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The on-line Unihan database provides a convenient means to access date in the file Unihan.txt, which contains normative and informative informationon the contents of Unicode's CJK Ideographs blocks ("Unihan"). A full description of the fields, their meaning, and their status within the Unicode Standard can be found either in the "About the Unihan Database" page or the Unicode Character Database.

Unihan data for U+5973

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The Unicode Standard Your Browser

Encoding Forms

Decimal UTF-8 UTF-16 UTF-32
22899 E5 A5 B3  5973 00005973

IRG Sources

G-source T-source H-source J-source K-source KP-source V-source U-source
0-452E 1-444C   0-3D77 0-5233 KP0-D4E5 1-515B  

Mappings to Major Standards


GB 2312 GB 12345 CNS 11643-1986 CNS 11643-1992 CCCII Big Five HK SCS
3714 3714 1-444C 1-444C 213942 A46B  


JIS X 0208 JIS X 0212 JIS X 0213


KS X 1001:1992 KS X 1002:1991 KPS 9566-97 KPS 10721-2000
5019   D4E5  


EACC Xerox PRC Telegraph ROC Telegraph
213942 241:322 1166 1166

Dictionary Information

IRG Indices

KangXi Morohashi Dae Jaweon Hanyu Da Zidian
0254.220 06036 0516.190 21023.230

Other Indices

Cowles Fenn Karlgren Nelson Mathews Meyer-Wempe Lau
2949 552A   1185 4776 2122 2408 2409

Radical-stroke Counts

Unicode KangXi Japanese Korean Morohashi
38.0 38.0      

Phonetic Data

Cantonese Mandarin Tang Japanese On Japanese Kun Sino-Korean
jyu5 neoi5 neoi6 NÜ3 RU3 *niǔ *njiǔ JO NYO NYOU ONNA ME MUSUME NYE

Other Dictionary Data

Definition Total Strokes Phonetic Cangjie
woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 3 990 V


Simplified Traditional Semantic Specialized Semantic Z
        U+F981 (spacer )

Chinese Compounds (drawn largely, but not exclusively, from the CEDICT dictionary file)

