• instructor info
  • text & materials
  • reading
  • grading policy
  • lab policy
  • class assignments
  • disabled students

Syllabus - CS 50.31/50.32

A practical hands on course where students create a complex Web site for a non-profit agency in the community. Topics include: planning and producing a Web site, creating a web proposal, storyboard and timeline creation, workflow management, contracts, bidding, content development, communication strategies, effective teamwork, client relations, time-saving production techniques, site promotion strategies and Web site maintenance options. Students will work in teams of 3-5 to develop a web site for a client to be provided by their instructor.

INSTRUCTOR: Linda Hemenway

Phone: 707 - 527 - 4855

E-mail: lhemenway@santarosa.edu

Office Hours: Tuesday 11am - 2pm - Room 2939 SR campus

E-mail Office Hours: 9:00-10:00am Monday / Wednesday

skype :: lindahemenway

CLASS - 5-7 pm in 2913 Maggini Hall, Santa Rosa campus
Lab - 7-9 pm in 2806 (2nd floor lab)

HOMEPAGE: www.santarosa.edu/~lhemenw/

COURSE OUTLINE: CS 50.31 :: CS 50.32

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Textbook and Web site

Recommended - Collaborative Web Development by Jessica Burdman
available at SRJC campus bookstores or order online

Recommended - Some students may decide to purchase this book instead or the text listed above. The Principles of Successful Freelancing by Miles Burke. This can be found online at amazon, it is not currently in the bookstore

Recommended - We will be using forms from a web site web site which created extremely useful Web development forms. That site is www.webdevbiz.com/index.cfm. You do not need to purchase these forms to participate in the class, however if you plan on starting your own business you do need to buy these forms. I have permission to use them only on the class projects.

class website - www.santarosa.edu/~lhemenw/busweb

Reading Assignments Collaborative Web Development
Week 1 - Ch 2 - The Team
Week 2 - Ch 5 - The Client
Week 3 - Ch 1 - The Project
Week 4 - Chapter 3, focus on the "Creative and Content Planning" section
Week 5 - PGM only - Chapter 3, focus on the "Technical Planning" section
Week 6 - Ch 4 - Communication Issues
Week 7 - Ch 6- Multi departmental and Large Scale Projects
Week 8 - 11 - no reading
Week 12 - Ch 7 - Quality Assurance and Testing
Optional Reading - Ch 8, 9, and 10

Reading Assignments Principles of Successful Freelancing

For PMs, DES, IMDs and PRGMs the beginning of the semester is very busy and the end of the semester is calmer. If you have one of those roles read at the pace indicated below.
Week 1-2 : Preface
Week 3-4 : Ch 1 - Considering Freelancing
Week 5-6 : Ch 2 - Prepare for the Transition
Week 7-8 : Ch 3 - Managing Money
Week 9-10 : Ch 4 - Set Yourself Up
Week 11 : Ch 5 - Win the Work
Week 12 : Ch 6- Give Great Service
Week 13 : Ch 7 - Achieve Work-Life Balance
Week 14 : Ch 8 - Where to From Here?

If you are a CD read according to this schedule:

Week 1 - Preface
Week 2 - Ch 1 - Considering Freelancing
Week 3 - Ch 2 - Prepare for the Transition
Week 4 - Ch 3 - Managing Money
Week 5 - Ch 4 - Set Yourself Up
Week 6 - Ch 5 - Win the Work
Week 7 - Ch 6- Give Great Service
Week 8 - Ch 7 - Achieve Work-Life Balance
Week 9 - Ch 8 - Where to From Here?

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Work must be turned in to me by midnight on the due date. Work will be turned in using an online forms, email and paper. Include your first name, last name, and section # whenever you submit email or written assignments. When you have a question about the homework or any of the concepts covered in class please send an email which includes your full name, a ?, and section #.

Please note - late work will only be accepted 1 week after due date and a 20% deduction will be imposed.

If you are taking this course to complete one of the web development certificates you must take the class for a letter grade.

These are the percentages for grades:

100%-90% A
89%-80% B
79%-70% C
69%-60% D
less than 60% F

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Lab Resources and Policies
The CIS department provides several computer labs including :

  1. CSL Lab - Maggini Hall 3rd floor
  2. BCL Lab - Maggini Hall 2nd floor
  3. PET Lab - Petaluma Center
These labs all have Macs and PCs which contain Netscape and IE as well as HTML editors and graphics software. We have zip drives, scanners, color printers and laser writers as well. You may also use your home computer. I would be glad to answer questions about lecture material and "extra" topics not covered in class when I am on duty in the lab or during office hours (I enjoy helping you).

The lab printers are for class use only! Please do not use the printers to print out class notes or large web sites which can consume printed several pages.

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Class Assignments
This class is unique in that it requires students to combine "technical skills"such as HTML, Photoshop, Perl, PHP, ASP, Java, or Javascript, with "soft skills" such as respect for co-workers, effective communication, problem solving, negotiation, compromise, and flexibility. A student's interaction with the instructor, their group, and their assigned client will all be factored into the assignments and will be reflected in their final grade.

For a complete list of class assignments with due dates and links to online forms visit the homework page

A more detailed timeline can be found at the meeting schedule page or the calendar/to do list section of the site.

When you have a question about the homework or any of the concepts covered in class please send an email which includes your full name, a ?, and section #. Please note - late work will only be accepted 1 week after due date and a 20% deduction will be imposed.

Many of the assignments are submitted using online forms. If for some reason you cannot submit these forms - don't despair! Students can send your instructor an email with the information.

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Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
If you need disability related accommodations for this class, such as a note taker, test taking services, special furniture, etc., please provide the Authorization for Academic Accommodations (AAA letter) from the Disability Resources Department (DRD) to the instructor as soon as possible. You may also speak with the instructor privately during office hours about your accommodations. If you have not received authorization from DRD, it is recommended that you contact them directly. DRD is located in Analy Village on the Santa Rosa campus, and Jacobs Hall on the Petaluma Campus.

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