
Pure Manhood … pure garbage!

Barry Duke on February 20th, 2012

BETWEEN the covers of a book entitled Pure Manhood – yours for just $2.95 (or £1.23 in real money) you too can discover the secret of “how to become the man God wants you to be”.

On offer at a generous discount from The Catholic Company, which describes chastity “expert” Jason Evert’s book as “simply perfect” and that “satisfaction is guaranteed”, Pure Manhood asserts:


Click on pic for an hysterical video

Every day boys and young men are bombarded with messages and images that encourage them to make sexual impurity a way of life. And since it looks like so much fun, they can easily be made to feel as if they’re foolishly missing out on something really great.

However, Jason Evert’s Pure Manhood will help them to see things in a new light. Best of all, it will give them the spiritual tools they need to stay pure—or to return to purity …Pure Manhood will be a priceless gift to both the young men who read it and to their future families.

I flipped over to Amazon in search of independent reviews, and found this, from “JB”:

Pure Manhood is pure fabrication. This is a sad case of a misguided man with questionably “good” intentions dispersing lies in hope of conforming our youth to unrealistic standards. I quote, ‘any guy who relies on a condom for protection should meet a friend of mine who used a condom every single time and caused seven pregnancies” (p31). Yeah … sure he did … I had the displeasure of meeting Evert at a book signing. He signed my book then stealthily made a reach for my groin. I didn’t want it. He was too strong … There may be some fabrication in this review… perhaps I am emulating Evert’s anecdotal ability.

And this:

Evert recently came to my school and distributed free copies of this book. In less than a day, a petition was created by outraged students, condemning some of the views expressed. Here’s why: While Evert may be a Catholic author, he goes far beyond the Catholic stance when talking about homosexuality. He uses hateful language to reinforce false stereotypes about homosexuality that do nothing to aid gay teens or their peers. He even goes so far as to imply that the mortality rate of gays is natural proof that it is wrong. Even the Catholic Church would reject this stance and argue that there is nothing natural about the teen suicides or the AIDs epidemic that cause this high mortality rate. This sort of hatred is ridiculous. To be distributing this material at a high school when a third of all gay teens are attempting suicide due to intolerant environments ought to be criminal.


It was carnival time on the Costa Blanca this weekend, and I grew 'closer to the Lord' when – after a few sherries – I was persuaded to participate in the frivolities wearing a cassock and clutching a cross.

What drew my attention to this rancid little 54-page offering by Evert – (married to the lovely Crystalina;  together they run – was a weekend report in the Guardian which shockingly reported that Pure Manhood had been distributed to Roman Catholic schools across the Lancashire region in 2010 by a US preacher who spoke to pupils.

The book, among other things, discusses a boy dealing with “homosexual attractions” which, it suggested, may:

Stem from an unhealthy relationship with his father, an inability to relate to other guys, or even sexual abuse.

More shocking still was Education Secretary Michael Gove’s response to the TUC, which accused him of failing in his legal duties by supporting the distribution of the book.

Gove said:

The education provisions of the Equality Act 2010 which prohibit discrimination against individuals based on their protected characteristics (including their sexual orientation) do not extend to the content of the curriculum. Any materials used in sex and relationship education lessons, therefore, will not be subject to the discrimination provisions of the act.

Gove’s response triggered anger from the TUC. Brendan Barber, the TUC’s General Secretary, said:

Having written to the Education Secretary to express our worry about the distribution of homophobic literature in faith schools, his lack of concern is very alarming.

Hat tip: Roger Farrington and Agent Cormac

Catholic Church, Charlatans, Christian fundies, crackpots, faith schools, gay, General barminess, Quackery, Religion and sex, Religion in education, Religion in politics, The Freethinker 19 Comments, read on »

Phillips riles the religious, and Pickles moves against council prayers ruling

Barry Duke on February 18th, 2012

A POLL currently running on the Telegraph website asks: Should religion have a say over public law? So far 52.56 percent of respondents have said No, while 42.45 percent said Yes.


The poll was sparked by the Chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Trevor Phillips, who this week claimed that religious authority should end “at the door of the temple” and give way to the “public law”. He argued that Roman Catholic adoption agencies and other faith groups providing public services could not operate by “a different set of laws” from the rest of society.

Not surprisingly, religious leaders – including the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey – rounded on Phillips, not the least because he drew a comparison between exemptions demanded by faith groups and Islamic sharia law.

Legal specialists said Mr Phillips’s comparison was “inflammatory” because Islamic sharia law was associated with draconian punishments in some parts of the world, such as stoning and amputation of limbs for crimes including theft and adultery.

