Test Abstraction Smells


In our article Test Abstraction: Eight Techniques to Improve Your Tests (published by PragPub), we whittled down a convoluted, messy test into a few concise and expressive test methods, using this set of smells as a guide. We improved the abstraction of this messy test by emphasizing its key parts and de-emphasizing its irrelevant details.

Stripped down, the "goodness" of a test is largely a matter of how quickly these questions can be answered:
  • What's the point of this test?
  • Why is the assertion expecting this particular answer?
  • Why did this test just fail?
That's a nice short-form summary, but it is descriptive rather than prescriptive. In the Pragmatic Bookshelf article, a real-world code example was used to painstakingly demonstrate the techniques used to improve the clarity of tests by increasing their level of abstraction. Here we provide the "cheat sheet" version:
  • Unnecessary test code. Eliminate test constructs that clutter the flow of your tests without imparting relevant meaning. Most of the time, "not null" assertions are extraneous. Similarly, eliminate try/catch blocks from your tests (in all but negative-case tests themselves).
  • Missing abstractions. Are you exposing several lines of implementation detail to express test set-up (or verification) that represents a single concept? Think in terms of reading a test: "Ok, it's adding a new student to the system. Fine. Then it's creating an empty list, and then adding A to that list, then B, and ..., and then that list is then used to compare against the expected grades for the student." The list construction is ugly exposed detail. Reconstruct the code so that your reader, in one glance, can digest a single line that says "ensure the student's expected grades are A, A, B, B, and C."
  • Irrelevant data. "Say, why does that test pass the value '2' to the SUT? It looks like they pass in a session object, too... does it require that or not?" Every piece of data shown in the test that bears no weight on its outcome is clutter that your reader must wade through and inspect. "Is that value of '2' the reason we get output of '42'?" Well, no, it's not. Take it out, hide it, make it more abstract! (For example, we'll at times use constant names like ARBITRARY_CHARGE_AMOUNT.)
  • Bloated construction. It may take a bit of setup to get your SUT in the state needed for the test to run, but if it's not relevant to core test understanding, move the clutter out. Excessive setup is a design smell, showing that the code being tested needs rework. Don't cope with the problem by leaving extensive setup in your test, but tackle the problem by reworking the code as soon as you have reasonable test coverage. Of course, the problem of untestable code is largely eliminated through the use of TDD.
  • Irrelevant details. Is every step of the test really needed? For example, suppose your operational system requires the presence of a global session object, pre-populated with a few things. You may find that you can't even execute your unit test without having it similarly populate the session object. For most tests, however, the details of populating the session object have nothing to do with the goal of the test. There are usually better ways to design the code unit, and if you can't change your design to use one of those ways, you should at least bury the irrelevant details.
  • Multiple assertions. A well-abstracted unit test represents one case: "If I do this stuff, I observe that behavior." Combining several cases muddies the abstraction--which setup/execution concepts are relevant to which resulting behaviors? Which assertion represents the goal of the test case? Most tests with multiple assertions are ripe for splitting into multiple tests. Where it makes sense to keep multiple assertions in a single test, can you at least abstract its multiple assertions into a single helper method?
  • Misleading organization. You can easily organize tests using AAA (Arrange-Act-Assert). Remember that once green, we re-read any given test (as a document of SUT behavior) only infrequently--either when the test unexpectedly fails or when changes need to be made. Being able to clearly separate the initial state (Arrange) from the activity being tested (Act) from the expected result (Assert) will speed the future reader (perhaps yourself in 5 months) on his way. When setup, actions, and assertions are mixed, the test will require more careful study. Spare your team members the chore of repeatedly deciphering your tests down the road--spend the time now to make them clear and obvious.
  • Implicit meaning. It's not all just getting rid of stuff; abstraction requires amplifying essential test elements. Imagine a test that says "apply a fine of 30 cents on a book checked out December 7 and returned December 31." Why those dates? Why that amount? If we challenged you to tell us the rules that govern the outcome of this test, you'd likely get them wrong. A meaningful test would need to describe, in one manner or another, these relevant concepts and elements:
    • books are normally checked out for 21 days
    • Christmas--a date in the 21-day span following December 7--is a grace day (i.e. no fines are assessed)
    • The due date is thus December 29
    • December 31 is two days past the due date
    • Books are fined 20 cents for the first day late and 10 cents for each additional day.
    • 30c = 20c + 10c
    (Consider that each of these concepts could represent a separate unit test case, and that this detailed scenario represents more of an end-to-end test case.)
    A unit test that requires you to dig through code to discern the reasons for its outcome is wasteful.
You could easily survive without our list of test abstraction smells--and figure out on your own what to do about your tests--as long as you keep one thought in your head: "My goal is to ensure that each unit test clearly expresses its intent, and nothing else, to the next person who must understand this system behavior."

