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The Procession encompasses several projects that begin months in advance and involve hundreds of people from different communities, both local and global. These projects were created to serve the growing numbers of people coming to the Procession each year. After 2005, there was a great need to expand the Procession to multiple events, targeting people of all ages to experience them in ways different than attending the parade. It is the mission of MMOS to instill and promote Festal Culture, and it can be seen with each participant who creates a mask, constructs an altar, or donates an image, story, or name, all are experiencing Festal Culture.

MMOS is always open to new ideas for projects, especially ones that involve the participation of the general public. Please contact us if you have any ideas or suggestions. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.