dietrich . GANx4 . com


Foxylicious is a Mozilla Firefox extension that syncs your del.icio.us bookmarks into your browser bookmarks.

Also, if you are doing Firefox extension development with del.icio.us or with bookmarks, the Foxylicious source contains reusable components for working with these things.

Many thanks to Torisugari's work in the Bookmarks Synchronizer extension, which helped navigate the nightmare-inducing bookmarks code in Firefox, and forms the basis of the Foxylicious bookmark management code.

UPDATE 10/26/06 -

  • Updated to work with Firefox 2
  • Uses new secure del.icio.us API URLs (fixes the auth prompt issue)
  • Fixed pref handling errors
  • Added configurable post URLs. To use, set pref foxylicious.postURL to a URL that has %user%, %location% and %title%, for example, the default is: del.icio.us/%user%?v=2&noui=yes&jump=close&url=%location%&title=%title%
  • Properly localizable
INSTALL Foxylicious 0.7

UPDATE 2/04/06 - Here's a new version, with bundles support and some fixes. Tested on WinXP and OS X Tiger, both using Firefox This release *requires* because of some weird RDF API problems.

  • Added support for tag bundles
  • Fixed bugs

UPDATE 11/30/05 - Hallo, quick update to get Foxylicious working with FF1.5. Oddly, FF1.5 took over one my functions and one of my global scope variables! I think it's time to write a "Extension Authoring Best Practices" article, include js namespacing, and then take my own advice. Anyhow, I haven't had much time to test this release, but the changes are minor (famous last words, I know). I did test with FF1.5 on WinXP and OSX Tiger, and it was functional. Install link is below. Let me know if you have any problems. Here are the changes in 0.5:

  • Updated to work with FF1.5
  • Options link in extension manager is enabled
  • Set up update link to take advantage of the automatic update process
INSTALL Foxylicious 0.5

I have a bunch of features queued up, but haven't had time to test. Hopefully I'll get some time around Christmas break to finish those up.

UPDATE 8/15/05 - Howdy. Might be an update coming soon. (How's that for commitment?) A note to all of you people running Firefox "Deer Park" Alpha [0-9]: Yes, I know Foxylicious doesn't work with it... and you shouldn't expect it to, because Deer Park is ALPHA. It's not even BETA yet, people. Why would I spend time coding to something that is *guaranteed* to change underneath me? Crazy talk. Ciao.

UPDATE 2/6/05 - Foxylicious 0.4 is now available! New features:

  • option to create folder hierarchy from tag combinations
  • bookmarks/folders sorted by name when imported (thanks Torisugari!)
  • adds the del.icio.us "extended" field as the bookmark's description
  • now tag case-insensitivite when creating folders

INSTALL Foxylicious 0.4

UPDATE 1/9/05 - WARNING: The current update scenario is to DELETE the contents of your chosen del.icio.us folder, and replace the contents with the updated collection from your del.icio.us account. So do not set your del.icio.us folder to your root bookmarks folder, or all your bookmarks will be deleted.

UPDATE 1/9/05 - Foxylicious 0.3 is back up! That'll teach me to not make seemingly innocuous changes at the last minute. Or, it'll teach me to not release software at midnight after drinking too much sake. See the post below for a description of what's new in version 0.3.

UPDATE 1/7/05 - Temporarily offline to fix serious bugs in 0.3. Thanks to the declicious-discuss list for instant-mega-testing. I should have time this evening to fix the problems and get it back online. Thanks for your patience!

UPDATE 1/6/05 - Foxylicious 0.3 is now available. This release adds several new features:

  • The ability to choose any location in your FF bookmarks tree to be the folder in which your del.icio.us bookmarks are placed. Setting up your del.icio.us folder in your Bookmarks Toolbar folder is especially cool.
  • Foxylicious now *syncs* your remote bookmarks to the local store, thereby incorporating adds, updates and deletes.
  • The context-menu for adding links to del.icio.us now works, thanks to Rob Harris, who contributed the code.
One feature that did not make it in to 0.3 is exporting FF bookmarks to del.icio.us. I have it mostly implemented, but it either takes forever, or pounds the heck out of the server, due to limitations in the current API. Hopefully full bi-directionality will come in 0.4!

UPDATE 11/15/04 - Foxylicious 0.2 is now available. This version adds daily automatic updates (off by default), and folder-based sub-categorization by a user-specified delimiter. Example: if you sub-categorize your delicious tags using a dot syntax (windows.iis, windows.monopoly, windows.bsod), you can specify the dot as your delimiter, and your FF bookmarks will have subfolders for each sub-categorized tag! Remember: this extension is only 2/10 of the way to 1.0, so if you find any bugs, please report them to me (nicely) and I'll incorporate the fix into the next release. ENJOI.




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