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Wideload is currently hiring for:
- Engineering lead

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September 28, 2006

Hey you. Yeah, you. Sitting there with all that programming expertise.


We got a proposition for you.

Think about this: living in Chicago - a thriving world-class city with great food, great neighborhoods, great nightlife and culture out the wazoo - while working on Wideload games. Flexing your engineering muscles in a fun, creative environment that is pleasantly free of bureaucracy and politics. Taking a lead role in the creation of games everyone else will be imitating in a few years.

Sure, there are other options. You could move to California and get a job squeezing out WWII shooters for some big company. Bet nobody's thought of that before. Sounds almost as satisfying as it is original. Perhaps someday you'll be assigned to work on an ersatz clone of a Wideload game. It'll be almost like working here, except you'll be following a trail instead of blazing it. Kind of like being a courtroom stenographer, writing other people's words instead of your own. If that sounds boring to you, don't worry; at any moment, you could perish in one of those colossal earthquakes that Chicagoans never have to worry about. Talk about excitement!

Intrigued? Check out our Lead Engineer listing to see if you have what it takes.

Not intrigued, but know someone who might be? Get in touch - we're offering a free video iPod to the person who refers our new Lead Engineer to us. That's right - free gadgets for our pals. That's how we roll in Chicago.

Let the Healing Begin
August 2, 2006
There's no point in dancing around the obvious, so we'll just come out and say it. This high-maintenance relationship with the internet has caused us some grief. It's not that we stopped loving the internet, because that's just not possible. But even our deep and abiding love was sorely tested when the internet got all clingy and suffocating. Expecting us to drop whatever we're doing and attend to its needs, like a burdensome child too stubborn to fill its own bottle or change its own diaper. It was totally crowding our personal space and negging our vibes. Sometimes we just need a little Wideload time, you know? So we decided to let this page go without an update for a while. Harsh? Undoubtedly... but that's why they call it "tough love."

So if you ever came to this site and wondered why we hadn't posted about Stubbs entering the UK Xbox charts at #1, or his recent surprise attack on the US charts, we're sorry. It was all part of our plan to teach the internet a lesson in patience and restraint.

The good news is that since we weren't frittering all our time away on making website updates or doing a podcast or what have you, we finally had time to sit around the office working on new video games. In stark contrast to the internet, the process of developing video games is a non-stop cavalcade of giggles. It's so much fun we can't believe we get paid for doing it. There ought to be a law. Anyway, there's a ton of cool new Wideload goodness coming gradually towards you like a rabid box turtle with a grudge against your whole family. You'll be able to read about our new stuff right here... eventually. It will arrive at its own pace, and the beautiful thing is that the internet is totally cool with that now. So we'd like to thank the internet for being brave and strong enough to grow spiritually during this difficult time. We'll always love you, internet.

We'd also like to thank the Isle of Man. Just because.

Vote for the Load
February 28, 2006
spacer The International Game Developers Association has nominated Wideload for a Game Developers Choice Award - specifically, the Best New Studio* award. This is quite an accolade for a small independent developer, and to be frank it took us completely by surprise. We are all wearing pants today just in case someone comes over to photograph us.

Seriously folks, it's an honor just to be nominated...but who are we kidding? We'd be even more honored if we won. If you're a member of the IGDA, remember: a vote for Wideload is a vote for Honor. Offer your Honor to Wideload!

* Not to be confused with the less prestigious Sussudio award.

Stubbs the Zombie: Press Darling

January 27, 2006
Just because his body is rotting before our very eyes doesn't mean Stubbs is without vanity.  Click here for a collection of his favorite quotes about himself.  As a special bonus, we have news of his impending trip to Europe.

November 30, 2005
Our hero Stubbs made an appearance on the 10th annual MediaWise reportcard list of games parents shouldn't get for their kids. Senator Lieberman noted that cannibalism is "the worst kind of message to kids". True, I guess, but uh... Zombies aren't cannibals dude [more].

Older news can be found here...

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