愛女 ai4nyu3   a beloved daughter; a favorite daughter
婢女 bi4 nu:3 pei5 neui5 slave-girl; servant-girl
不男不女 bu4nan2-bu4nyu3   neither a male nor a female (a disapproving description of someone's manner dress, makeup, etc.); grotesque
才女 cai2nyu3 choi4 neui5 a talented woman
處女 chu3 nu:3 chyu3 neui5 virgin
待女 dai4nyu3 doi6 neui5 orchids
兒女情長 er2 nyu3 qing2 chang2   Long is the love between man and woman
兒女債 er2-nyu3 zhai4 yi4 neui5 jaai3 the obligations of parents to their children
封面女郎 fengmian4 nyu3lang2 fung1 min6 neui5 long4 cover girl; a girl whose photo is used as a magazine cover
婦女 fu4 nu:3 fu5 neui5 woman
婦女參政權 fu4nyu3 canzheng4quan2 fu5 neui5 chaam1 jing3 kyun4 female suffrage
婦女運動 fu4nyu3 yun4dong4 fu5 neui5 wan6 dung6 women's movement
婦女會 fu4nyu3hui4   a women's association
婦女節 Fu4nyu3jie2 fu5 neui5 jit3 Women's Day, on March 8
宮女 gongnyu3 gung1 neui5 a court lady; a lady in waiting
國際婦女節 guo2ji4 Fu4nyu3jie2 gwok3 jai3 fu5 neui5 jit3 (internationally observed) Women's Day
婚生子女 hunsheng zi3nyu3   children born within wedlock
妓女 ji4 nu:3 gei6 neui5 prostitute; hooker
嬌女 jiaonyu3 giu1 neui5 a beloved daughter
拘女 junyu3 keui1 neui5 girls employed by the imperial household who were not allowed to marry
孟姜女 Meng4jiangnyu3 maang6 geung1 neui5 the name of a heroine in Chinese folklore, whose bitter cries over her; husband's death at the Great Wall was said to have caused a section of; the wall to crumble down
名女人 ming2nyu3ren2 ming4 neui5 yan4 women with notorious reputation
男女 nan2 nu:3 naam4 neui5 male-female
內姪女 nei4zhi2nyu3 noi6 jat6 neui5 nieces of one's wife
nu:3 neui5 female; woman
女兒 nu:3 er2 neui5 yi4 daughter
女房東 nu:3 fang2 dong1   landlady
女服物員 nu:3 fu2 wu4 yuan2 neui5 fuk6 mat6 yun4 stewardess
女高音 nu:3 gao1 yin1 neui5 gou1 yam1 soprano
女管家 nu:3 guan3 jia1 neui5 gun2 ga1 housekeeper
女孩 nu:3 hai2 neui5 haai4 girl; lass
女孩兒 nu:3 hair2 neui5 haai4 yi4 daughter
女皇 nu:3 huang2 neui5 wong4 empress
女繼承人 nu:3 ji4 cheng2 ren2 neui5 gai3 sing4 yan4 inheritress
女朋友 nu:3 peng2 you5 neui5 pang4 yau5 female friend; girlfriend
女人 nu:3 ren2 neui5 yan4 woman
女舍監 nu:3 she4 jian1   matron
女神 nu:3 shen2 neui5 san4 goddess; nymph
女士 nu:3 shi4 neui5 si6 lady; madam
女王 nu:3 wang2 neui5 wong4 queen
女修道 nu:3 xiu1 dao4 neui5 sau1 dou6 convent
女婿 nu:3 xu5 neui5 sai3 son-in-law
女學生 nu:3 xue2 sheng1   schoolgirl
女演員 nu:3 yan3 yuan2 neui5 yin2 yun4 actress
女英雄 nu:3 ying1 xiong2 neui5 ying1 hung4 heroine
女佣 nu:3 yong4 neui5 yung6 (female) maid
女用內衣 nu:3 yong4 nei4 yi1 neui5 yung6 noi6 yi1 chemise
女主人 nu:3 zhu3 ren2 neui5 jyu2 yan4 hostess; mistress
女裝裁縫師 nu:3 zhuang1 cai2 feng5 shi1 neui5 jong1 choi4 fung4 si1 dressmaker
女子 nu:3 zi3 neui5 ji2 woman; female
女扮男裝 nyu3 ban4 nan2zhuang   a woman in a man's clothes; a woman disguised as a man
女大不中留 nyu3 da4 bu4 zhong liu2   A grown daughter cannot be kept unmarried for long
女大當嫁 nyu3 da4 dang jia4 neui5 daai6 dong1 ga3 A girl should get married upon reaching womanhood
女大十八變 nyu3 da4 shi2ba bian4 neui5 daai6 sap6 baat3 bin3 A girl changes fast in pysical appearance from childhood to adulthood
女生外嚮 nyu3 sheng wai4 xiang4   A girl will get married sooner or later and is prone to take the side of; her husband (instead of her own family)
女中丈夫 女中豪傑 nyu3 zhong zhang4fu nyu3 zhong hao2jie2   a woman of great capability
女伴 nyu3ban4   a lady companion; a female companion
女次高音 nyu3ci4gaoyin neui5 chi3 gou1 yam1 mezzo soprano
女德 nyu3de2 neui5 dak1 feminine virtues; chastity; feminine beauty; a nun
