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Founded in 1992, Ecocity Builders develops and implements policy, design and educational tools and strategies to build thriving urban centers based on “access by proximity” and to reverse patterns of sprawl and excessive consumption.

We are a small 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area with an office in downtown Oakland.

We regularly collaborate with an international network of associates and colleagues plus a number of close advisors, cultivated over the course of more than forty years of consistent work by our founder, Richard Register. Building on our backgrounds, abilities and experiences, Ecocity Builders is able to influence and participate in a wide variety of conversations and projects related to the ecocity approach worldwide. We can effectively speak to nonprofits, government leaders, scientists, educators, artists, local activists, businesses, institutions and the general public. Our strength lies in basic ecocity principles that hold up under the test of time and scrutiny, along with our considerable personal commitment to the work.


Executive Director Kirstin Miller and President Richard Register in Beijing

  • Our founder, Richard Register, defined and developed the term ‘ecocity’ over 35 years ago— long before ‘green building’ or ‘sustainability’ were even in the vocabulary.
  • We have been the keepers of the longest running conference series on the subject— the International Ecocity Conference Series — begun in 1990 in Berkeley and since held in Australia, Senegal, Brazil, China, India, San Francisco and Turkey.
  • We initiate projects locally and internationally, and have been consultants locally and globally. Over the years we’ve advised in many countries, including India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Brazil, Senegal, South Africa, Turkey, nine countries in Europe, Korea, and Australia.
  • Over the years we have built a network of stellar thinkers and practitioners in a wide variety of disciplines, including transportation, energy, architecture, design, natural restoration, development, planning, and advocacy.
  • Ecocity Builders is also known for its education and outreach. We regularly provide slide shows and lectures on the ecocity approach, as well as workshops and classes on the topic, in addition to the books written by Richard Register and our numerous newsletters and articles for various media outlets.