Phillips singled out the adoption agencies that fought a long legal battle to avoid being forced to consent to placing children with homosexual couples under equality laws.

Last year, following a High Court case, the Charity Commission ruled against an exemption for Catholic Care, an adoption agency operating in Leeds.

Speaking at a debate in London on diverse societies, Mr Phillips backed the new laws, which led to the closure of all Catholic adoption agencies in England.

You can’t say because we decide we’re different then we need a different set of laws. To me there’s nothing different in principle with a Catholic adoption agency, or indeed Methodist adoption agency, saying the rules in our community are different and therefore the law shouldn’t apply to us.Why not then say sharia can be applied to different parts of the country? It doesn’t work.


The ghastly Eric Pickles

Meanwhile, the BBC reports that Community Secretary Eric Piggles … er… Pickles says he plans to reverse the recent High Court’s “illiberal ruling” that a Devon council’s prayers were unlawful.

He says part of the Localism Act that aims to give councils greater powers and freedom will be brought in early.

By effectively reversing that illiberal ruling, we are striking a blow for localism over central interference, for freedom to worship over intolerant secularism, for Parliamentary sovereignty over judicial activism, and for long-standing British liberties over modern-day political correctness.

He added that the Bideford council case should be “a wake-up call”.

For too long, the public sector has been used to marginalise and attack faith in public life, undermining the very foundations of the British nation. But this week, the tables have been turned.

The Localism Act 2011 establishes a “general power of competence” enabling councils legally to do anything an individual could do unless specifically prohibited by law.

The National Secular Society questioned the act’s reach and said the move could be challenged in court.

Hat tip: AngieRS (Phillips report) and to the outraged dozens for the Pickles news.


gay, Religion and politics, Religion and sex, Religion and the law, sharia, The Freethinker 34 Comments, read on »

Take a bow, Senator Stacey Campfield. You are our Idiot of the Month

Barry Duke on February 17th, 2012

STACY Campfield, 42, is a right-wing Republican senator in the state of Tennessee. He is also a devout Catholic. It is a combination that has produced a very stupid man who has an intense dislike for The Gays. In fact, his distaste for homosexuality goes so deep that last year he authored a “Don’t Say Gay” bill which aims to outlaw any attempts to inform Tennessee kids about homosexuality before they reach the ninth grade.


The moronic Stacey Campfield

Campfield insists his bill, which would limit class discussions to “natural human reproduction science” in public schools, is necessary because homosexuality is “dangerous”.

A while back, during the course of a radio interview, our Stacey made controversial statements on the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and the media’s supposed “glorification” of homosexuals:

Most people realize that AIDS came from the homosexual community – it was one guy screwing a monkey, if I recall correctly, and then having sex with men. It was an airline pilot, if I recall. My understanding is that it is virtually – not completely, but virtually – impossible to contract AIDS through heterosexual sex …

Not only is the man mad, he is sadly lacking in education. But what is even more disturbing is that, this week, his egregious bill found support among Tennessee’s legislators. Members of the House education committee actually voted in favour of this discriminatory crap.

Campfield’s bill was even supported by a Democrat. Said state representative John DeBerry:

The basic right as an American is my right to life, my right to liberty and my right to the pursuit of happiness. Within that includes being able to run my home, raise my children as I see fit and indoctrinate them as I see fit.

Wednesday’s hearing attracted a large crowd, including many high school students involved in gay-straight alliance groups at Nashville high schools. Some students stood in protesrt on a busy street with their mouths covered in purple tape.

Only one subcommittee member opposed the measure. Representative Craig Fitzhugh, a Democrat, said:

It looks to me like a solution looking for a problem.

Meanwhile, we learned today from this report that “if the Governor of Kansas, Sam Brownback and Lt Gov Jeff Coyler get their way, it will be legal to discriminate against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons in the state – as long as you do it in the name of religion”.

Their bill, HB 2260, would allow individuals sue the government if their exercise of religion:

Has been burdened, or is likely to be burdened.

Coyler said during a hearing on the bill that:

The federal government’s recent attempts to trample the religious liberties of millions of Americans must be at the forefront of your debate. Religious liberty is at the heart of who we are as a people.

In support of the bill, Michael Schuttloffel, executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference, said:

Increasingly, freedom of religion is being reduced and confined to little more than the freedom to worship in a private setting.

Simon Brown, of Secular News Daily, observed:

What Coyler, Schuttloffel and other advocates of this bill are really doing is using ‘religious freedom’ as a justification for allowing some Kansans to impose their religion onto others … Religious freedom is not under attack in the United States. Those who claim it is are using tactics of fear and distortion to justify radical changes that would make it much easier for them to impose their narrow version of faith onto unwilling third parties. Legislation like this can crush rights and spawn chaos, which is why every effort must be made to make sure that HB 2260 ends up on the legislative scrap heap, just as it did last year.

