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Image Editing

Add beautiful filters to your images.
Edit images, filters and colors with presets or add your own twist. Share edited images online or save them to drive.


Multi Post

Upload your images to Flickr, Facebook, Picasa/Google+, Blogger, Evernote, Twitter/Twitpic, Box & Posterous directly from your desktop.
Upload to all services at once with just one click!


Fast & Stylish

Polarfox starts up quickly and is easy to use. Use your mouse-wheel, right-click menu and double-click for additonal navigation and editing features.
Choose your look from 10 backgrounds.


Share Text

Add titles, captions and #tags# to your images or post text only messages to Facebook, Posterous, Evernote & Blogger.


No Registration

Postings are simply done by your mobile upload email address you get from your social network, blog and cloud service.
No application authorizing, username, password or registration is needed.


Great Updates

Polarfox will receive awesome new features in future. You'll get them all automatically from within the app.
Send your feedback and feature wishes to @PolarfoxApp or send an email. email.-->

Polarfox App — Request An Invite

Polarfox is available for Windows, Mac OS X & Linux.
System Details  |  App Details  |  Screenshots  |  Features  |  Creator  |  Faq  |  Upload Emails  |  QuotesHow It Works -->



Polarfox lets you beautify, save and multi post images to social networks, blogs and clouds. Request an invite:

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