  • Bio
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  • Bio


Short Bio

Lindsey loves writing, rock climbing, surfing, traveling, and outdoor adventures. She writes Young Adult novels and is an active member of the Austin SCBWI chapter. She is represented by Mandy Hubbard of D4E0 Literary Agency.

Long Bio

Lindsey Scheibe loves writing, rock climbing, surfing, traveling, and outdoor adventures. She writes Young Adult novels and is represented by Mandy Hubbard of D4E0 Literary Agency. She lives in the Austin area with her husband and two children.

Upon graduating college, “Sic’em Bears,” she packed everything in her little bitty car and drove to Colorado where she spent the summer mountain guiding. Someday, this fun will be useful to her.

Fast forward several years later… she is married to an amazing man and has two equally incredible children. She spends a lot of time laughing with her husband.

In all her spare time, hahaha, she spent the past six years either volunteering with Adventure Crew (coed HS scouts) or her church’s youth group where she had the fun of hanging out with the same group of girls from their freshman to senior year. Now that they’re all grown up, she’s taking this year off to focus on being wife, mommy, and writer.

She volunteered with Makarios the past two years, as well as visited their missionary school in the Dominican Republic where they service Haitian and Dominican children.

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