We're busy bringing up a new website, don't be surprised by any glitches.
 * move over old content
 * rss/atom
 * i18n
 * contact info
 * rewrite paginating
 * hmm seems that the e-cache replies are not changing.

Latest 5 posts

Soort van broodpuddingrecept

Een broodpudding-achtig baksel, ideaal voor oudbrood recyclage. Een recptje.

Setting up tunnels over DNS on crippled connections

Implementing and testing different scenarios to use a crippled (public) internet connection

Revamping veganisme.be and vegetarisme.be webmail. thoughts

Some thoughts about integrating the mail into their current website.

5 years of crackedwillow.net

We're around for 5 years now. Technical skills got sharpened, hardware refurbished and now we're giving away free domains.

Some words about Jekyll & Liquid

changing the codebase of this website. Some tests.
gipoco.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.