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About Me: Tim Lumber

spacer I started out my writing career by pure accident. When my comics failed to make the Top 20 of the City Paper(Baltimore) edition, I became outraged. I would write a letter bashing there paper for not picking my comic….when….BOOM..I would see my 1st ever written piece in a public newspaper(City Paper). After that I became hooked like a fish, appearing in there MAIL section 6 out of the next 8 weeks. www.citypaper.com/news/story.asp?id=17173
 I now realized that media style writing was a true love. When I 1st got my computer sent to me as a gift from my Mom in WV, I saw a local and new newspaper called B. They advertised there website bthesite.com in there paper, and had the slogan B Heard..I was making a name for myself in the City Paper, but I felt like since this was NEW, I could show off my talent in there comments section. They would do a profile story on me, and everyone would then know who I was.  www.bthesite.com/archives/2009/04/bs-1-we-say-thanks-to-3/
Then before I knew it, everybody wanted a piece of me. The Baltimore Sun and a Philly newspaper came calling. Instead of picking both, I was SO new, I chose the Baltimore Sun. They assigned me to the Baltimore Sun Midnight Sun as a Guest Columnist for Sam Sessa. I would not only write, but I would make history by breaking the Baltimore Sun blog record for most views ever with my famous story, I wrote while drunk of all things lol. I would bash the Steelers, after they eliminated the Ravens in the AFC Championship Game.  weblogs.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/midnight_sun/blog/2009/01/tim_lumber_screw_the_steelers.html
Sam Sessa and his editor, would not like the fact, that some new guy…with NO college degree would come in and take over, so I was fired for bashing the Steelers in this story posted above, despite breaking the record!! I would then move onto the Frederick News Post.www.fredericknewspost.com/sections/blogs/bio.htm?rid=90&bid=84
Then after not liking the job, I went back to commenting on bthesite.com, where I have become a known by there readers, and my comments are read daily by thousands. I would also go onto being the Head Writer at the National Sports Review, but there are NO links due to a contract dispute. I cover all sporting events, and bring YOU the reader the story…that other writers refuse to cover! Stick with me….right here at the Baltimore Sports Review, brought to you by Sports Blog Net, I have stories to cover, and stories to bring YOU the reader…..rain, sleet, snow or shine, I will be there…..for YOU! Thank You!!

spacer   “Who is John Lee Roy Linde?”

John is the self professed “Official *sshole of the New Millennium.” The seeds of his writing career began in the early 90’s, even though he didn’t know it. He was running an old computer BBS which ran a pro-wrestling game. At the time, he was writing many of the storylines which intertwined with the game.

After the creation of the internet and the demise of the local BBS, John waited several years to begin writing again. His next endeavor was a Sci-Fi crossover between two of his favorite TV series; Battlestar Galactica(1978) and Star Trek: Next Generation, titled “Galactica-Trek”. He posted it on several fan sites, and received very good reviews on the short story.

In 2002, at the urging of his then Fiance’ Rose, he began writing a comedic book about life in America, as well as his life experiences. “Random Thoughts From A Diseased Mind(Not for Dummies)” was released in 2006, a scant 4 months prior to the death of his wife. While the book has not yet been a major success, it is still selling with little to no promotion machine.

In 2009, John was chosen by the B Free Daily’s Matt Vensel to make weekly picks for the Baltimore Ravens. Each week, John would pick the Ravens to win(he says because there wasn‘t a game they COULDN‘T win), chose a score, and made a short joke about what he thought the Ravens were going to do that week.

These weekly picks caught the eye of Tim Lumber, who approached John about writing weekly full articles for RavensRedZone.com. John agreed, and has been honing his writing skills with each successive article. After the Ravens season was over, Tim offered him a chance to do the same for the Baltimore Mariners AIFA team. John accepted, and is currently in his second RavensRedZone.com season.

Also in late 2009, he released the much awaited “Galactica Trek II”, and has two prequels based on Battlestar Galactica(1978) in the works, along with another comedic through the insanity and stupidity we see around us every day, and three other novels(details are not being released at this time).

RAVENS RED ZONE columnist and BAD*SS Joe Moko….
Joe Moko is a former amatuer eating hot dog champion. I actually met him about 2 years ago, as I did a blog for Sports Illustrateds Fan Nation. Moko wanted hotdog eating to be a olympic sport. Since then, he was fired from Burger King after 18 years as a french fry cook. He went to Max Meadows and has done illegal mountain man fights. His record is 3-2. Moko is afraid of no one, and may be the most entertaining athlete in the World. He goes all-out to create a good story. You can expect him to threaten a few people during his blogs. He is a lifelong and diehard Raven-Maniac!!

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Posted by timlumber    Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009



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