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Topsoil Guide - from Dandy's - the Soil Experts.

Lawnmix® Topsoil – order online.

Are you laying turf or grass seed?
If you’re starting from scratch and making a new lawn then you’ll be wanting our Lawnmix® Topsoil for turfing or seeding a new lawn.
This screened, sandy loam is just the job for putting underneath turf or for sowing with grass seed, helping you to create the perfect garden lawn, golf course, paddock or sports pitch.
Dandy's Lawnmix® is screened to 5mm as standard so it is easy to dig in, it will spread evenly and you’ll easily get the perfect level lawn.

Lawn in a bag® – order online.

Do you want a new lawn but don’t want to have to lay turf or weigh and sow grass seed?
Check out exclusive to Dandy’s Lawn in a Bag® topsoil.
A blend of Dandy's hardwearing and decorative Platinum Grass Seed and our Lawnmix® Topsoil results in a bulk bag of ready to go lawn. Just spread it evenly over your desired lawn space at a depth of 3 to 4 inches and after about six weeks of watering you’ll have a lush, green lawn.
There’s a lot of seed in here to ensure that you get an even spread; Lawn in a Bag
® is brill for small spaces and for those of you who want to cut the hassle out of getting some grass in your garden.

Bordermix® Topsoil - order online.

Exactly what is says – a topsoil mix especially for your borders. Or beds. Or pots and baskets. Basically, if you want to grow plants, shrubs, flowers, hedgerows then give our Bordermix® a whirl.
A secret blend of organic manures, composts and soils screened to 10mm makes our Bordermix® a free draining soil which contains exactly the right balance of nutrients and minerals for almost every type of plant or flower. It’s also very good for growing your own organic fruits and veggies… just don’t tell our Vegegrow®!

VegeGrow® Topsoil - order online.

Wanting to grow your own tasty organic vegetables and fruit? Check out our awesome Vegegrow® Topsoil. Our soil boffins came up with this one just over two summers ago and it’s overtaken our Lawnmix® and Bordermix® blends to become the best-selling topsoil we’ve ever supplied!
It’s tailor made for those of you wanting to hop on the grow your own train and is chocked full of lovely multi use organic compost resulting in a friable, tasty (not for human consumption!) soil that your fruits and veggies will love!
Vegegrow® has been tested and perfected by allotment users and veg plotters up and down the country; including our very own James Dandy who reports the best lettuces, biggest pumpkins and brightest carrots in Cheshire!

ecoSoil™ - order online.

This is our economy soil for filling in holes and raising levels. It’s not been screened or cleaned so it will definitely contain stones & rocks and clods & sods. It might also contain some elements of debris – although all of our soils are sourced from Greenfield sites we can’t account for litterbugs or Romans leaving bits of pottery lying around so we really can’t guarantee the quality of this one. We just dig it, bag it and send it so you shouldn’t buy this if you want a quality soil or a topsoil.
We recommend our ecoSoil® for jobs where price is more important than quality and for filling in holes or for raising the levels of lawns or beds before you put down a nice thick layer of Lawnmix®, Bordermix® or Vegegrow®!

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Fourth Avenue
Zone 2
Deeside Industrial Park
0845 456 3089

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