The Storyteller


Anyone who met my father-in-law, Jon Johnson, even briefly knew almost immediately that he loved to tell a good story. Those of us who knew Jon well probably heard most of his stories – many of us heard his favorites multiple times. After a while we didn’t bother trying to interrupt him to mention that we’d heard a particular one before. We learned: If Jon wanted to tell a story, the story would be told.
No one loved Jon’s stories more than his grandkids, and they never tired of them, not even the repeats. From the time they could talk, Noah and Rowan would plant themselves in Papa’s lap – one boy on the left knee, one boy on the right – lean against his chest and beg for a story, sometimes even two or three times a day. I don’t know how he did it, one fantastical yarn after another, but Papa never declined the opportunity to spin a tale. Snuggled into the wing chair or piled onto the hammock, the boys would listen with rapt attention, oblivious to everything else around them.
Eager for a few minutes of free time, I usually didn’t linger to catch more than a snippet or two, so I can’t tell you exactly what Jon’s stories were about. I do recall a frequent mention of pirates and the occasional mummy, and once or twice we did suggest he go a little easy at bedtime, even if the boys begged for the “scariest one ever.”
The last time the boys and I saw Jon in late December, he was too ill to participate in most of his typical shenanigans: chase games and tickling, couch pillow forts, '50s dance parties and root beer floats. At one point, though, when neither Papa nor the boys could be found, we finally discovered them tucked into the walk-in closet.
 “Shhhh! Go away!” Rowan admonished when I peered into the dark.
“Just wondering what you guys are doing in here,” I said, stepping one foot into the closet.  In the dimness I glimpsed three bodies buried beneath a mound of pillows and blankets near the back.
“We’re fine, Mommy, we’re fine,” Noah said. “Papa’s just telling us a story.”

We’ll sure miss you and your stories, Jon, even the ones we’ve heard before…. especially the ones we’ve heard before. Most of all, we are so very grateful to have been a part of your story.

{29 Days of Quiet will resume tomorrow. Thank you for grace...and prayers. Jon passed away yesterday. We will miss him dearly - he was the light of my kids' lives.}


Grace Changes Everything: A Lenten Gift for You {day sixteen}

Lent offers us a period of quiet during the six-week journey to Easter. The past couple of years I've begun each of the 47 days of Lent with a few minutes of reflection and prayer and a reading from a devotional booklet.

 If you, too, are looking for a quiet, contemplative way to connect with God on a daily basis during this coming Lent, may I offer you Grace Changes Everything?

I collaborated with my church and with Lincoln artist Deb Paden to create this devotional booklet, and I'm so glad to be able to offer it here at Graceful, too, as a small gift in gratitude for you. Will you join me in walking together through Lent this year?

The booklet includes:
  • A short Bible reading, with suggestions for a longer Scripture reading if you have the time.
  • One short devotional for each day of the six weeks of Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday and concluding on Easter Sunday.
  • A prayer or action item for the day that may help you live out God's word in your everyday.
To Receive the Link for the Free Lenten Devotional:

If you already subscribe to Graceful via e-mail or via RSS feed in a reader (and if you do, thank you!), the link to the Lenten Devotional is included in the footer of each post. Just look at the very bottom of this post, and you should see the link right there (and each day from now until the end of Lent). If you don't see it, email me and I will send it to you (I am not a high-tech queen, so I can't guarantee I've done this correctly!). is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.