I’m Jonathan Crowe, and mcwetboy.com is my personal web site. I’ve had a personal home page of some sort since February 1996; in July 2001 I registered this domain and added a blog to my static pages on reptiles and hiking trails.

Who is this guy, anyway?

I’m probably best known as the author of DFL, a blog about last-place finishes at the Olympics, and The Map Room, a popular blog about maps. Among reptile keepers, I’m known as a minor authority on the captive care of garter snakes.

I was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and studied modern European history at the Universities of Winnipeg, Waterloo and Alberta. In 1999, two years after coming down with ankylosing spondylitis, I left my Ph.D. program and entered the real world. I spent several years as an obscure federal bureaucrat in Ottawa while rediscovering hobbies I had foolishly set aside during my studies. Then I changed gears again, and worked briefly as a reporter for a small-town newspaper.

At the moment, my web and writing projects keep me pretty busy, but if you’d like to hire me, I’m still available for paying work.

I currently live in Shawville, Quebec, with my significant other, Jennifer Seely, a thousand books, and our menagerie of two cats, one turtle, some fish, and a whole mess of snakes of which we are inordinately fond.

Media types, prospective employers and the just plain nosy will be interested in my curriculum vitae.

What the hell is a McWetboy?

It’s not as naughty as you think.

“Angus McWetboy” was my nom de plume during my graduate school days, when I first went online: I published a surreal e-mail newsletter for the history graduate students at the University of Waterloo in which “Angus” was a recurring character. The name meant nothing in particular (other than a vague notion that anything Scottish was inherently funny), just a few syllables that, when combined, sounded good and silly, at least to me. “Angus” was a madman who obsessed about imported cheese products from faraway places, and the insect pests that infiltrated his stocks. (Cheese weevils. Tajikistan. Long story. Made no sense. I was full of a lot more beans back then.) Most of my colleagues didn’t get him at all, and actually asked me to tone down the newsletter before it got them into trouble with their professors.

Later on I thought it was unique and meaningless enough for e-mail addresses and, eventually, my domain name. Then a friend told me that the phrase “wet boy” has fetishist connotations in the gay community. Oh. Oh dear. No strange e-mail so far, though.

Copyright notice

Everything on this site is copyright © 1992-2006 Jonathan Crowe unless indicated otherwise (see below), and is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence. This means you’re welcome to copy, distribute or display the work found on this site so long as you give me credit, leave it unaltered and don’t use it for commercial purposes.

Exceptions: Comments made by other people in my blog, photos taken by my father in the Trails section, and any images, videos or logos not created by me are not covered by the licence, and need the permission of their respective copyright holders to copy, distribute or display them elsewhere.

Linking: Quoting (within the boundaries of fair use) and linking to any content on this site is encouraged. (Those who try to control who links to them are fools.) URLs may change, but I try to forward old links. Anyone who directly links to my images to include their own web page is stealing my bandwidth, and does so at their own risk.

Privacy policy

If you send me e-mail, your address might end up in my address book. I might write you back. I might publish the text of your e-mail in my blog if you indicate it’s okay to do so or if your message enrages me. But I don’t compile addresses for bulk e-mail, I will not share your e-mail address except to forward a question or comment to someone who might be able to help.

The contact form collects your IP address and browser information, to combat abuse and for troubleshooting purposes, respectively.

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mcwetboy.com first went live in July 2001; it’s been hosted by DreamHost since August 2001. It’s powered by Movable Type and a whole lot of homemade PHP scripts.

I do most of my coding using TextWrangler on a 20-inch Intel iMac. I test this site against Firefox (which, if you’re on Windows, you should use) and Safari; errors occasionally crop up in Internet Explorer because I don’t check this site against that browser as often; if you catch something, let me know.

gipoco.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.