getting dressed

14 February 2012

Oh man. Now that I’ve learned how to do this, nothing will be safe. Animate ALL THE THINGS!


Status Update:
Hair: 100% remaining
Tights: Stripy with flowers
High Kicking Skillz: Excellent

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cute overload

18 January 2012

Hi again! I am still here. In fact I am almost always here; here, being the couch. Here, being the internet – not quite so much. I am having to learn to do a lot of things via the iPhone. Yesterday I downloaded a feed reader thing and I can read blogs! At 3.45am! That’s what I want to be doing at that time of the night, for sure! Well, that and playing Words with Friends. Turns out everyone knows the tricksy Q and X words but me. Still! I am nourishing a human and increasing my vocabulary, all at the same time!

I am sorry but I have nothing but photos. And none even of the Frog; he has sadly taken a back seat in the photo department. Actually this is mainly because he has developed the same allergy type thing he had last summer, and is currently in the process of scratching himself bald, so he is rather less photogenic. Admittedly I took photos of him with a giant wound on his head, so maybe photogenicity is not my aim here (is that a word? spellcheck says that isn’t a word. It seems like a word to me) but never mind.


I stick my tongue out at you.

HAAAA I totally stuck my tongue out at you! Did you see?

Three! Ah ah ah! Three different spotty items! I love! To count! And buy dotted things!


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every day i’m swaddling

4 January 2012

Hi! I am still here. Mostly I a is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.