Friday, November 17, 2006


Je viens de trouver un autre auteur/blogueur qui sera au Salon du livre de Montral dans les prochains jours alors j'ai dcid de mettre ma petite liste jour. Il y aura donc:

-Stphane Dompierre
-Steve Proulx
-Matthieu Simard
-Nicolas Dickner

Si vous connaissez d'autres blogueurs/auteurs qui y seront, faites moi signe!

Et si vous allez au Salon, habillez-vous lgrement. (Non, non! Pas pour tre cute! Parce qu'il fait chaud en maudit dans la place.)

posted by Martine @ 14:27 0 comments

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Passez au salon

Comme plusieurs autres blogueurs qui sont aussi auteurs - comme elle, lui, lui et lui - je serai au Salon du livre de Montral samedi et dimanche, les 18 et 19 novembre, pour des sances de signature.

Pour signer des copies de Lance et Compte: les dessous d'une grande russite, Claude Hroux et moi seront accompagns de deux comdiens de la srie: Jason Roy-Lveille, qui joue le rle de Guy Lambert, la nouvelle idole du National de Qubec, et de Eric Hoziel, alias Mac Templeton, un des favoris des fans de la srie (un des miens, en tous cas!)

J'ai eu l'occasion de rencontrer Jason l't dernier dans le cadre du tournage du film vos marques! Party! dont j'ai co-crit le scnario. En plus d'tre bon acteur et mignon comme tout, Jason est super sympathique et pas prtentieux pour deux sous. Vous devriez en entendre beaucoup parler dans les prochaines annes. Je suis vraiment contente que lui et Eric aient accept de se joindre nous au Salon du livre.

Nous serons l de 13h00 15h00, samedi (Jason) et dimanche (Eric), au stand de Flammarion (#416). J'espre avoir la chance de rencontrer certains d'entre vous!

En passant, si vous prenez des photos au Salon du livre et que vous les mettez sur Flickr, n'oubliez pas de les tiquetter (tag) avec SalondulivreMontreal.

posted by Martine @ 14:26 1 comments

Think globally...

... act very, very locally.

posted by Martine @ 10:47 2 comments

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Lecture conseille

La FPJQ a rcemment distribu ses membres et amis un numro du magazine L'Actualit cr tout spcialement pour le prochain Congrs de la fdration des journalistes. Ce numro spcial trs intressant (et je ne dis pas a parce qu' ma grande surprise, on y retrouve ma binette) est consacr au thme du "Far Web: nouvelle frontire de l'information".

Si vous vous intressez au croisement entre journalisme et blogues, vous pouvez tlcharger une version PDF du magazine sur le site Web de la FPJQ.

Merci CFD qui m'a prvenue de l'existence de ce magazine (mme s'il s'est foutu de ma gueule et de ma citation).

posted by Martine @ 13:10 3 comments

Vive l'informatique libre!

Jusqu' dimanche le 19 novembre, c'est la semaine qubcoise de l'informatique libre. Des activits sont organises dans plusieurs rgions du Qubec. Comme le dit leur site, "la SQIL reprsente depuis trois ans une occasion privilgie pour les dbutants de se familiariser avec linformatique libre, pour les plus avancs dacqurir de nouvelles connaissances et pour tous de se rencontrer afin de discuter sur le sujet."

posted by Martine @ 10:44 0 comments

Monday, November 13, 2006

Voice recorder for the Mac

In my work, I often have to record interviews, conferences and lectures and for the last two years I've used the Panasonic RR-US360 to do so. Unfortunately, the software that allows one to transfer sound files to the computer does not work on a Mac, so now I have to get a new voice recorder.

It seems like the most logical solution for me would be to get Griffin's iTalk to plug into my iPod photo, but I'd like to hear from those of you who have used a portable recorder with a Mac. Is the iTalk still the best choice? Is there something new on the market that you have tried and would like to recommend?

posted by Martine @ 22:59 11 comments

Don't forget to take the baby out and leave it on the counter, honey.

The New York Times published an article about tv writers who are "new mothers in an industry notorious for its grueling hours and back-stabbing politics." The article is your usual fare about the difficulties of being a working woman trying to raise kids, but this passage just amazed me:

"Because workplace culture varies, some women had to choose jobs carefully. Ms. Newton, 41, a single mother, froze her embryos when she was 36 and waited for the right show to get pregnant."

Wow. I am speechless. On the one hand, I have to admire how organized this person is. But there's something that scares me about that deep, powerful desire to have it all. I keep telling myself "why not?", but still, the idea of freezing your embryos until you find the job that allows you to be a mother is mind boggling to me. How about waiting for the right partner instead with whom you can fully share the care of the kid? (I know, it's easier said than done.) Don't get me wrong: I don't think it's morally wrong and I can understand the desire to have a great job and to do things on your own terms.

I can't quite put the finger on what amazes me about this story. Maybe I just don't understand wanting a child that much.

My beau, for whom everything always comes back to the kitchen, would probably tell you that it's just my dislike of the freezer that makes me react like that.

Found via Dead things on sticks

posted by Martine @ 16:42 9 comments

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The daily humiliation

"No wonder he and Sherrie might find themselves drawn to students. It's not as if they're perverts out of Dangerous Liaisons, two old vampires conspiring to suck the youth from the young. Their hearts are heat-seeking missiles drawn to whatever's still burning. They're like those old men in the Kawabata novel frequenting the brothel where they pay to curl up and sleep beside the warm bodies of young beautiful women. Christ! It's all so depressing Swenson thinks he might weep. Age and death - the unfairness of it, the daily humiliation of watching your power vanish just when you figure out how tu use it."

From Blue Angel, a novel by Francine Prose.

posted by Martine @ 21:22 6 comments

Thursday, November 09, 2006


"Mfiez-vous de la blogosphre, a ressemble de plus en plus au Bois de Boulogne. Non seulement, tu n'es pas sr du sexe, mais, en plus, tu peux te faire refiler des saloperies."

C'est pas moi qui le dis, c'est le capitaine. Moi le Bois de Boulogne, je ne vais pas l souvent...

posted by Martine @ 17:10 3 comments

Les dangers du tlphone

On connaissait les dangers du tlphone sans-fil depuis longtemps. Voici un nouvel effet secondaire avec lequel on n'tait pas encore familier: le tatouage permanent ou la cicatrisation.

C'est fou comme j'ai la peau sensible. Je suis comme les matelas Tempur-Pedic qui gardent en mmoire l'empreinte du dormeur.

posted by Martine @ 14:28 5 comments

Comme des petits pains chauds

L'art de vendre des magazines, beaucoup beaucoup de magazines, selon Paris Match.

posted by Martine @ 00:38 2 comments

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

MC and Chris vs Commercial radio

Two hip Montrealers who are very knowledgeable of the alternative music scene, rent a car and drive between Montreal and Ottawa. Since they usually rely on their iPods, they didn't think to bring any CDs to play in the rented Toyota and are faced with the terrible reality of commercial radio. The shock is hard and the road is long.

To survive the road trip, they decide to make a list of the songs that should never, ever be played again on the radio or anywhere else.

And of course, they make a videocast out of the experience. Precious.

posted by Martine @ 10:27 0 comments

Girls on top

Top Blogues' results can be pretty funny sometimes.

posted by Martine @ 00:15 1 comments is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.