女弟子 nyu3di4zi3 neui5 dai6 ji2 one's girl student
女低音 nyu3diyin neui5 dai1 yam1 contralto; alto
女方 nyu3fang neui5 fong1 on the woman's part (when the other party concerned is a man)
女工 nyu3gong neui5 gung1 women labor; a girl working in a plant
女公子 nyu3gongzi3 neui5 gung1 ji2 a polite reference to other's daughter; daughter of a famous personality
女紅 nyu3hong2 neui5 hung4 needlework
女角 nyu3jiao3 neui5 gok3 an actress; a movie or theatrical role played by a woman
女眷 nyu3juan4 neui5 gyun3 the female members of a family
女郎 nyu3lang2 neui5 long4 a young girl
女牢 nyu3lao2 neui5 lou4 a prison for women criminals; a penitentiary for women
女伶 女優 nyu3ling2 nyu3you   an actress
女流 nyu3liu2 neui5 lau4 women (collectively); the weaker sex
女奴 nyu3nu2 neui5 nou4 slave girls
女僕 nyu3pu2 neui5 buk6 a female servant; a maid
女青年會 Nyu3qingnian2hui4   YWCA--Young Women's Christian Association
女權 nyu3quan2 neui5 kyun4 women's rights
女色 nyu3se4 neui5 sik1 the pleasure of feminine companionship
女生 nyu3sheng   co-eds; girl students
女生宿舍 nyu3sheng su4she4   women's dormitory
女史 nyu3shi3 neui5 si2 a woman of learning; a woman scholar
女童子軍 nyu3tong2zi3jun neui5 tung4 ji2 gwan1 girl scouts
女萎 nyu3wei   clematis (also known as 鐵線蓮 )
女巫 nyu3wu neui5 mou4 witch
女先生 nyu3xiansheng5   women teachers
女性 nyu3xing4 neui5 sing3 female; the fair sex
女性中心社會 nyu3xing4 zhongxin she4hui4   matriarchy
女真 Nyu3zhen neui5 jan1 Nyuzhen, or Jurchen, ancestors of the Manchus
女子參政 nyu3zi3 canzheng4 neui5 ji2 chaam1 jing3 women suffrage
奇女子 qi2nyu3zi3 kei4 neui5 ji2 a remarkable woman
弱女 ruo4nyu3 yeuk6 neui5 a young girl
善男信女 shan4nan2-xin4nyu3 sin6 naam4 seun3 neui5 devotees of Buddha; the faithful
少女 shao4 nu:3   maiden
神女 shen2 nu:3 san4 neui5 goddess
神女峰 shen2 nu:3 feng1 san4 neui5 fung1 name of a peak by Changjiang Three Gorges
甥女 sheng1 nu:3 saang1 neui5 niece (sister's daughter)
使女 shi3nyu3   a maid servant
侍女 shi4 nu:3 si6 neui5 maid
室女 shi4nyu3 sat1 neui5 an unmarried girl; a virgin
仕女 士女 shi4nyu3   men and women; painting portraying beautiful women
庶女 shu4nyu3 syu3 neui5 a commoner's daughter
孫女 sun1 nu:3 syun1 neui5 granddaughter
孫女兒 sun1 nu:r3 syun1 neui5 yi4 granddaughter (daughter of one's son)
外孫女 wai4 sun1 nu:3   daughter's daughter; granddaughter
外孫女兒 wai4 sun1 nu:r3   granddaughter (daughter of one's daugher)
下女 xia4nyu3   maid
仙女 xian1 nu:3 sin1 neui5 fairy
小女 xiao3nyu3 siu2 neui5 my daughter (self-depreciatory term)
孝女 xiao4nyu3 haau3 neui5 a bereaved daughter (used in obituary)
修女 xiu1 nu:3 sau1 neui5 nun
一男半女 yi4nan2-ban4nyu3 yat1 naam4 bun3 neui5 a few children (connoting hope or longing for children after marriage)
應召女郎 ying4zhao4 nyu3lang2   a call girl
幼女 you2 nu:3 yau3 neui5 young girl
幼女童軍 you4nyu3tong2jun yau3 neui5 tung4 gwan1 a Brownie
御女 yu4nyu3 yu6 neui5 court women; court ladies; to have sexual intercourse with a woman
怨女 yuan4nyu3 yun3 neui5 an old maid or spinster
怨女曠夫 yuan4nyu3-kuang4fu yun3 neui5 kwong3 fu1 unmarried women and men (who could be easily persuaded to marry to mutual satisfaction)
招女(婿) zhaonyu3xu4   (said of a family without a male heir) to marry the daughter to a man who will live with her family and bear her family name
招贅 zhaozhui4   same as 招女(婿) (said of a family without a male heir) to marry the daughter to a man who will live with her family and bear her family name
姪女 zhi2 nu:3 jat6 neui5 niece; brother's daughter
姪女(婿) zhi2nyu3xu4   husband of one's niece
子女 zi3 nu:3 ji2 neui5 children; sons and daughters
從女 zong4nyu3 chung4 neui5 a niece


