Couple of Crumbs

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spacer Funfetti is trying to defy the evils of writer's block one project at a time.

spacer Red Velvet is a quirky little cupcake trying to channel her inner writer.
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Funfetti: WEverb11 Prompts #8-18

AH! Can you believe I just wrote all of these, had only 3 to go, and they DISAPPEARED? I have no idea what just happened. So because of that, and how my heart is beating right now because I want to strangle someone, I am going to start from 18 and end with 8. It’s like Sesame Street but not. :) Enjoy!

#18. Teach

What lesson or advice were you able to pass on to others this year? Why was it important to share this information? (Or… what lesson would you like to pass on to others that read this?)

I think it would have to be communication. It can make or break a friendship, a relationship, a partnership or anything. Even if it’s ugly, even if it’s hurtful, it’s important to be honest and open with people in your life. In the end, everyone will feel better.

#17. Discover

 What did you discover (big or small) in 2011?

If anything, I discovered after all is said and done, I just want to be a writer. Like I have since I was a young kid. That doesn’t sound like a huge deal. It actually might sound silly to some people. But this year, my passion has been reignited even more and I’m ready to do something about it. And I guess I have been in small ways but now I’m admitting it to myself. That’s huge for me.

#16. Persevere

Describe something that disappointed you in 2011 and how you persevered.

There are some adults in our lives that have been generally disappointing. I think my husband and I have done as good of a job as we could staying strong and true to our convictions and just moving forward, with or without their support. We’ve been honest and said how we felt when they haven’t been the easiest things to say. We’ve made an effort to fix things and move forward and be happy. In general, since we first moved in together, Mr. FF and I have gotten better at making decisions and not letting the thoughts and ideas of others sway what we do or how we feel about them. It’s unfortunate not to have the support of people who love us but we know that we can move on and continue doing what we know is right for us.

#15. Surprise

What event of 2011 affected you in an unexpected way?

There are two very different projects I’ve been honored to be a part of this year and I have been so surprised by the amazing things I’ve gained since starting. I’ve made new (really good) friends, gained some awesome opportunities, and just been able to be a part of some fabulous, awesome communities.

#14. Breathe

How did you make space + peace for yourself in 2011?

I’m probably the worst at relaxing because I always have so much to do. (This happens when you have a long commute 5 days a week.) But I think taking time for myself even if it just meant planting myself in the guest room and watching a lot of my DVRed shows, or going to visit some gal pals. Taking a break for the night and just watching a movie with the hubster or an impromptu dinner out. Not to mention, the gym. THE GYM. For real. I feel my best after a work out.

#13. Read

What article or book changed your outlook on an issue or life?

I have no idea how I heard about this book but I took it out and was VERY surprised by my strong reaction to it. Donald Millers’ A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. It’s about this writer who is trying to figure out his life  by talking about the decisions of others and certain moves he makes. It was really effective and hopeful. Here’s one of my favorite quotes. It’s a little depressing but it really hit home with me:

“I think this is when most people give up on their stories. They come out of college wanting to change the world, wanting to get married, wanting to have kids and change the way people buy office supplies. But they get into the middle and discover it was harder than they thought. They can’t see the distant shore anymore, and they wonder if their paddling is moving them forward. None of the trees behind them are getting smaller and none of the trees ahead are getting bigger. They take it out on their spouses, and they go looking for an easier story.” 

#12. Thrive

What was your healthiest habit of 2011? What would you like to change or do differently in 2012?

We certainly read a lot of Nutrition labels this year, and stopped having soda in our house. (We only have ginger ale and soda for parties now.) I’ve totally cut High Fructose Corn Syrup from my diet, which has been great. I just wish we had more time to go to the gym.

For my mind, I’ve been indulging in a lot of hobbies during my free time and after feeling brainless at work each day, it’s really improved my peace of mind and made me feel good.

In 2012, I hope I can find a balance between all the things I want to do and also be able to make a more consistant gym schedule. I want to take spinning classes or maybe take up running when I don’t want to go to the gym. I would love for us to continue to have better eating habits at home. (I also would like to lose 10 more pounds by my birthday, and then another 5 by June. That would be my happy weight.) Here’s to all of that happening!

#11. Try

What 12 new things do you want to do/accomplish in 2012?

