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Start your market research online community today

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Market research online communities (MROCs) will shock the qualitative market research world. They provide cheaper, faster and newer types of insights that today’s traditional qualitative research modes, such as focus groups, don’t currently provide.

- Forrester Research, ‘Will Web 2.0 Transform Market Research’, April 2008



Over the course of time, communities can help you save tens of thousands of dollars over traditional in-person methods by saving you the hassle and expense of having to run a study every time you want to learn something new. Save on recruiting, travel, incentives (and more).



Having your own market research online community can help you cut your research cycle time from weeks or months to hours or days, helping you make decisions faster than ever before and speed to market innovative new products and services.



You’ll be amazed what your company can learn once you open up the floor for your community members to tell you about their lives and needs on their own terms. You’ll love being able to listen to, learn from and collaborate with your customers whenever you want.

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    Your own branded community

    It all starts when we create your private, branded online community on PluggedIN’s proprietary platform, which has been custom-designed to encourage vibrant, highly engaging conversations around topics of interest to your organization. If you’re interested in learning more about the features of PluggedIN’s platform, you can click on the link below to see a full feature list.

    Learn more about the PluggedIN Platform

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    Hand-picked participants

    Tell us who you are interested in having join your community, and we’ll find them. We will screen and hand-pick the members we think will be the ideal fit for your needs. Invite customers, prospects, employees (or anyone, really) to join your community and participate in facilitated conversations of interest to your brand. We’re big fans of communities with less than 150 members because they get higher engagement levels, but can run communities of all shapes and sizes.

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    It starts with a plan…

    Just like you would for a focus group (or any type of research study), we’ll work closely with you to understand your needs and translate them into research topics that can be posed to the members of your community. PluggedIN will design the research plan, which is constantly updated and adapted over the life of the your community as we develop insights and ideas from community conversations.

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    Your community, on-demand

    Once your community is launched, you’re welcome to use it whenever you want, as much as you want, to generate help ongoing insights for your business. Have a big meeting coming up and need some quick feedback from your community? We have you covered. In no time you’ll be making quick decisions informed directly by customer feedback, helping you stay one step ahead of your competition.

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    Facilitated daily by PluggedIN

    We’ll stop in to your community throughout the day, every day, to see what your community members are up to and help encourage a sustained dialogue around topics of interest to you. You’re welcome to observe the conversations as they unfold from the comfort of your own private “backroom” area. If you see something interesting, just send our moderator a private note and we’ll probe on it right away.

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    Listen and learn…

    Your community will act as a 24/7 listening post, helping you get ideas and insights that would have never emerged through point-in-time studies like focus groups. PluggedIN’s platform is designed specifically with listening in mind, with multiple ways for your community members to share top-of-mind thoughts and ideas for your brand. Our moderators are always on the lookout for relevant user generated content, and will be feeding it back to you through your private “back room” area of the site, as well as through your ongoing community reports.

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    We’ll keep you plugged in

    Our researchers will analyze the conversations in your community and regularly report back to you with insights and actionable recommendations for your brand. You’ll feel truly “plugged in” to the voice of your customer, and your organization will benefit from an increased focus and visibility of consumer insights. Give us a call today, and we’ll take you through our unique five-step process for hardwiring the voice of the customer into your organization.

    Get a live community demo by PluggedIN

Start your market research online community today

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