Spring Cleaning the Workshop

Posted by Dan on

March 16, 2009

spacer Spring is here and so the time to start doing projects around the house has come. In preparation to do projects for the summer I have tasked myself with getting my workshop cleaned up. As you can see from the picture to the right and below the workshop section of my garage had become a storage facility during the winter.

New Shelf

spacer Part of the cleanup project was to add an additional shelf above my wall-mounted workbench. In the process of doing that I noticed that a couple of the anchors for the existing shelf were starting to come out of the wall. I shored this up by adding a metal L-bracket connected to a stud. Looking back now I am not sure why I did not attach the shelf brackets to studs in the first place. I made up for it with the new shelf though by adding two additional brackets. I also made sure that all 6 brackets of the new shelf were attached to studs. That shelf should be fine for years to come although I might want to think about painting it.

The Workbenches

Another part of the project is to finish up my mobile (or movable) workbenches. I have had these guys for 3 years now and have never finished them because they were doing pretty good the way they were. I need more storage space though and there is plenty of space under them that is not being fully utilized right now. In addition to that one of the benches is pretty unstable and so needs a little rework to be as solid as the other bench.

spacer My plans for the workbenches include taking the current tops of 5/8” plywood and cutting them down to use as a shelf at the bottom of the bench. From there I bought 3/4 MDF that I will use for the top. I really did not take care of the tops of benches before but I want to this time around so I will be sealing them with Polyurethane and will protect them from now on if I paint on them.

I will also be adding backs to the benches so that the items that I store in the bottom will not be easily accessible by the kids when they are in the garage. The kids love the garage and try to get into anything that they can while in there. The other thing that will do is make it look a little cleaner and organized.

The final thing that I am thinking of doing is to paint and/or stain the benches. I know they are benches and they are in the garage but it may be nice to see them finished. I think I could spend the whole spring working on the benches so I have to be careful so that I can actually get to some other projects.

My hope is that I can finish the cleanup/rebuild within the next few days and get to a couple of other projects that I have lined up. We’ll see how successful I am with that schedule spacer .

Tags: cleanup, MDF, Organization, shelves, workbenches

Categories: Organization, Work Shop

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