Japanese Compounds (drawn from the EDICT dictionary file)

悪女 あくじょ wicked or ugly woman
鮎魚女 あいなめ greenling (fish)
鮎並女 あいなめ (oK) greenling (fish)
伊達女 だておんな flapper
意中の女 いちゅうのおんな sweetheart/girlfriend
一女 いちじょ daughter/the eldest daughter/woman
王女 おうじょ princess
乙女 おとめ maiden/girl/virgin
乙女座 おとめざ Virgo/maiden guild
乙女心 おとめごころ girl's feeling/maiden's mind
下種女 げすおんな woman of low rank/term of degradation for a woman
下女 げじょ maid servant
下女下男 げじょげなん servants
下女中 しもじょちゅう kitchen maid
海女 あま woman shell diver
伎女 ぎじょ woman entertainer
帰国子女 きこくしじょ child who has returned to his or her country
帰国子女枠 きこくしじょわく special consideration for students who have lived abroad
貴女 あなた (oK) (fem) you/lady
貴女 きじょ (oK) (fem) you/lady
鬼女 きじょ demoness/witch/ogress/she-devil
京女 きょうおんな Kyoto woman
侠女 きょうじょ gallant woman
狂女 きょうじょ madwoman
孝女 こうじょ filial daughter
皇女 こうじょ imperial princess
才女 さいじょ talented woman
三女 さんじょ third daughter
山女 やまめ a kind of trout
仕え女 つかえめ maidservant
士女 しじょ men & women/the whole town
侍女 じじょ lady attendant/maid
児女 じじょ boys and girls
次女 じじょ second daughter
修道女 しゅうどうじょ (Catholic) nun
淑女 しゅくじょ lady
処女 しょじょ virgin/maiden
処女膜 しょじょまく hymen
おんな woman
じょ woman/girl/daughter
女々しい めめしい effeminate
女だてらに おんなだてらに unlike a woman/unwomanly/woman that she is
女に不自由 おんなにふじゆう a guy who never gets the women/nerd
女の子 おんなのこ girl
女の人 おんなのひと woman
女らしい おんならしい womanly/ladylike/feminine
女医 じょい woman doctor
女一般 おんないっぱん (col) women in general
女王 じょおう queen
女王らしい じょおうらしい queen-like
女王陛下 じょおうへいか Her Majesty the Queen
女学生 じょがくせい schoolgirl
女狂い おんなぐるい girl crazy
女形 おやま male actor in female Kabuki roles
女形 おんながた male actor in female Kabuki roles
女権 じょけん women's rights
女権運動 じょけんうんどう women's rights movement
女権拡張 じょけんかくちょう extension of women's rights
女権拡張論者 じょけんかくちょうろんしゃ feminist
女好き おんなずき fondness for women/woman admirer/lustful man/spoony
女三人寄れば姦しい おんなさんにんよればかしましい (id) wherever women gather it is noisy
女史 じょし Ms.
女子 じょし women
女子高 じょしこう girls' high school
女子高生 じょしこうせい female high-school student
女子大 じょしだい women's college
女児 じょじ baby girl/primary schoolgirl
女囚 じょしゅう female prisoner
女女しい めめしい effeminate
女将 おかみ mistress/landlady/hostess/proprietress
女神 めがみ goddess
女親 おんなおや female parent
女人 にょにん women
女垂らし おんなたらし a guy that knows how to play the ladies/a skillful playboy
女性 じょせい woman
女性一般 じょせいいっぱん women in general
女性器 じょせいき (X) female genitalia/cunt
女性差別 じょせいさべつ discrimination against women/sexism
女性像 じょせいぞう female image
女性的 じょせいてき feminine/effeminate
女性美 じょせいび feminine beauty
女性名詞 じょせいめいし feminine noun
女性用 じょせいよう for use by women
女生 じょせい schoolgirl
女声 じょせい female voice
女装 じょそう (vs) female clothing/wearing female clothing
女尊 じょそん respect for women
女体 にょたい woman's body
女滝 めだき the smaller waterfall (of the two)
女中 じょちゅう (obs) maid
女帝 じょてい empress
女湯 おんなゆ women's bath
女難 じょなん trouble with women
女便所 おんなべんじょ women's toilet
女方 おんながた male actor in female Kabuki roles
女房 にょうぼう wife
女優 じょゆう actress
女流 じょりゅう woman writer
女郎 じょろう prostitute/geisha
女郎花 おみなえし patrinia (name of flower)
少女 おとめ daughter/young lady/virgin/little girl
少女 しょうじょ daughter/young lady/virgin/little girl
少年少女 しょうねんしょうじょ boys and girls
上女中 かみじょちゅう head servant
色女 いろおんな concubine
尻軽女 しりがるおんな promiscuous woman
雪女 ゆきおんな snow woman/fairy
仙女 せんじょ fairy/nymph/elf
仙女 せんにょ fairy/nymph/elf
善男善女 ぜんなんぜんにょ pious men and women
側女 そばめ concubine
大女 おおおんな a huge woman
男女 だんじょ man and woman/men and women
男女同権 だんじょどうけん equal rights among men and women
男尊女卑 だんそんじょひ male domination of women/subjection of women
長女 ちょうじょ eldest daughter
貞女 ていじょ virtuous woman/faithful wife
天女 てんにょ heavenly nymph/celestial maiden
天津乙女 あまつおとめ celestial maiden
売女 ばいた (col) (uk) bitch
彼女 かのじょ she/girl friend/sweetheart
美女 びじょ beautiful woman
美少女 びしょうじょ beautiful girl
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