
spacer Trauma = Transformation

Posted on January 8, 2012 by Katherine C.H.E.


Hi David. I know you’ve probably addressed this before, but I need some real help. Just before the holidays I experienced a traumatic and life-changing event. It leveled me. I’m not going to go into details, but let’s just say I will never be the same. My problem is that the after effects have left me sad, depressed, and feeling totally hopeless and afraid. I don’t know if I can move through it or how to even begin. Can you help get me moving in the right direction?


First, let me just say that the key to you moving through this is to seek the truth.

Universal Truth states that we create EVERYTHING in our lives; all the “good” and all the “bad“.

When something happens in our lives that we feel Continue reading


spacer What are you willing to believe??

Posted on February 20, 2012 by Katherine C.H.E.

What are you willing to believe??

You believe what you believe, right?

Nope. Belief is a choice, a habit of thought.

So, what do you choose to think?

Thoughts create your reality.

What are you willing to think again and again until it becomes so real to you that it is a belief? Continue reading

spacer I Will Always Love You: Whitney, Relationships, and the LOA

Posted on February 12, 2012 by Katherine C.H.E.

Whitney Houston’s death has me reflecting a bit on where and how we can depart from our paths.

And, there are certainly many lessons we can learn.

One idea I keep coming back to is what our Expert Faculty member, David Neagle, talks about (and warns against) so often: Toxic Relationships.

In a life of full responsibility for our own outcomes, a Toxic Relationship is not someone who “brings you down” but rather someone who reflects back the “worst” in you, someone who is a mirror and brings focus and attention to the parts of yourself that are NOT where you want to head — AND (and this AND is important) with whom you create an agreement that it is OK to stay in those places and continue to focus on those things.

So, if Whitney and Bobby had recognized Continue reading