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::: Come Celebrate ADAC’s End of Season!

As the weather starts to get warmer, we have decided that it’s the perfect weather to throw a party! Please join ADAC on Friday, June 3rd for an evening of fun, food, and networking to celebrate the end of our season. To help celebrate ADAC, there will be a showcase of ADAC history including Envision posters and T-shirts. We will also be hosting a silent auction featuring some posters from famous screen printers such as Jason Munn of The Small Stakes and French Paper. 

Open to both members and non-members.
Free event. Donations welcome.

The event will be held at AIA Central Valley building, 1400 S Street, Sacramento at 6 p.m.

If you have a job listing, please send it to webmaster@adac.org for distribution to our members. Thank you!

To find out about other design events in Sacramento and other news, see our design blog.

For more information on ADAC events, visit the events page.


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