discipline around moisturizing every evening? I didn't even manage to buy the right kind of milk last week because the label was confusing!

Still, show me a person who doesn't still feel about fifteen in their own head and I'll show you a person I probably wouldn't want to have a beer with, and that's fine, really, because guess what? If you're still having birthdays, you're still alive, and that's a pretty good bargain, if you ask me, particularly since you also get some cake thrown in. Actually, when you put it like that, it sounds amazing. So let me get this straight: I get to stay another a year in a world where chocolate-covered potato chips are actually a thing you can buy in a store, plus I get a whole day where people sing to me and give me presents and write nice things on my Facebook wall? LET ME LIVE UNTIL A HUNDRED, THIS IS A SWEET DEAL.

When Sean came home from work in the evening of my birthday, I was on the phone to my mother, and I didn't understand why he was ringing the doorbell. Perhaps he forgot his keys, I thought, and so I opened the door to find a pile of presents wrapped in shiny gold paper just sitting on the doormat, a giggling husband—manly giggling, he would want me to clarify—hiding around the corner. We brought the presents upstairs and I unwrapped the first two—truffle salt from Dean & Deluca, and a FitBit so I can track my steps and sleep; both things I'd wanted for a while—until I got to the last one, which looked curiously like a tire.

"This looks curiously like a tire," I said to him. "Did you wrap up a tire?"

I unwrapped it to discover that he had, in fact, wrapped up a tire.

"Ah," I said. "You wrapped up a tire. That's....uh....thank you?"

"Yes!" he said. "You said you always wanted a---"

"A tire swing!" I exclaimed, suddenly understanding. "I get it! I always wanted a tire swing!"

"Exactly," he beamed. "I'm going to make you a tire swing. I've already researched how you do it, and I know how to make it the really swingy kind."

And all that time I'd spent as a teenager, wondering what kind of man I'd want to marry when I was older, came sharply into focus: the kind of man who'd build me a tire swing in the back yard for my 32nd birthday. You don't know it then, of course, or at least you aren't really able to explain it. But that's the one you want, I'm telling you. That's the one. 

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Filed Under: Sean

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Recent Comments

Feb 12, 2012
I want you to know that you and my adorable six year old share the same birthday. I think you and Sean are so sweet and I just love reading your blog just to see what you guys are up to ;)

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Feb 12, 2012
ohhhh that's the best! i got a little teary eyed, even. congrats for finding a perfect husband and also on the birthday. a good life you have!

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Feb 12, 2012
Hi Holly...happy birthday... I came to your blogs through an American friend living in Mexico and love them. I love the sense of humour and the fact that you are a fellow Brit helps....oh and you probably already realise that 32 is not old... Believe me....

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Feb 12, 2012
Hi Holly...happy birthday... I came to your blogs through an American friend living in Mexico and love them. I love the sense of humour and the fact that you are a fellow Brit helps....oh and you probably already realise that 32 is not old... Believe me....

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Feb 12, 2012
Well done, Sean!

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Terry Berki
Feb 12, 2012
I love your idea for your Dad. How creative!!

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Feb 11, 2012
sigh. i'm all teary-eyed to know that there is at least one couple out there that is still in love like that. i'm glad that it's you. :) happy birthday, thanks for sharing so we can live vicariously through you :) and, you always have brilliant titles!

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Feb 11, 2012
That is surely the sweetest thing. :) Happy belated bday!

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Feb 11, 2012
Happy Birthday! You are definitely still a youngin. Also, I got a little weepy at the end.

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Feb 11, 2012
I'm so glad that the person who commented the phrase "When you are 1 you are 1 to the fifth power" did so anonymously, because I would have to find them and kick their ass otherwise. Now I will never get to sleep, trying to figure out what the f(*&k they are talking about. I'm no mathematician, but the number one isn't 1 to the ANYTHINGth power... it's just one! You can take 1 to any power you want, and it's still just ONE... WHY THE FIFTH? WHY??? GAHHHHH!

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Feb 11, 2012
Love it! Awesome bday, awesome husband. *happy*

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Feb 11, 2012
I love the story, but it's really the pun in the title that makes me grin. Happy birthday!

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Feb 10, 2012
Happy Birthday! I got a Fitbit for Christmas (LOVE, by the way), but now I know what to ask for on my own birthday.... a tire swing of course :)

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Feb 10, 2012
Are you by any chance Junie B. Jones by night? thouroughly enjoyed the tute! Thanks

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Dana @ Bungalow'56
Feb 10, 2012
This was so worth reading to the end. Happy Birthday to a youngun from this withering old forty somethin somethin. Of course I still feel 15, and have the awkwardness in social situations to prove it : ) Dana

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Feb 10, 2012
OK so I have a bit of a number thing. Not numerology just a geeky love of numbers. (One year we didn't have enough candles so we did my dad's bday candles in binary - some lit some not, it was awesome!) Anyway, 32 is AWESOME. When you are 1 you are 1 to the fifth power. When you are 32 you are 2 to the fifth power. 3 to the fifth power is 243 so you are NOT going to get there. This is your awesome year of living as a fifth power. You're still young but you've got some wisdom. Thanks for sharing that sweet sweet post, Almost 42 year old who still feels 18 (15-17 were not my best)

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Feb 10, 2012
OH GOD TEARING UP AT WORK....NOOOOO! I'll get that TPS report to you asap. Just got a little something *sniff* in my eye.

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Feb 10, 2012
You made me cry, too. Life is good. <3

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Feb 10, 2012
Aw, you made me cry. So happy for you! Isn't it the best, knowing you married exactly the right person? : ) Congrats and happy birthday!

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Feb 10, 2012
My Mom's 80th birthday is in May so I sent this idea to my 6 siblings & we're going to do this for her! I can't wait!

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