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Watermaze publications 1966-2002

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[Place-navigation impaired.] 
R G M Morris et al. 1982. Place-navigation impaired in rats 
with hippocampal lesions. Nature, 297, 681-683.

[Being there]
Robert J Sutherland & Rick Linggard. 1982. Being there: a novel 
demonstration of latent spatial learning in the rat. Beh & Neural 
Biology, 36,103-107.

[The classic Morris methods paper] Still good !
Please note: current trackers do not require the 'camera-mask' shown in this paper.Richard Morris. 1984. Developments of a water-maze procedure for studying spatial learning in the rat. Journal of Neuroscience  Methods, 11, 47-60.

[Whishaw corridor test]
Ian Q Whishaw. 1984. Formation of a place-learning set by the rat. a 
new paradigm for neurobehavioral studies. Physiol & Beh.,35, 139-143.

[The Kelly Tests, put into HVS software at the request of Dr Kelly.]
N. Venable & P. Kelly. 1991. Effects of NMDA antagonists on memory 
processes in a novel two-trial swimming test. Beh. Pharm., 2, 161-169.

[The Gallagher Proximity measures, put into the HVS software at the 
request of Dr Gallagher.]
Michela Gallagher et al. 1993. Severity of spatial learning impairment 
in aging: development of a learning-index for performance in the 
Morris water maze test. 107, 4, 18-626.

[Warm the water !]
Edvard Moser et al. 1993.Association between brain temperature and 
dentate field potentials in exploring & swimming rats. Science, 259, 

[Anticipates HVS 'Counters'.]
Alicja L. Markowska et al. 1993. Variable-interval probe trial test 
as a tool for repeated measurements of spatial memory in the water 
maze. Beh Neuroscience, 107, 627-632.

[Instead of milk !] (No feedback on suitability for use with HVS.)
D.P.Cain et al. 1993. Polypropylene pellets as in inexpensive 
resusable substitute for milk in the Morris milk maze. J. of 
Neuroscience Methods. 49. 193-197.

Escape strategies of mice in the watermaze: a meta-analytical dissection
D.P. Wolfer, R. Madani, H. Welzl, H.-P. Lipp
