11. August 2006

In good Company

I will be presenting James, my little Aggregator I did as my diploma project at Webmontag Silicon Valley on the coming monday. The event will take place in the SocialText Headquarters; for those who don’t know, SocialText is the company that employs Wikipedia inventor Jimmy Wales.

Besides my presentation, there will be a presentation on mnemo, a new way to search the web and of HyperScope, a project that Doug Engelbart, the guy who invented the mouse, is heavily involved in.

So I’m really excited to be there, and it should be very interesting. I anyone in the Bay Area is reading this (and I know you are ;-) ) feel free to join in!

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Amerika Computer
# 12. August 2006 03:52 | Tim

Hi Gernot, good to have you! According to their website, Jimmy Wales is on the Socialtext board of directors (not an employee). ;-)

# 18. August 2006 02:50 | Rainer

Hi Gernot, please bear in mind that you are one of our most advanced ambassadors for Silicon Saxony, good luck :)

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