Hat tip: Canada Dave (Kansas report)


'Persecuted' Christians, Christian fundies, gay, General barminess, Religion in education, Religion in politics, Religion poisons everything, Religious discrimination, religious hatred 23 Comments, read on »

Scientology’s secret brutal correction compound exposed on Australian TV

Barry Duke on February 16th, 2012

ONE of the world’s most disgusting cults, Scientology, has a secret  “Rehabilitation Project Force” compound in the heart of suburban Sydney – and this week Australian TV viewers were horrified by a report that exposed degrading and inhumane treatment meted out to those held captive in what was described as a “gulag”.


Shane Kelsey, who was brainwashed and brutalised in a Scientology 'gulag' (click on pic for report)

The report centred on 21-year-old Shane Kelsey, who was held captive in the RPF base from the age of six until he was 20. He was put there by his Scientologist parents, who have since separated.

According to expose, by the age of fifteen Shane was living a nightmare even he now struggles to believe.

He told reporter Bryan Seymour:

As soon as I turned fifteen I was working seven days a week, 14 hour days.

Said Seymour:

That’s 100 hours a week spent in a commercial kitchen. Shane and other children slaved away – cooking meals all day, every day, studying and snatching what little sleep they could.

The youngsters worked for a pittance – for  between $4 pay to $35 a week. But among those who came to the centre to be fed was billionaire James Packer. For several years beginning in 2002, Packer came to the Church of Scientology in the early mornings to receive auditing and instruction.

There is no suggestion, said Seymour, that Packer had any idea who was preparing his meals, or their work conditions.

Packer left scientology around 2008.

Two years later Shane made his break for freedom.

Hat tip: BarrieJohn

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S Korean pastor and his wife arrested after killing three of their ‘demonic’ children

Barry Duke on February 16th, 2012

A SOUTH Korean Christian pastor and his wife, who clung to the Biblical proverb that reads “Do not withhold discipline from a child”, are in custody following the death of three of their children.

Named only as Park and Cho, the couple reportedly confessed to beating their three young children to death with a belt and a fly-swatter in an attempt to rid them of illness and demonic possession.

A police statement said the children, aged five, eight and 10, were found with their heads shaved and their parents kneeling beside them in a house established as the Hyungjae (Brother) Church by Park, 43. He and his wife, Cho, 34, were found in Boseong, a village in the south, last Saturday.

This illustration was borrowed from the Self-Ruled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, where Mother Melania explains the difference between demonic possession and insanity, and insists that “if we aren’t saints, we’re insane”. Click on pic for the “facts” in full.

A police official at Boseong said:

The exact cause of the death has not been established yet, but we suspect the children passed out due to shock during the time they had been locked up and hit by their parents as they had weak immunity due to sickness.

South Korean media reports said the “pastor” and his wife had a congregation of 10 followers and said they had locked up their children – two sons and a daughter – on January 24 after they came down with colds.

Police said the man and woman shaved the children’s heads because they believed it would force evil spirits out of them. They also beat each child with a belt and fly-swatter 39 times in the morning and 39 times in the evening. The children – who had been starved too – had their hands bound.

According to police, the pastor said he was “following scripture” when he confessed to killing the children.

The couple told police they believed that had fallen ill as a result of being invaded by evil spirits after eating too much on Lunar New Year.

All three died on February 2, the first around 2 am, the second at 5 am and the third at 7 am.

The bodies were found nine days later by Park’s brother-in-law. Police said the couple was praying in the hope of resurrecting the children. Their 8-month-old daughter who survived has been taken into care, police said.

Note: This report was distilled from accounts given here, here and here.

Hat tip: Leo Igwe


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Whitney Houston looked forward to seeing ‘cool Jesus’ just before her death

Barry Duke on February 15th, 2012

JUST a day before she was found dead in a bath, singer Whitney Houston, 48, performed Yes Jesus Loves Me at Tru nightclub in Hollywood.


Whitney Houston (August 9, 1963 – February 11, 2012)

According to the Christian Post, Houston – who attained the full Christian Monty by attending a Pentacostal Church and a Catholic high school after being raised a Baptist – came over all “spiritual” in the days before her death, telling friends about her passionate desire to “see Jesus”.

Hours before her demise, she was discussing a Bible passage involving John the Baptist and Jesus with a friend.

Afterwards, she again stated:

You know he’s so cool … I really want to see that Jesus.

What can one say,’cept: Be careful of what you wish for.

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