
I try to eat as clean and unprocessed as I can. Due to the years of suffering from and having problems with foods and eating, I have started to eat for living now, rather than for just taste or appetite. It is important for me to learn to enjoy food again, and this enjoyment not only comes from taste, but also from feeling well afterwards.


~ pan fried fish with cherry tomatoes and arugula ~

In a nutshell, I eat a lowered carb (but not low carb) diet with rather high amounts of protein and moderate amounts of fat. Especially, I avoid sugar, wheat, and dairy products (although I consume a little dairy fat), and this way of eating makes me feel good and energized, because it keeps blood sugar levels low, and I avoid eating foods I do not tolerate well. I have also experienced that my feeling for hunger and satiety restored on this kind of diet, and also my appetite for sweets decreased a lot. And it is simple because I do not have to think so much anymore about what to eat or whether to eat at all. I just eat when I am hungry, and I am fine with what I eat. spacer


~ homemade almond milk ~

I do a lot of cooking myself and enjoy it very much. When you buy fresh foods and make your own meals from them, you get a better sense for what you are eating, as well as for what you are eating. I rediscovered the enjoyment about preparing and eating food when I started to view the topic of nutrition from a more wholesome perspective and to consider food as something that should actually fuel my body and enable it to support me in doing all the things I want to do in my life, instead of thinking about food and eating as a burden or some kind of unpleasant necessity like I did before.


~ carrot tagliatelle with chives ~

Cooking-wise, I cannot value stir fried dishes highly enough! A stir fry is kind of a perfect dish, because it is easy to make, quick, fresh, healthy, and tasty. And you only need a skillet to do it! To be honest, that last point was the most important at first, because my favor for stir fries initially roots back to the fact that, for many years, I have lived in very small apartments and had nothing more than two hotplates to prepare my food. Stir fries were the perfect solution for eating fresh and varied dishes without much effort. And I am not so much of a raw eater that I could have lived on salads during all those years.


~ chicken, cabbage, and shiitake stir fry ~

Read more about eating …

  • An Eating Odyssey
  • Everybody and Every Body Is Different
  • I Am a Sucker for Sugar
  • Food Dogmatism and Ideologically Motivated Eating
  • Serpentine Paths Through the Forest of Nutrition
  • (Not) Fitting In
  • The Right Direction
  • The Development of Addiction

4 Responses to Eating

  1. spacer Maggie @ Say Yes to Salad
    September 17, 2010 at 12:38 am

    Yep – stir fries are the best. They are my go to meal. In a teeny NYC kitchen all I need is a wok and a cutting board, and that makes me very happy.

    • spacer Kath (Eating for Living)
      January 11, 2011 at 11:18 pm


  2. spacer The Simple Life of a Country Man's Wife
    December 27, 2011 at 3:17 pm

    Your stomach issues and energy levels are sounding eerily familiar. I have a feeling my body would do much better without dairy products. Stepping into new eating habits feels like starting a new religion to me… so much to research and change! Do you “juice” at all? My parent’s bought us a juicer for Christmas, and I am interested in trying it.

    Great blog, keep up the good work!

    • spacer Kath (My Funny Little Life)
      January 2, 2012 at 4:39 pm

      Hi! Thank you so much for visiting and liking my blog! My life has changed so much since I’ve changed my diet! I feel so much better, but admittedly, it was quite the change in my daily habits as well – I cook much more and do a lot of food preparation, and my day usually starts with making fresh almond milk in the blender. spacer I haven’t tried juicing yet (don’t have a juicer), but I like (green) smoothies. Probably I can juice with my blender, like making a smoothie and then filtering it like I do with the almond milk to separate the juice. I’ll try that when I’m back home!


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