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NerdFamily Things is a blog that just talks about all the things that makes the NerdFamily go ’round! I also get to host the occasional giveaway! So if you are interested in having me review your product or having me host a giveaway, please email me at!

I am just a nerdy mom who has many weird a diverse interests! I stay busy homeschooling my 4 kids and writing my 3 blogs! My life philosophy is that I feel that anyone can do anything they want to learn to do. I enjoy sharing my opinions and equipping other do things like save money, school their children and cook!

NerdFamily Food – This is all the food we love and make. Also the occasional food show makes and appearance.
NerdFamily Things – This is where I write about the things we use and love from high heels to homeschool books. I also hold my giveaways over here.
The NerdFamily Blog – This is just everything else that goes through my crazy mind like politics, science, mommy stuff, tv, etc.

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