The 4 Ts of Engaging Management

Teams self-organize and self-direct, so much of the Taylorist views of what a manager can do seem to not apply at all. What is the working arrangement between an agile team and their manager?

  • Time (schedule) - As a steward of the schedule, a manager needs to know where the teams' effort stands--are they behind or ahead the expected schedule? Does the release need to be delayed or de-scoped? The manager is best positioned to communicate issues and evaluate the larger impact to the organization.  When the schedule needs change, we find that your chance of success is greater the earlier the matter is communicated to management. While human nature may lead one to avoid delivering bad news, it is usually better to share problems with people who are in a position to help.
  • Talent (talent pool) - A manager may bring in additional talent in the form of trainers, consultants, staff augmentation contractors, or new employees. Sometimes having an eLearning course, a visiting expert, or a short-term consultant can make a huge long-term difference in the team's technical proficiency.
    A manager may change hiring criteria to bring in the kinds of developers that will help the team to work in a more fluent and productive way.
    Likewise, a manager can remove or reassign a team member who just isn't working for the current team. These kinds of issues require coordination with HR and possibly even legal representation, but are a good use of your manager's time. See also Robert Sutton's research on maintaining a productive workplace.
  • Target (direction, goals) - Agility (strictly defined) is the ability to change direction gracefully. Sometimes a change of technology or target audience can greatly improve a product's chance of being accepted in the market. Additionally, agile teams would rather face failures early when they're inexpensive (fail fast) than have hopeless projects run on until resources are exhausted. Any a significant change in direction, whether cost-saving or value-creating, will need to involve management.
  • Treasury (funding) - There are times that spending a few hundred or a few thousand dollars can make the difference between the team working fluidly versus struggling and slogging along. Is your biggest need for a distributed build product? A better build server? An alternative testing tool? A local version control server? More reliable intranet? A better library or framework? A minor hardware upgrade? An online training course?
When a problem can only be solved using one or more of the 4Ts, then it is clearly a management problem. Make use of your manager's sphere of influence to improve the team's chance of success.

Agile supports the empowered, competent team. The team should own their problems and push forward with solutions and data-based decision-making.  On the other hand, a team can hardly be called "resourceful" when their management assets go unused. Remember that the manager is a member of the team, and often managers pride themselves on problem-solving.

For problems in the gray area where some solutions are purely technical, it may be wise to involve management in triage. You would be surprised how many times teams have struggled with a work-around only to find that a manager would have been happy to solve the problem outright through his contacts and resources.

In your next retrospective, consider adding solution category called "take it to management." See if it helps your velocity over time.

Management Theater

Great managers can improve teams in meaningful ways: smoothing the workflow, selecting targets worth hitting, wisely managing budget and schedule, and working to align teams with organizational goals. We have fond memories of great managers, technical or otherwise, who led and mentored us, who helped us reach new plateaus of understanding and productivity.

We're not talking about those great managers today.

Instead, we'll discuss a particular form of management dysfunction often seen in development shops. Daniel Pink (in Drive) points out that programming shops are full of people who are motivated by the work and excited to make progress. Intrinsic motivation tends to be quite high, though exceptions exist (see Esther Derby's Stop Demotivating Me). Most shops face problems with procedure, organization, technological limits, overly ambitious schedules, and shortage of knowledge or practice. Less astute managers don't understand the problems in their teams, and misinterpret these as motivational issues. When the problem is technical, it does not help to attempt solving it through motivation.


You've probably been a witness to most of these. Just in case they're not obvious:
  • Begging: "Please, I just really need you to work harder to get this done. Just this one time."
  • Browbeating: "Stop your whining and get it done before I replace you with someone who gives a darn about their job!"
  • Cheerleading: "I have faith in you, you're the best! Go Team!"
  • Punative Reporting: "I want to see daily status reports! Twice daily!"
  • Publicity Stunts: "I want every last one of us in this meeting. We need a show of force!"
Such motivational tactics tend to be ineffective. To people struggling with difficult organizational and/or technical problems, emotional appeals seem to be a kind of buffoonery. Of course, if the team succeeds despite the management theater, it merely strengthens the causal connection in the manager's mind. By simply not failing, the team locks their manager into a pattern that ensures that all future crises will be met with emotional and ineffective responses.

We should not be asking how to make managers behave. We should be asking what a team can do to ensure that a manager can provide effective servant leadership. Management theater is not a manager's first choice of action, but rather a tactic of last resource. When a manager does not have sufficient information or timely opportunity to be effective, she must use whatever ethical means remain. Management theater is, therefore, primarily a process smell not of management but of the development team.