Town of Louisa
Police Department

spacer The Louisa Police Department serves a diverse community of approximately 1,500 people. The town serves as the economic hub for the county. Located in the thriving downtown are the government offices and courts for both the county and the town. Louisa has a wide array of shopping and eating options for the residents and visitors.


In keeping with the theme of a welcoming town you will find our officers to be courteous, professional, and approachable. So stop by the office or just say hi as you encounter the police officers. We look forward to your visit.




Please be aware that in the past several weeks there have been break-in’s county wide. More specifically the town has experienced two commercial break-in’s.

Please take the time to
  • ensure the locks are functioning properly and offer a measure of security;
  • that any security device or alarms are in working order;
  • and to fix any faulty doors, windows, or other access points.

The Louisa Police Department will be happy to meet with you and discuss suggestions for greater security of your facility. Here are few tips to aid in the security of your building.



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