  1. Balance my time better.
  2. Cut myself off from all electronics one in awhile.
  3. Make more time for worthwhile friends, and reaching out to new ones.
  4. Taking some time to volunteer.
  5. Paying off credit cards. Not all of them, just a majority. Save some money and stop thinking I don’t have enough clothes in my closet.
  6. Stress less, laugh more.
  7. Starting something new in my workout routine.
  8. Finally finish reading “Little Women” and indulging in a few more classics.
  9. FOCUS. Stop feeling impatient, anxious, or feeling like I have to do 928349 things at once.
  10. Be the most supportive wife I can be.
  11. Start writing a novel.
  12. Work on the small details of our home. (Light switch covers, more pictures, switching around 2 of the rooms… lots to do!)

#10.  Create

Share a creative project you undertook this year (art, writing, DIY, cooking, home decoration, crafts, photography … whatever comes to mind). How do you use your creativity to express yourself?

Ah this question is so hard when it comes to RV & I staying anonymous. I would have to say one of my favorite projects this year was painting a wall in my living room. I realize I sound very Pacey & Joey when I saw that. (Do you remember when Pacey bought her a wall for no reason at all? Swoon!) 

spacer Here’s a picture to refresh your memory. Anyway, Mr. FF hated the idea of me painting the wall but you know what? In 2 years we still have not hung up any pictures in here, I’m not sure if more furniture would make it look better or just crowded so I thought the wall painting would make the room look “full”. I came up with the idea, and my sister and her best friend executed it when they came to visit. (Don’t worry, we bought them dinner!) It looks fabulous and even Mr. FF can’t argue with me. He likes it! He really likes it, and we’ve gotten a lot of compliments. Now I want to hang up a collage of frames over it but one thing at a time, I guess. :)

There are many ways to express creativity and without it I would be the most miserable person in the world. I’m happy to say I am able to destress by making cards, painting walls, brainstorming new projects, and writing.

#9. Appreciate

In which moment did you find yourself flooded with gratitude? How will you rally around gratitude in 2012?

I can’t stop talking about our wedding. But I can’t help it. It was the biggest thing to happen this year and sort of showcased my favorite moments I’ve had in a long time.

While I always feel grateful for my friends who were also in my bridal party, it was the morning of when we were sipping mimosas, listening to crazy Funfetti favorites on iTunes, waiting for our makeup and hair to be done — it was one of the best parts of wedding planning and the wedding day itself. We were laughing, have a great time, and it felt so thankful at that very moment to have these girls share my day with me like this.

I hate to be realistic but someday we may lose touch. Even if we can never imagine it now. We don’t know what will happen. But when I look back at those pictures and remember that morning, I know I made the very best decision when it came to my bridal party. Throughout the whole process, they were amazing even when I was changing my mind constantly, sending out a million emails, starting craft projects I didn’t understand fully… They were great sports and I’ll be forever thankful to them for being so supportive and calming during the whole crazy thing.

In fact, I wish I could go back and do that morning one more time. Mimosas, anyone?

#8. Choice

What was the biggest choice you made in 2011? What caused you to choose what you chose?

Getting married. I know a lot of people wouldn’t say this. I mean, I have never had any doubts about getting married to Mr. FF at all. If anything it was just logistics. Is this the right time? Are we rushing things? (We dated for a long time, and we had a long engagement so I’m not sure why this one kept popping up in my mind.)

Deciding this is the person you want to spend your life with is sort of a decision you make over a span of time. Do we have fun together? Do I like who I am with him? Do we have the same dreams for the future? And if we don’t, are we both willing to bend and compromise to make them happen for one another? Are you truly happy? Do you feel supported? Is our marriage sustainable for the rest of our lives? Without knowing what challenges we will face, who we will meet, where we will go, what jobs we may have… it’s really a lot to think about. I think too many people our age go into it blindly. Without thinking. They think EVERYONE else is getting married around them and it’s just the thing to do after you’ve been together for a long time. It’s the next step. I guess when I was young I never thought about people getting married who weren’t the “right” couple and yet I’ve met quite a few and it frightens me to no end. I know you can never know what goes on in a relationship and it’s between two people but still… there is that dreaded feeling you get sometimes.

Now I’m going off on a tangent. But I think everyone knows at least one couple like this, and we only hope they can grow together and make things work. Marriage is not a temporary thing, and when I have a bad day or even a good one and Mr. FF says something sweet, does something wonderful for me at home, I know I am the luckiest. He supports me, he encourages me, he cares about what is important to me even if he doesn’t get it, he never makes me feel like I can’t do anything or see anyone, he loves when I act silly, and he is probably one of the only people I can be my true self around. He’s not afraid to hold my hand in public or hug me really tight, or sing outloud when the mood strikes him, or dance a silly little dance to make me smile. He cares about my friends, cares about knowing my friends, cares about my sister like she is his own, and gets along so well with my family. He works hard at his job, only wants to do better, and cares about the people he works with and works for. I am so proud to be his wife, and I know, even though some days it will mean hard work, I’ve made the right decision for me.

