
Pace Calculator

Use the Rogue pace calculator to predict your performance based on either a 2 mile time trail up to a Marathon. The Rogue Calculator will provide you with your optimal training paces for key workouts.

Training Articles

Read articles related to how you can get started running or improve your fitness and speed with running drills, proper nutrition and mental preparation.


Take a look at where the Rogues run in and around Austin Texas. Submit your route with Name and distance to and we will add it to our list.


In for the long haul? The El Sendero Endurance Trail Race is happening at Reveille Peak Ranch on December 10, and will feature up to 50 miles of rugged, challenging terrain and more than a few spectacular views as it winds through this enormous hill country ranch.

If 50 miles sounds too far, 50K and 25K distances are also offered. If those sound too far, this isn't the race for you. Go long or go home - which path will you choose?

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