
spacer The winner of a signed copy of Royal Weddings Through the Ages is…Jennie Jones! Congratulations, and I’ll be mailing your copy out this week.

This past week, I’ve been working on revisions for my MacEgan Christmas anthology, tentatively titled Warriors in Winter. There are three stories, each about a hundred pages long, with three different couples. It’s been fun because I introduced one of the couples in “Lionheart’s Bride”–Liam and Adriana. Liam is the son of King Patrick and Isabel MacEgan, and he goes off on Crusade at the side of King Richard the Lionheart. There, he meets Adriana de Manzano, a beautiful Spanish noblewoman.

Originally, when I wrote their story, I wondered about their happily-ever-after, and in some ways, I wished for the chance to tell more of their story. Adriana is not only the queen’s lady-in-waiting; she’s also a personal guard and a strong fighter in her own way. When I was creating the three couples for Warriors in Winter, their story kept coming back to me, and when I began to continue the story where it left off, I found out there were some darker secrets from the Crusade…secrets that still haunt Adriana. This book is tentatively slated for release in December of this year.

Would you like to see some of my photographs that inspired the MacEgan Brothers series? I’ve created a Pinterest board here: and I hope you enjoy exploring. I plan to create one for the MacKinloch clan as well, and you can follow the boards and be alerted when there are updates.

In between revisions on the anthology and writing my new Regency book, I’ve been enjoying watching the children play sports. My eldest son is playing basketball and training for baseball season, my daughter is also learning how to play basketball, and my youngest son is still on the sidelines with me. Saturdays are always busy, but I enjoy cheering them on. I never played team sports as a child, so I’m living vicariously.

This month, at the Mills and Boon website, Seduced by Her Highland Warrior, is now available to UK readers. The sequel story, Tempted by the Highland Warrior (Callum’s book) will be out on June 19th in both the UK and the U.S. The cover is absolutely amazing, and I can’t wait to share it with you.

Wishing all of you a Happy Valentine’s Day this month!


I hope all of you enjoyed a wonderful New Year! I had some news of my own over Christmas that was a wonderful surprise. I’ve sold a four-book Regency series to Amazon Montlake! It’s about four women who build a scandalous lingerie empire and the secrets they must keep. The first book, Undone by the Duke, will be out in Fall 2012. I’m really looking forward to writing this new series.

spacer This year, I will have two additional books out from Harlequin Historical, plus a print release of “Lionheart’s Bride” in the Royal Weddings Through the Ages collection which comes out February 17, 2012. It will only be released in the UK in stores, however, but for those of you not in the UK, you can get a copy from the Book Depository with free worldwide shipping.

Many of you have asked when Callum MacKinloch’s book will be available, and I’m delighted to announce that Tempted by the Highland Warrior will be released on June 19, 2012. I’ve seen a sneak peek of the cover and it is AMAZING. Can’t wait to share it with you later.

The last book from Harlequin this year will be a MacEgan Christmas 3-in-1 anthology. I’ve written three second-generation stories about Liam, Brianna, and Rhiannon, and the stories weave in and out, giving you glimpses of the MacEgan Brothers after their happily-ever-afters. It’s tentatively slated for December 2012 and my working title is Warriors in Winter.

spacer In family news, we got our first pet–a cat named Fitch, whom we rescued from the shelter. He’s an absolute delight–very affectionate, loving, and he adores playing with toys. I think he mistakenly believes he’s a dog because he particularly enjoys playing fetch.

Update: my author copies for Royal Weddings Through the Ages arrived yesterday. Would you like an advance copy? If so, click on the link above for the Royal Weddings collection and tell me which MacEgan character is the hero of “Lionheart’s Bride?” E-mail me the answer with contest in the subject header. Include your mailing address in the e-mail, and I’ll send out two copies to two winners! The winners will be selected on February 1. Void where prohibited.

Thanks for sharing in my good news, and here’s hoping your New Year brings you happiness!


2011 has been a busy year for me, and 2012 is going to be even more exciting! I’ve just finished writing a MacEgan Christmas anthology, tentatively titled Warriors in Winter, and I’m hoping it will be released next Christmas. I’ll also be writing a Viking series and a new series set in Regency Scotland during the time of the Highland Clearances. I’m excited to be exploring so many different time periods, and I only wish I could take another research trip to Scotland. My children, sadly, won out this year in their pleading for a trip to Disneyworld. We will be battling the crowds and enjoying Splash Mountain (my favorite ride) and Big Thunder Railroad while I’m dreaming of Highlanders and castles. spacer

I’ll be traveling a lot next year, participating in the Romantic Times Annual Convention in Chicago this coming April. Then in July, I’ll be at the Romance Writers of America conference in Anaheim, CA. If you’re in either of those areas, there will be autographing events open to the public, and I’d love to see you there!

spacer Holiday excitement is rising higher in our household, and yesterday my four-year-old son visited Santa Claus. The awe on his face as he petted Santa’s beard was heart-warming to watch, and every day he asks us when it will be Christmas morning. While he’s desperate for time to go by faster, I’d rather savor the moments when he’s little. To me, the holiday is even more special when I hear him singing “O Come O Come O Samuel” instead of Emmanuel and it’s entertaining to watch my older children decorate cookies loaded with frosting and sprinkles.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Holiday season, and thanks for visiting with me!


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