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Welcome is a small site that started on the 4th of February, run by Taylor, a seventeen year old girl from Kent in England. more.

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  • Version Four
  • Name: Satellite
  • Started: 28/02/2012
  • Featuring: Me
  • Program: Photoshop CS5.1
  • Updates

  • 01 sims 2 model
  • 01 photoshop action
  • 20 icons
  • 04 textures
  • 02 blends
  • 01 coded layout
  • 01 tutorial

  • Link Back



    Any and all content on this website is/was created by and therefore property of Taylor Bell unless stated otherwise. Any use should be credited and claiming as your own, stealing or redistributing without permission is strictly prohibited. If you wish to redistribute something, please ask me first.

    New layout, new section, new worries.

    Hi guys! As you can see, I've put a new layout up - and yes that is me, I ran out of ideas, so livetraced some old pictures and made that. I've also added a section to the site dedicated to the sims 2, which I'm a teeny bit in love with.

    Also, I won't be around this weekend (friday-sunday) because I'm staying with my boyfriend, which I am dreading! - I have to meet his older sisters; something I haven't done yet. So I'm all like fghdsjdahshajsfgjagbajf.

    Anyway, I'll soon be giving out some gift-vouchers for up to half off paid hosting, in light of my 5 month anniversary coming up! So keep checking, because the voucher code can only be used by five people, so you're going to have to get there fast to use them!

    The first person to apply using the voucher code will only have to pay for the domain name of their choice, (.info, .com, .net, .org) and their hosting would be free for a year!

    Anyway, that's about all I've got for you at the moment. So I'll check in later.

    Much love xo

    Posted on 28 Feb 2012 by Taylor

    Important Notice - Damn Layout

    Hey! Just thought I'd post again so you're aware of the situation with the current site layout, it only seems to show up correctly in Google Chrome, which is the browser I use.

    Here is how the site should look:
    This is how it appears in Google Chrome.

    Here is how the site looks in IE:

    As you can see there are a few differences. The layout is supposed to have rounded corners, which do not show up in IE. My blockquote CSS doesn't seem to have changed and when viewing other pages, such as resources (in IE) the italic description beneath the links is, for some reason, in capital letters, and the drop-shadow effect on my headers doesn't seem to have taken in IE, either.

    There is also a slight problem in the sidebar further down. I do not know why this has happened, but now more than ever, I highly reccommend using my site in Google Chrome. Just thought I'd make sure you knew, otherwise you'd think my skills were slacking! Aha :) and those who use IE, sorry for the inconvenience, but as I'm not sure what caused this problem I can't fix it. I'll look through the codes for anything I've missed, but other than that, I can't do much :( Sorry!

    Posted on 19 Feb 2012 by Taylor

    Cherry Bomb

    Haaaai, as you can see, I've changed the main layout (again!) - for two reasons. Or three, actually.

  • I wasn't a huge fan of the last one.
  • Things are hectic, not sure when I'll be able to make a new main layout.
  • I'm obsessed with the Runaways.

    Look, I love the band. Alot. So if you do too, and haven't yet seen the movie, I'd see it now. Like now. It's awesome, well worth buying. Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning played the roles of Joan Jett and Cherie Currie brilliantly - I couldn't fault them at all.

    So yeah, if you can, let me know what you think of the new layout.
    I've also added a 'recent updates' section in the sidebar, so instead of putting it all here, it'll be there, so keep checking for new stuff. :)


    Posted on 18 Feb 2012 by Taylor

    My friends are so weird.

    So I'm laughing so much I can't breathe.

    My friend Jordan and I are on MSN talking about mornings, and how the birds sit on her window sill and have, as she put it, 'their daily flying lesson':

    ᴊoʀᴅᴀɴᴡıʟsоɴ. xo says:
    *i opened
    *the window before
    *when i was
    *in a really bad mood
    *& the
    *who dont have their
    *puffin badge yet
    *all dived off

    taylor. says:
    ᴊoʀᴅᴀɴᴡıʟsоɴ. xo says:
    *i know..
    *but theres like
    *a big tree
    *my window

    taylor. says:

    ᴊoʀᴅᴀɴᴡıʟsоɴ. xo says:
    *sp hopefully?

    taylor. says:

    * ᴊoʀᴅᴀɴᴡıʟsоɴ. xo says:
    *well i just
    *imagine it to be like
    *swimming lessons?
    *once they can fly
    *so far
    *they get a badge
    *the big ones
    *i reckon theyve allgot their
    *100m badge
    *some of them probs have their flying in the jarmas badge too


    Posted on 10 Feb 2012 by Taylor

    I think too much, and obsess too easily.

    Good Morning! I say Morning, it's twenty minutes to 1am where I am! Still counts as morning though, right? Why don't I sleep? I always seem to be on here at this time! Aha. Nevermind.

    Anyway, I think the title would have some people wondering so here goes!
    Basically I have a severe obsession with Rise Against (and the lead singer, Tim Mcilrath. Good lord, I'd marry that man.) but yeah. So one of my favourite songs is called Make It Stop (Septembers Children). I knew it was about overcoming bullying, and the string of gay suicides in September 2010. However, up til a few days ago, I hadn't watched the video. I don't know if I regret watching it or not. It really upset me. Here it is:

    Now, I may be the only person upset by this - but it happened to me, so I guess it's understandable. I think anyone who has been bullied for whatever reason can relate to this, but being bullied for being bisexual was hard. It made me feel like I was worth so much less than others - but then again, anyone who has been bullied will know. So I just wanted to ask - am I being stupid obsessing over this? It's not upsetting me or anything, well, no more than it would anyone, but I literally cannot stop thinking about it. I want to raise awareness, and have no idea how.

    Ideas would be welcome :)

    Anyway, have a good day/night/whatever it is where you are!

    Stay beautiful x

    Posted on 09 Feb 2012 by Taylor

    Dedication Much?!

    Hiya! Finally got round to installing cutenews. I can't be dealing with Wordpress, it confuses me with the themes and the blablabla. I sort of sit there like 'Okay, I can do this. I'll read a few tutorials, I'm a smart girl, I can do this.' and then I read the tutorials and get bored.

    I find wordpress dull. I don't know why, but everytime I sit down to learn it, it bores me?! I don't know, it's 2am, I'm not in a good state D:

    So, as exhaustion sets over we ponder the cause.. OWAIT I KNOW! THAT IS THE CAUSE. I actually stayed awake for 48 hours setting up, uploading content blablabla. I have no idea why. I just want everything on here so I can sleep easy, which is why I'm still up, talking rubbish to you. Hmm... OHYE I REMEMBER WHY I WAS ON HERE!

    What do you guys want from me? like, I don't know, what resources, competitions, what? TELL ME.

    Also, I'm looking for affiliates for the new site! Apply apply applyyyyyy, as long as you talk to me and don't have a site full of porn I'll love you.

    Lulz, this is why I shouldn't be allowed contact with humans unless I've had a good nights sleep.

    I've updated the blends section and added a coded layouts section.
    (I sat there and ignored my boyfriends pleas for attention in order to code that layout, so be greatful! Ha! Oh I'm the best girlfriend ever.)

    I think I may need to sort out my priorities. Lalalala.

    Posted on 08 Feb 2012 by Taylor
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