
News! News!

  1. The new rooster DIAGRAM tshirt is out. You know you want one.
  2. The deadline for both the DIAGRAM/NMP Chapbook Contest and the Innovative Fiction Contest is 03.30.2012.
  3. Order the 2011 chapbook subscription now because you want to.
  4. Whoa! DIAGRAM.4, the new print anthology, is also out. Order [here].

It is finally time. Issue [12.1], the ALL-ESSAY SPECTACULAR SPECTACULAR SPECTACULAR has dropped. Allow it to fill you!

Or consult the dusty archives of yore: [11.6] [11.5] [11.4] [11.3] [11.2] [11.1], [10.6] [10.5] [10.4] [10.3] [10.2] [10.1], [9.6] [9.5] [9.4] [9.3] [9.2] [9.1] [8.6] [8.5] [8.4] [8.3] [8.2] [8.1], [7.6] [7.5] [7.4] [7.3] [7.2] [7.1], [6.6] [6.5] [6.4] [6.3] [6.2] [6.1], [5.6] [5.5] [5.4] [5.3] [5.2] [5.1], [4.6] [4.5] [4.4] [4.3] [4.2] [4.1], [3.6] [3.5] [3.4] [3.3] [3.2] [3.1], [2.6] [2.5] [2.4] [2.3] [2.2] [2.1], [1.6] [1.5] [1.4] [1.3] [1.2] [1.1]. Or, a possibly better way to navigate through the archives: [Comprehensive Index of Authors].

USEFUL INFO: [Submission Guidelines] [Review Guidelines & Blog] [Corollary Sites] [Contest Guidelines and Results] [Masthead] [New Michigan Press] [Climate Controlled: Writing from the North] [DIAGRAM Print Anthologies] [DIAGRAM clothing and swag] [DIAGRAM disc golf discs, eh?] Or perhaps you might enjoy the 10th Anniversary Anthology Deck of Cards!

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ISSN: 1543-5784.

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