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Office Paintball

The emoticons have escaped from the computers and now they're roaming around the office. Use your painting gun to shoot them and put things...

Tags: shots, aim, colors, weapons,

1 yupis

Dress Hannah Mo...

Hannah Montana has to get ready for a concert tonight and she needs your help because she's running out of time. Help her to get ready quickly...

Tags: hanna montana, dress up, girls, actress,

27 yupis


This is a memory game; this little ghost has challenged you to test your memory. You have to match the pictures in order to demonstrate your...

Tags: kids, kids, memory, ghosts,

23 yupis

RPS Blockade

This is a game of rock, paper and scissors; but in a tetris version. You have to join two blocks to make them disappear. Do it quickly, before...

Tags: tetris, classic, logic, rock papper scissors,

20 yupis

Chicken Shootout

The chickens from the farm are really sick, they got the bird flu and they're running all around. You have to take your gun and shoot them...

Tags: shots, aim, animal, chickens,

20 yupis

BSE - The game!

This girl wants to treat her herd of cattle for BSE. Help her to move the cows one at a time, until she has saved all of them. You'll have...

Tags: girls, kids, animal, puzzles,

22 yupis

Dress Thalía

Thalia is a model. And she has a modeling show of typical outfits. You are her personal secretary. You should help her choose the clothes...

Tags: girls, dress up, clothes, fashion,

22 yupis


You are a little ameba, you should all of the danger amebas before they attack you and destroy your cell. Don´t touch bigger amebas or you...

Tags: skill, food, cells, amebas,

22 yupis

slot Machine X

You're a slot machine player. Your friends have bet you some beers in a game and, you have accepted because you really want to drink. Try...

Tags: slot machines, gambling, drunk, bets,

21 yupis

Wile E. Rocket ...

This game is based on the 'Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner'. The Coyote challenged the roadrunner to a race over the desert. Help Coyote...

Tags: cartoons, looney tunes, racing, obstacles,

31 yupis

Ready for the D...

The prince has organised a dance in his castle, in order to choose his bride. You are one of the ladies who has been invited; your objective...

Tags: girls, dress up, princess, clothes,

31 yupis

Red Plane II

Your country has been invaded by enemy airplanes. You´re flying a red fighter plane and your goal is to shoot bombs at enemies to destroy...

Tags: planes, war, bombs, shots,

22 yupis

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