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What Do “We, The People” Really Believe About the Contraceptive Debate?

February 19, 2012 by Matthew Dickinson
Categories: Midd Blogosphere
Judging by a quick scan of this morning’s Sunday political talks shows, the controversy regarding religious-based exemptions from requirements to pay for contraceptives remains a hot topic.  Much of the talk by the various pundits centered on whether the Republican … Continue reading
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Why This Republican Race Has Been Different

February 18, 2012 by Matthew Dickinson
Categories: Midd Blogosphere
It was about a month ago, just after the New Hampshire primary, that New York Times columnist Nate Silver estimated that Mitt Romney had a 98% chance of winning the 2012 Republican nomination. Today, in light of national polls showing … Continue reading
Tags: 2012 Republican nomination, Uncategorized
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Kurze Aktualisierung

February 17, 2012 by Jonathan B.
Categories: Midd Blogosphere

Helau! FroheFastnacht! Da ich viele Arbeit in den kommenden Tagen habe, wird diese Postkurz sein.

Diese Woche wardie allerletzte Woche meiner Kurse! Ich und ein anderer Student hielten amMontag ein Referat über die Autorin Christa Wolf in meinem Intellektuelle in der BRD Proseminar. Ich machte mich keine Sorgendarüber, weil das Referat nicht in meiner Endnote zählt. Nur ist meinezwölfseitige Hausarbeit ein hundert Prozent meiner Note. Wunderbar, oder?

Am Donnerstag gingich nach dem Biofachschaft, um alte Kopien von Klausuren abzuholen. MeineBotanik Klausur am 29. Februar wird zweimal in meinem Notendurchschnitt zahlen,weil ich dieses Semesters die Vorlesung und Praktikum hatte. Die Klausur wird nureine Stunde lang sein und auf einem Computer. Ich werde keine extra Zeitbekommen, obwohl ich Austauschstudent bin. Mindestens habe ich jetzt zwölfTagen zu lernen, so ich weiß, dass es bestimmt möglich ist, für mich erfolgreichzu sein. Im Moment habe ich sieben Botanik Bücher von dem Bibliothek und vieleZeit zu füllen. Bring it on Pflanzen!

Und heute feierteich das Ende des Semesters mit Ian, Emily und Claudia in dem Restaurant ThaiExpress in Mainz. Ian spendierte das Mittagessen für uns, danke Ian! Meinegebratene Reisnudeln mit Hühnerfleisch, Sojakeimen und Nüssen war sehr lecker!

Okay, tut mirleid, dass ich nicht mehr schreiben kann, aber ich soll schlafen. Morgen fangeich an, ernsthaft zu lernen. Danke fürs Lesen! Bis nächstes Mal! (Anfang März) 
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HR Update: TIAA-CREF Investment Resources

February 17, 2012 by Heather Stafford
Categories: Midd Blogosphere

Are you interested in learning more about the investment options that are available through TIAA-CREF? In addition to meeting individually with Erik Moreau, our TIAA-CREF consultant (click here to view visit schedule) you can also access a wealth (no pun intended) of information on the Middlebury TIAA-CREF Financial Services web page here.

What can you do here? Just a few of the options include:

  • Review fund information and fact sheets for equities, real estate, fixed income, money market, guaranteed and multi-asset investments
  • Check out the plan performance card (link goes to core plan information)
  • Compare investment performance (link goes to core plan information)
  • Set up your portfolio
  • Access calculators and education tools that can help you to create an investor profile worksheet, evaluate your retirement goals, review TIAA-CREF’s online publications, and organize your finances to establish an effective savings strategy
  • Review a list of frequently asked questions and answers
  • A glossary of terms (pop quiz – what does ERISA stand for?)

Still have questions? To speak with a customer service representative at TIAA-CREF, call 1.800.842.2776, then enter 0 followed by your Social Security number and you will get to talk to a person. If you wish to schedule an appointment to meet with Erik Moreau, please call 1.866.904.7801 x275142.

Watch for more information about an open meeting on March 29th.  Erik will give a live demonstration of the TIAA-CREF website, the Middlebury College micro-site, how to establish your on line access, etc.

This week’s employment snapshot:

There are currently 19 faculty positions, one summer Language School faculty position, 17 external job postings and four internal job postings on the Middlebury College employment opportunities websites.

Employment Quick Links:

Faculty Employment Opportunities: go/faculty-jobs (on campus), (off campus)

Summer Language School Faculty Opportunities: go/ls-faculty-jobs (on campus), (off campus)

Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs (on campus), (off campus)

Tags: employment, HR, retirement, Uncategorized
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Cellphone booths in Davis Library

February 17, 2012 by Joseph Watson
Categories: Midd Blogosphere

We were going to wait to announce the new Cellphone booths in Davis Family Library until we’d had a chance to evaluate them and decide on a permanent location for them, but Brittany beat us to the punch with this post on middblog.  (Thanks Yiling Zhang for the great picture.)


Photo by Yiling Zhang

We’ve installed these in an attempt to solve two problems.   For years we’ve had complaints about people having cell phone conversations adjacent to study areas.  Other academic libraries like ours have successfully used cell phone booths like these to solve that problem.  Also, there are about thirty staff members working in shared offices in Davis Family Library and these folks don’t have a private place for phone calls to their doctor, baby sitter, etc.   Part of the reason we acquired the cell phone booths was to enhance the work/life balance of these staff members.

We purchased them at a deeply discounted price and we hope they’re worth it.  Only time will tell.   In Brittany’s post she mentioned that the location of the one on the upper level might not be ideal.  If you have suggestions of better spots in Davis Family Library for these, please feel free to drop me a line at  Thanks!

Tags: LIS Staff Interest, Middlebury Community Interest, Post for MiddNotes,