(In lighter decisions, WHY DID I CUT MY BANGS THIS TIME? I’m just not feeling it and can’t wait until they grow out.)


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Red Velvet #13: Read


What article or book changed your outlook on an issue or life?

I just finished reading “Falling for Me: How I Hung Curtains, Learned to Cook, Traveled to Seville, and Fell in Love” by Anna David and while it might not have changed my life, it certainly made feel like I’m not alone.  Here’s this intelligent, attractive, successful woman in her 30s who thought that she’d have a husband and kids by now but she doesn’t.  She’s hit a point in her life where she’s wondering if the choices she’s made were the right ones, why does she fall for the wrong guys and what can she do to change her situation?  I wonder this myself but she actually does something about it.  She gets inspired by this book called “Sex and the Single Girl” by Helen Gurley Brown, which was written in the 60s, but she decides to try the author’s suggestions and apply them to current times.  What ensues are stories (a lot of which made me laugh) about online and speed dating, good/bad guys, learning how to really cook for the first time, taking a French class, a ceramics class, organizing events, impulsive trips and more.  She really takes matters into her own hands and it’s inspiring.  

With so many people around me getting engaged, it’s easy to feel like I’m somehow getting left behind or not maturing as fast.  Especially when I haven’t even been on a date in forever.  It’s so easy to forget that there are other women in this same situation and that you just have to take chances, make the best of it and be grateful for the things you DO have.  This book was a great reminder of that.  
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Red Velvet #9-12 #WEverb11

#9: Appreciate

In which moment did you find yourself flooded with gratitude? How will you rally around gratitude in 2012?
I don’t think there’s one big moment that I could choose for this one.  Despite the times when I complain, I’m honestly so grateful and appreciative of a lot of things in my life.  I may not always show it, but I feel it.  

Like, every time I’m out with one of my friends I can’t help but feel grateful for their friendship.  As I get older, I realize more and more that connecting with someone isn’t an every day occurrence.  It’s rare to find someone you can truly be yourself with and confide in and I try not to ever lose sight of that.  Or when I’m at family get-togethers.  Even though my relatives can be crazy and slightly overbearing, would I really want it any other way?  Probably not.  I love that we all live so close each other.  I appreciate that I had the opportunity to travel this year, connect with people through writing, read more, survive everything at work.  The list goes on.  

While it’s important to appreciate those big moments, I think it’s equally important to appreciate the little ones too and everything in between.

#10: Create
Share a creative project you undertook this year (art, writing, DIY, cooking, home decoration, crafts, photography … whatever comes to mind). How do you use your creativity to express yourself?

On my personal blog, I participated in a photo challenge recently that was run by Positively Present (one of my favorite sites!).  It lasted the entire month of November and the focus was on gratitude, which really appealed to me. Taking photos every day based on the daily topics (favorite food, memories, happiness, books, etc) forced me to think, be creative and focus on the things around me.  I really enjoyed it and even kind of miss it now.  Plus it gave me a chance to try something new and connect with other bloggers online.

Even if you’re not into photography but just love taking pictures on your phone (I adore the Instagram app on my iPhone!), I’d definitely recommend trying it!

(My photo for Day 28: Nighttime)

#11: Try
What 12 new things do you want to do/accomplish in 2012?

1.  Find a new job
2.  Move out
3.  Do at least one thing (I don’t know what) that’s outside my comfort zone.
4.  Travel somewhere new. (More travel and roadtrips in general.)
5.  Go to the beach this summer (simple I know but every year I say I want to go to the beach and it never happens.)
6.  Read 100 books (Funfetti inspired this one!)
7.  Meet someone / go out on a date.
8.  Save more money (like come up with a plan/budget and stick with it).
9.  Go to more concerts.
10.  Travel somewhere by myself (I think about going to California to see my cousin all the time, but my fear of planes always stops me).
11.  Take a class - yoga, zumba, maybe beginner’s ballet for adults.  Something!
12.  Every year, I tell myself that I should learn a new web programming language to stay on top of things professionally. But I never do and I really should.

