Rae Mariz


Rae Mariz


I just turned 30. I’ve lived in Stockholm for nearly eight years now and am probably going to stay here for the long haul. I’ve worked as a Swedish to English translator for film production companies in Sweden and smaller publishers in Stockholm as well as an employee for the children’s library at Stockholm’s culture house.

I graduated high school with a two-year college degree thanks to a program where I was able to attend upper level course at age 16. Despite being a nerd, I didn’t continue with higher education apart from a few years of art school. I started working in public libraries instead, confident that I would go back to school when I wanted to know something I couldn’t learn by reading books. I haven’t gone back since (except for a few language courses), though I often daydream about going to university to study neurobiology.

I travel a lot. More than I care to. I really like staying home.

I’m a taurus.

My Myers-Briggs personality type is INTJ.

And I’m generally pretty uncomfortable with talking about myself.

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