

A partner in transforming business strategy
into brand experience.

Founded in 1999, MSDS is a specialized branding and user experience design firm based in New York City. We exist for one purpose: to use the power of design to turn your brand into a driver of business success, however you define it.

We bring together the rigor and insights of a business strategy consultancy with the creativity and innovation of a design firm. Our experience and expertise are concentrated in the overlapping practices of brand strategy, corporate identity, user experience, information design and print communications.

We're not big by design, and we believe our size offers enormous value to our clients. We achieve remarkable results by dedicating teams of senior-level talent to be thought partners with you in challenging conventional wisdom. Our relationships emphasize close-knit collaboration and the collective learning experience— turning business strategy and creative execution into a platform that translates your business vision into one-of-a kind brand experiences.

We uncover the differentiating ideas that matter most to your audience and then help you project them with clarity and precision across every touchpoint. We keep our eye on the big picture. And every project we undertake is understood as part of a greater, interdependent whole. The result is a scalable, integrated communications system that all points back one big idea: who you are and why you matter.

Activate Your Brand

Interested in adding value to your business with your next communications initiative?

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