#12: Thrive
What was your healthiest habit of 2011? What would you like to change or do differently in 2012?

This seems kind of silly but my healthiest habit is probably cutting back on soda.  I’ve always lived off of soda (Code Red Mountain Dew, to be exact) and would drink a couple bottles per day in college.  Now I only have soda once a week at most which is HUGE for me.  Instead I stick to raspberry iced tea, water, ginger ale (I don’t think it’s really soda) and of course, coffee.  It’s such a seemingly small change but health-wise, I think it does make a difference.

I think next year, I’d like to be more active.  Join a class at the gym with a friend (I always mention yoga or zumba) or go on walks more often.  During the summer on my days off, my cousin and I would go on this trail near where we live and walk for about 3 miles.  I’d always feel so good afterward and it’s the kind of thing I need to do more next year.  
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Red Velvet #8: Choose


What was the biggest choice you made in 2011? What caused you to choose what you chose?

I don’t know if there’s one BIG choice I made this year (unless you count treating myself to a much needed vacation). If anything, I tried to look at my daily choices more.  I wanted to make choices that would make me feel less stressed or give me opportunities to do things I love.  I mean, ultimately I just want to be happy.  It’s such a simple thing but I honestly do think it’s a choice you make for yourself. I can’t tell you how many times I would tell myself at work - don’t sweat the little things.  I didn’t always follow that advice (which Funfetti can attest to!) but on the days when I did, it felt really good and I’m getting better at doing that. No one wants to be sitting at their desk internally raging at their coworkers.  (I swear, I don’t.)  Or the decision to read more.  Again a simple choice and yet it’s one that’s made me very happy.  I’ve always been a bookworm and for whatever reason, I went through this period post-college where I hardly read at all.  I missed it! Now I’m reading all the time, escaping into these wonderful stories.  Books just make me happier.  Same goes for blogging.  I love to write but it’s always been stop and go for me.  Then for the past year and a half, I’ve made the conscious effort to keep at it and it’s been so rewarding.  

It’s kind of like that saying - how sometimes it’s the little things that matter most.  Maybe I didn’t make one life-altering decision.  Instead I made a lot of little choices that made this past year a happier one as a whole.  And that’s probably something I’m going to try and keep at next year (and that year after that!).  

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Funfetti #7: Travel

Where did you travel this year? What was your favorite part? If you didn’t get to travel, where do you want to go next year? #weverb11

While I sometimes daydream about just buying a plane ticket on a whim and heading to a tropical paradise (usually on a crazy day at work), I’ve never actually acted on it. For some reason, it just never occurred to me to pull the trigger. Though, I did come sort of close to that this year. When I realized two of my best friends would be in the same state at the same time and all I had to do was just get there, I sent an email about us meeting somewhere in the Keys. (I had never been.) They loved the idea, and I bought some plane tickets.
Blue skies. Palm trees. Fruity drinks. I was in the middle of one of my favorite country songs, for sure. My one friend and I road-tripped to meet the other, found our hotel, and settled on the beach behind our hotel. I think we probably talked for twelve hours straight (maybe more), stopping to sip our beer, take a few pictures, and take showers later on. The water was amazing, we sat in beach chairs, and just enjoyed spending some uninterrupted time with one another. We’ve been friends since our first semester at college, and sometimes I’m just blown away by how different we are and that we’ve lasted this long, especially since we are never in the same place at the same time. (Come to think of it, even when we lived on the same campus, we had trouble getting together. I remember the post-it notes: “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you all week!”)
Later, we sat and watched the sun set. (We’re romantic like that.) Ate s’mores and got pretty for dinner. After a delicious meal, we sat in beautiful hotel room (glad we splurged!) and just talked. More. I love how we always have so much to say, and how right before we go to sleep we all said outloud how happy we were to be doing something like this together. I’m not really use to that kind of outward affection when it comes to being home with my friends. But it was so true. And it felt good to hear it. I sort of live for these adventures, and these two girls always make me feel like I can do anything.
The next morning, before we left for our trip to airport, we decided to jump in the water one more time. There was no one in the bay, the water felt so good (I love to swim), and the sun was already hot on our backs. It was only a few minutes… I didn’t want to leave. It was so gorgeous.

I know some thought I was nuts to just go away for less than 2 days. Sure, I was exhausted when I got back but it really was one of my highlights of my year.

I can’t wait until we can meet up in another fun place. (But after I replenish my wallet like a good girl…)
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